
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Squornshellous Beta

Hm, upon looking through the Making Fake Pokémon Guide I notice there's no Pokeathlon Stats section. I know that it's because it was made before HGSS, but I was wondering: are you planning to include said section in the new revision?

[27/04/2010 18:08:00]

Website: Sonarmew's The Legend of Lorenia

Oh, can you guys check out my site, maybe comment in the guestbook? It doesn't have my fic on it yet, but has some interesting tidbits about The Legend of Lorenia

[27/04/2010 16:11:17]

Website: Sonarmew's The Legend of Lorenia

@Butterfree: Hehe, okay. I'll send it to you when I can get my mom to scan it to the computer *glares*.

Ooooh, can't wait for Black & White. Wonder what the third game would be called (you know, like Platinum D/P; Emerald R/S).

Mudkipz spammy!

[27/04/2010 16:01:09]


Anyone else ever found the half-rock in emerald?

Butterfree if you are reading this sorry I never replied to your message.

[27/04/2010 00:25:08]

Emerald Espeon

Yeah, I've been getting really confused at some parts because it's "kinda 3D". Like there are some thin passages in caves and stuff that you're supposed to walk through, but I can't really tell beause in the older 2D games you weren't allowed to walk through them. Did that make sense?

[26/04/2010 21:42:49]


The entire game is "Kinda 3D."

[26/04/2010 20:11:18]


of course the one time i decide i want to come back my internet broke :'(

this world doesn't want me on this site or something :/

I got Lugia on SS and oh my, that was a pretty amazing 'cutscene'

but has anyone noticed it's kinda 3D in some parts? I think it's hinting towards White and Black. For example, the lighthouse, I thought it was pretty cool you had to jump out the window on to the 3D side of the lighthouse.

[26/04/2010 13:17:05]


Well, I knew they were all named Zem, I just forgot where they lived. Thanks for clearing that up.

[25/04/2010 14:46:20]

Squornshellous Beta

@Unggoy: No, it's not. Squornshellous Zeta is home of the Matresses. All of whom are called Zem. Squornshelous Beta is home of the pillows, and only mentioned twice in So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish.

[25/04/2010 11:12:01]

some guy

How are you doing with that volcano's explosion? (Just thought I'd throw out some non-pokemon related query.)

[25/04/2010 05:33:53]


And wasn't Squornshellous Beta where all the mattresses lived?

[25/04/2010 00:22:16]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-13-10

Judging from your example, you should pick one at random from the 4/1 row, since only one of them is a Voltorb while two of the ones in the other row are Voltorb.

[24/04/2010 01:50:40]

Commenting on: 04-13-10

When you have a 'rectangle of doom' in Voltorb Flip (a 2 column by 3 row rectangle of usable cells, where one column has two out of three options)(something like This]]This, is it better to go to the more concentrated column, or the less concentrated one? It seems that they both have the same probability.

[24/04/2010 00:54:32]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I can't exactly forbid you to draw her, can I? Feel free, as long as you note that she's my character if you post it somewhere.

[23/04/2010 19:56:18]

Squornshellous Beta

@Sonar: Yeah, I know you didn't, but I felt I should answer, since I knew the answer and saw no reason not to. I put that I'm not Butterfree at the end just to make sure you know that I know that her authority spercedes mine. Adios.

[23/04/2010 17:32:18]

Squornshellous Beta

Oh yeah! Upon browsing through your Fake Pokémog Guide, I suddenly realised why Nincada can't learn Attract or Captivate; it sheds the genderless Shedinja, which keeps all of Nincada's moves, so it wouldn't be able to use them, except on other genderless Pokémon. That still makes one wonder why it can learn Rest and Substitute, since they'll always fail with 1HP, but.

[23/04/2010 17:30:43]

Website: Sonarmew's The Legend of Lorenia

@S Beta: … I didn't say that. That's why I said "Oh, Butterfree?"

I clearly directed it towards Butterfree.


Entei Spammy!

[23/04/2010 17:30:37]

Squornshellous Beta

@Unggoy: Yes, yes it is. Why do you ask? Got to get the name from somewhere after all.

@Sonar: As far as I know, it's fine to draw fic characters at any time. When has there been any indication that it wasn't? Also I'm not Butterfree.

[23/04/2010 17:02:06]

Website: Sonarmew's The Legend of Lorenia

Oh, Butterfree? Is it OK to draw May from your fic?

[23/04/2010 16:27:27]

Website: Sonarmew's The Legend of Lorenia

Hmmm… it seems everyone has Soul Silver. I was going to get that, but my girlfriend has SS so I might as well get HG and trade Pokes.

LUGIA SPAMMY!!! (Lugia rocks!)

[23/04/2010 16:24:24]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC