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Commenting on: 04-12-10Concerning the guy who calls discrimination, he was in Platinum, too. But he looked like a Painter.
[13/04/2010 19:17:13]
Frostagin: Hey, Brown was amazing. I've played a lot of hacks, but Brown was the best (well, second best anyway). Though it did have a funny name…
[13/04/2010 12:20:26]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesShinyRedEon, you have to save the image and upload it to an image host as the page tells you to do.
[13/04/2010 09:39:21]
Butterfree, how can i get my zodiac images to show up in the TQftL forums.
Gabite 4spammy ^-^[13/04/2010 05:16:31]
About that guide: I'm not sure whether you just compiled tips from other people, figured all that out yourself, or did a bit of both, but… Butterfree, I hail you. OTL This is why you went to the International Maths Olympiad and I didn't. On the other hand it's probably obvious with a bit of Edumacated Thinking, which I've never been good at.
Must mention that in rule #5, "one fewer squares" could probably be better-worded as "one less square". C: But a seriously impressive article, anywho.[13/04/2010 02:16:11]
I wandered into the game corner while level grinding an Eevee in my friend's HG, as I was one of the sad, sad individuals who had not gotten the game yet.
Curious, I played the Voltorb Flip.
Damn, did I get hooked. At first I played it kind of stupidly, but then realized that it was like sudoku x minesweeper x awesome. I think it's really cool that you wrote this. I'd already been using the first few rules straight, and had pretty much been applying the others, but not as rigid-standardized rules in my head, so it's helpful to see them generalized like that.[13/04/2010 02:00:38]
And every year they call you an idiot. "Trusting nature," indeed.
I had a dream where you could walk diagonally in Pokemon games. Apparently, my friend did too. Weird.[13/04/2010 01:21:58]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesSerebii doesn't do April Fools' jokes, and it's not as if that wasn't reported on several other websites and announced long after April first. :/
[12/04/2010 23:32:53]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-03-10Yeah, my SoulSilver arrived, so I've been a bit distracted writing both the HG/SS Changes section and the Voltorb Flip guide I'm hoping to put up later, but then I'm continuing with the review, really.
[12/04/2010 23:31:57]
Commenting on: 04-03-10Aww, no movie review yet?
Cause that's the best Pokemon movie (not best regular or animated movie) since Lucario and the Mystery of Mew.[12/04/2010 23:19:57]
FWEE I FINALLY GET TO PLAY COLOR-NAMED GAMES AGAIN(i barely got to play my cousin's blue once)
Wait, Could those be April fools that Serebii forgot to take down?
I mean seriously, black and white? LOLOLOLOLOL
Eragon, those are the funniest names since somebody thought up the fake game Brown.[12/04/2010 23:14:07]
Emerald Espeon
I didn't say that I thought the names were horrendous, just that I found them funny. After all these years of jewels and stuff…they're now making Black and White :P
[12/04/2010 20:55:37]
… yeah, I realized that, and made myself appear even stupider. 8D8
[12/04/2010 09:55:41]
if you can read this im not doing the spoiler thing right;p
mareep 4 spammy ^-^[12/04/2010 09:12:06]
Pokemon Black and Pokemon White how original.:pI have a feeling the 5th genereration is going to suck.
I agree with you Luxray Village HQ kinda entertaining but exceedingly long and boring.
yay Ambipom 4 spammy ^-^[12/04/2010 08:16:48]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWell, you manually input the bonus the ball gives - the script doesn't know what they weigh, so you're supposed to figure out whether the bonuses apply yourself. To get the six ball average, you must have selected +20 as the Apricorn ball bonus.
[12/04/2010 03:41:57]
Well now I feel stupid. o.O But I put it into the calculator and it said 6 on average (with Ho-oh in the Pokémon selection thingy too) but. I already caught it with an Ultra Ball anyway so.
[12/04/2010 01:46:56]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-04-10…wait, you're throwing Heavy Balls at Ho-oh? Which weighs 438.7 lbs? That's under the minimum weight needed to get the +20 bonus for the Heavy Ball; you're actually getting a -20. Yeah, stop using those Heavy Balls right now. You'd be better off with a Poké Ball.
[12/04/2010 00:49:22]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-04-10How low health? If you've been underestimating it, that could skew the results. Plus that the six balls are only an average; it can easily take you far more or you could catch it in the first ball without it meaning there is anything off with the catch rates.
[12/04/2010 00:46:30]
Commenting on: 04-04-10I'll be damned if the Apricorn Ball catch rates are actually what the page says they are. I've been lobbing Heavy Balls at a low health, sleeping Ho-oh for a while now (having to reset several times since I only have 12) and even though the page writes "6 balls needed on average" Ho-oh keeps breaking out after only one or no shakes. >(
[11/04/2010 21:49:15]
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