
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


My pearl game is wierd not really the game , no gliches, execpt the file deleted itself, D:i had finished the game!…… poor poleon *sobs*. Ok now ill tell you whats really wierd about it.

Firstly the game card, its number thing is NTR-AD3P-USA. nothing to bad about that except my bros diamond dosent have any numbers but propably just a coincidence. HANG ON USA!!!! I BROUGHT IT IN AUSTRAILIA.

…. and there's more. the game card has palkia on it and my bros game dosent have dialgia. hang on the nindo seal of quality is different its oval not circle and says "official nintendo seal of quality" instead of "original nintendo seal of quality" Hmmm fishy

also the pearl card has that everyone E currently rated by ESRB sign and its missing out on that thing that says "the pokemon company".

on the back of the card in the data thing it says ASICO1 much shorter than what it says on my bro's diamond which is 13 characters. also on the back instead of those black numbers and letters it has a sticker with a nine on it.

hmmm maybe the spammy randomiser is trying to hint no one's going to belive me with a farfetch'd spammy ^-^

[07/04/2010 07:19:33]


Just playing through, found another Shorts Boy reference! Route 4, "You can just call me Shorts Boy!" …Or something like that.

[06/04/2010 23:18:14]


Great site! Oh, and (in HGSS) there's another shorts boy on Route 2! "If you walk through tall grass in shorts, do you get nicks and cuts?" ^^ Just wanted to add that; I LOVE those conspiracy theories!

[06/04/2010 22:54:34]

Commenting on: 04-04-10

I knew something was up when the stupid Love Balls didn't do crap when I was trying to get Latios. Thanks for correcting all those other misconceptions, too. Just another thing to make me love this site more. :3

[06/04/2010 03:27:46]

Website: EonRiders

Answer to Bob's quiz-


[06/04/2010 01:13:27]

Commenting on: 04-04-10

Out of curiosity, how do mud and bait affect capture rates in the Safari Zone?

[06/04/2010 00:07:49]


In the wild, that is.

[05/04/2010 22:34:26]


Argh I really suck at these.

Again, Butterfree's correct and again I left out the 'that you can catch in-game' that would have limited question two to six Pokemon, the technicality being that you couldn't actually catch all of the Pokemon it was effective on, as they didn't appear in G/S/C/HG/SS. ;>>

[05/04/2010 22:33:53]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Sunkern is a "Seed Pokémon", which Bulbasaur is also.

The Moon Ball works well on exactly fourteen Pokémon. I'm not sure which technicality you're referring to; it's pretty straightforward.

Apparently Staryu got Twister in an event. Huh.

According to Bulbapedia, the Hoenn Pokérap left out Relicanth and Zigzagoon, but I've never seen it, so.

[05/04/2010 21:47:04]

Commenting on: 04-04-10

Man, this has messed with my mind for the past few days. My mind is still using the fanon method, while I'm trying to 're'-learn the actual method.

It seems when the first formula is found it's taken as fact before being confirm. It's also interesting how complex these formulas are. (To me at least, given that I'm in Algebra 2.

[05/04/2010 21:45:25]


For example, Magicarp is the "Fish Pokemon."

…species, classification, whatever.

[05/04/2010 20:50:29]


1 Yes.

a) As in "___ Pokemon"

3) Nope.

4) Yes.

5) Hoenn.

[05/04/2010 20:49:11]


No. You need to shut up.


[05/04/2010 19:11:05]

Emerald Espeon

I remember Shiny Noctowl's quizzes! :D:D

1) Sunkern a) Classification? What?

2) I'm not sure if the Moon Ball works better on specific Pokémon that evolve with a Moon Stone, or their entire evolution lines…*ponders*

3) Dratini? I don't think that's right…hm.

4) Zubat?

5) Depends which Pokérap you're talking about.

[05/04/2010 19:09:09]


also everyone needs somthing to talk about. ^-^

charmeleon 4 spammy ^-^

[05/04/2010 08:03:15]


sorry butterfree, i just get a bit excited when i get a fav pokemon. and why i go to the post page? well i often leave the gestbook up i a new tab while i wait for somone to post somthing and refresh every now and then.

wow Butterfree 4 spammy ^-^

[05/04/2010 07:48:34]

Commenting on: 04-04-10

Yay! I'm helpful!

[05/04/2010 06:47:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Why do you keep posting JUST to tell us what Pokémon you got for the spam prevention? o_O I mean, do you go to the post page just so you can see what Pokémon you get even when you're not intending to say anything meaningful? Seriously.

Also, don't give out or ask for answers in the clue game. You can ask for hints, but the whole point of the game is defeated if you can just ask what the answer is.

[05/04/2010 05:31:28]


Yay espeon Spammy ^-^ *hugs*

[05/04/2010 04:42:49]


does anyone know the awser to the third question in the clue game. the first two are pikachu and ditto.

hoppip for spammy ^-^

[05/04/2010 03:09:57]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC