Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: N/AI appologise, Butterfree. I'm sorry :(
[29/04/2010 10:40:08]
Thank you for clearing that up. By the way, great story.
[29/04/2010 03:29:23]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesTbyrd11: Yes, or rather, because their soul is their body, their souls recover a lot more easily from damage such as that inflicted by the curse.
[29/04/2010 02:19:33]
Just want to say, I love the Cave of Dragonflies. Oh, and thanks for the HTML template.
P.S. I am a ruler of the universe, thank you very much.[29/04/2010 01:14:47]
I LOVE battling! I tried out a team of pokes I just caught and used and I won by literally 5 hp :0
Lugia, Vaporeon, Charmeleon, Flareon, Jolteon, Bulbasaur.
Ho-oh, Pikachu, Pikachu, Pikachu, Gyrados, …. something else
I beat his surfing pikachu with my flareon
:0[29/04/2010 01:12:46]
@ Butterfree
In your story "Curse" Ghost types are not affected by curse because their "body" is their soul, so when they use it they can just regenerate what they lost, right?[28/04/2010 22:49:31]
That site is an affront to the English language.
[28/04/2010 20:02:25]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI already dealt with that. If you search the page for "Dragonfree", you'll find my posts most of the way down the page.
[28/04/2010 19:04:22]
hello folks. I come to you with a rumor. Lvl.100 Ditto breed faster than lower leveled ones.
[28/04/2010 15:33:42]
Website: Yugioh cardmasters forumsOh, on the smae page, Volcaryu and Scorplack are there, and i clearly read that the poster said tehy were his!
[28/04/2010 14:54:02]
Website: Yugioh cardmakers forumsThe website name, i forgot about it. Click on the website name.
PS: I'm not sure if it counts as sprite theft. I'm just alerting you.[28/04/2010 14:32:53]
Website: N/AI dont have an E-mail but there is someone who stole the sprites of leta, letal, letaligon. Butterfree, i cant contact you but the address is in the website address box.
[28/04/2010 14:30:03]
Website: N/AMy pokemon battle revolution arrived a few days ago, and so did my platinum. I'm so happy. Time to seek help from the site :D
Torkoa for da spammifier.[28/04/2010 13:50:44]
Website: N/AI missed you all soooo much!! :D
Arceus for the spammifier =P.[28/04/2010 13:48:41]
Website: N/AI wanna try this ;moltres;…….wonder if it works.
BUTTERFREE!!! It's so good to see you again! :)[28/04/2010 13:46:49]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's not any move the male can learn. Moves are inherited if i) they're learned by the baby via level-up and both parents know it, ii) they're TM/HM moves the baby can learn that the father knows, or iii) they're egg moves the baby gets that the father knows. Since Pichu can't actually learn the Surf HM, it doesn't count as being a TM/HM move it can learn, and it's neither an egg move nor something Pichu learns by level-up. Thus, no passing on.
[28/04/2010 04:20:26]
Hey. I love your site. It's wonderful. Marquee of Doom … lol
Speaking of Pokemon, I can read and write and type Japanese, I can.
Burakki wa totemo kuru da. Watashi wa burakki i ta koto o nozomu.
Umbreon are so cool. I wish I was an umbreon.[28/04/2010 01:39:35]
Hai guaise.
I got a surfing pikachu :3
it's pretty cool beans.
I was wondering, if you breed the pikachu with a ditto, could the egg Pichu potentially have Surf? I told my friend it couldn't because, as far as I know, it isn't one of its egg moves. But he says it's any move the Male (he might have said Female) can learn. :/ anyone wanna help?
wynaut spammy[28/04/2010 00:57:44]
This is just something I noticed about SS… When you beat the game, your Pokémon don't get Champion Ribbons, or any type of ribbon at all. Come to think of it, I haven't seen any way at all to get a ribbon. Is this just for if you traded a Pokémon from D/P/Pl, or is there some way to get them? Merf. It seems odd.
[28/04/2010 00:04:53]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesPersonally I really couldn't care less about Pokéathlon stats and I doubt anybody who really wants to make them would really be that desperate for help with it. :/
[27/04/2010 19:26:14]
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