Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Squornshellous Beta… Isn't that from the Hitchhiker's Trilogy?
[23/04/2010 12:41:35]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNo, it's not linked to anywhere. The idea was more or less scrapped when I put the "this site is not called Dragonflycave!" bit into the Affiliate with TCoD section, since the main reason I started making that About section was as an excuse to rant about that somewhere. Unlike most of the many, many other sections not on the site you could theoretically find with URL manipulation, that one never got onto the site proper to begin with, but you could also find other such sections if you tried.
[21/04/2010 20:15:37]
Squornshellous Beta
I was randomly browsing the site via URL manipulation (don't ask) and came across this when looking for the About Me section. Is this actually linked to anywhere? If so, I've never seen it.
[21/04/2010 16:51:17]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNo, I didn't help with it, but I may well have allowed them to use the sprites as long as they weren't my fake Pokémon. The rule is I have to be personally involved for the fake Pokémon to be used, but for the rest you just have to get permission.
I have SoulSilver, which should be hinted by all these updates saying "My SoulSilver still hasn't gotten here" and "My SoulSilver arrived".[21/04/2010 16:43:40]
Oh yes! I forgot the main reason I came back here.
Butterfree, did you help with the pokemon hack Pokemon: Azure Horizons? I saw 'Thanks to : Dragonfree for her Houndoom sprite
blah blah more names.
so, I assumed it was you. ALSO I can now play Pokemon on my Television set, so I am in love again.[21/04/2010 03:52:26]
Grr. I keep posting then not being able to come check up here.
I'm getting a new phone Saturday or Sunday, though. So, I'll be here more often. Pokemon Black and White. :/
Does Butterfree have Soul Silver or Heart Gold?[21/04/2010 03:50:17]
Commenting on: 04-13-10Whoops. My bad. Though I did say: 'What if'.
[21/04/2010 01:27:14]
I cant get a new DS, because I don't have an allowance and will probably never get one.
I got past that part, and I'm a Charmander! :D
My in-game name is Sora, and my partner is a Riolu named Lunaris.
We are Team SoLuna.
My favorite YGOTAS episode is episode 40, for three reasons:
1)Joey:Hey Bakura, how did you get six locator cards in one episode?
Bakura:I don't know, how come you're always making that stupid nyeh sound?
Joey:nyeh?What stupid nyeh sound?
they go on about Joey's nyeh, then this:
(after nyehing along to the theme song)Joey:Nyeeeeeeeh…I still dont hear anything.
2)Marik:IGNORE ME!
And as for three, youll have to look at the end of the episode![21/04/2010 00:58:30]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-13-10…um, what the hell? It's been a week. You can start suspecting I'm dead if I haven't updated or posted anywhere in a couple of months without any sort of a note of where I went, but a week? Really? When I last posted in this very guestbook today?
[20/04/2010 22:36:14]
Website: Neoseeker
Commenting on: 04-13-10What if this was the last post Butterfree ever made? Great examples, though, if you're still alive…
[20/04/2010 20:54:23]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesButterfree, probably. At least don't call me analatis; that sounds like some kind of a rectal disease. (It's "antialiasis", but that's mostly my unique non-Pokémon name and I don't expect people to call me that in the Pokémon fandom).
[20/04/2010 13:42:26]
butterfree/dragonfree/analatis(spelling), what do you want me to call you?
baltoy 4 spammy ^-^[20/04/2010 07:01:09]
I have allergies. Even worse, my tongue hurts and my eyes itch.
[19/04/2010 23:35:30]
I just put the first Icelandic passage from the "Molzapart and Raineicune" thing into Google Translate. Apparently the Mist Stone had "fluctuations in the air for His Sins Psychic Mews."
Also, Leech Seed causes south onion.[19/04/2010 22:21:05]
Website: Airy Soul@YamiiDenryuu
Ohh… the 6 6's. xD Silly me, I must be going stupid.
LOPUNNY FTW Um… Lopunny is cool?[19/04/2010 20:02:21]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesRants, because they were mostly outdated and silly. I kept a couple, anyway.
The old Anti-Anti-Pokémon sections, because they were dumb and militant and immature.
Stop the Flaming, because it had become obsolete with the death of AP years ago and kept inspiring headdeskworthy imitations on new websites whose owners' only contact with the whole Anti-Anti-Pokémon thing was the sections on my site.
My art, because I can't draw.[19/04/2010 09:56:01]
Butterfree, I stumbled across the unupdated site through a link. Why did you remove the rants? and the anti anti anti anti pokemon and stop the flaming? and the your art? D:
Do you prefer that us fans viewers call you Butterfree or Dragonfree?
Mantyke 4 spammy ^-^[19/04/2010 07:55:08]
Website: Sonar's Reign@Emerald: YuGiOh? I used to be petrified of those creepy monsters…
[19/04/2010 02:11:22]
I don;t even use that skin anymore! And that's not the point! The point is, look at the hits counter!
[19/04/2010 01:45:49]
Website: Airy Soul@YamiiDenryuu
OMG, that's the same layout I use! xD
Thanks! ^^
Hey, Starmie! :D[18/04/2010 22:52:21]
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