
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


finally, after houur and hours of searching for clues Ive found the page of never ending glory! Butterfree that page is better than you think it is the guide is helpfull the changes are interesting and the story is funny (once i got team aqua chris against chirs.

espeon for spammy ^-^

[03/04/2010 02:24:40]


My favorite is Lucario and the mystery of Mew. Everything about Lucario = awesome, and its just a good movie.Luca is my pokesona. Guess what Pokemon she is.

I just drew realistic Flame (my Diamond charizard) and got Charmander for my spammy.Realistick Pokemanz for the win.

[02/04/2010 22:58:49]


….and now bulbapedia's been taken over by slowpoke, when will it end >-<.

voltorb for spammy ^-^

[02/04/2010 05:54:59]


oops, i accadentally said 'you that type' but i really ment 'you know that type'. d;

chimchar for spammy ^-^

[02/04/2010 04:37:38]


^-^ glad its good cus im getting it soon.

what do you think are the best and worst pokemon movies. lucario and the mystery is mew is my fav ^-^.and the worst one is probably the power of one which would of actully been one of the best if it wasn't one of those LEGENDARYSRANDOMLYFIGHTING and ASHHASTOBEETHEHEROSOWE'LLJUSTRUINAPERFECTLYGOODPLOTSOHECANSAVETHEWORLD moive. ;P you that type.

abomasnow for spammy ^-^

ive noiticed that nobody acctully does this any more but i still do

[02/04/2010 03:52:28]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Oh, I've already seen it. In fact, I was just watching it for the second time today. And yeah, it's one of the better ones.

[01/04/2010 20:05:56]


I was thinking about Giritina and the sky warrior and,at least from my point of view, it has no Legendaries Randomly Fighting, and no Ashruinstheplotbecausehehastobethehero.I would tell you more, but you'll have to see the movie yourself. crokonaw for spammy.

Yes I like messing with Pokemon names

[01/04/2010 18:21:43]

Website: Click here


[01/04/2010 09:08:49]


sorry about the lack of spaces but im doing this my wiis internet and i havent found out how to do them yet. shelgon for spammy ^-^

[01/04/2010 07:56:42]


whats you guys favourite style. right now im on bouncy mew style but i like most of them,*randomly swiches beetween articono , mew and celbi styles* but not the houndoom one or the dialga, just this thing about them ok. swallot for spammy ^-^ opps spelt it with the wrong amount of s`s ratatta for spammy ^-^

[01/04/2010 07:50:54]


*is sad because everyone is talking about shines and does not have a single one*JK, i have a shiny Infernape.

April Fools!(I went ahead and did this because I'll likely be busy tomorrow.

[31/03/2010 23:11:41]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Just Spearow. The game doesn't call it a "shiny Spearow" either.

[31/03/2010 20:04:56]

Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost

Just got my Shiny Gyarados. :D *wants more shinies…* I traded over my Pika-Coloured Pichu, too.

Speaking of shinies… If, for example, a Shiny Spearow appeared in the spam box, would you have to call it *Shiny Spearow* or just *Spearow*?

[31/03/2010 18:24:39]


YES!Pedia editing is back!

[30/03/2010 21:46:42]


Well, also according to the pedia,(as I so affectionately call it cause I'm a user) Transform can last forever if both users know it and choose to keep using it. This could also happen with Sketch. And why exactly[\i] do I keep getting lake guardians for the spam box? Noooo, I spelled Mespirit's name wrong and now the chain broke.Boo.

[30/03/2010 21:43:43]


In generation I, Rage lasts for an infinite amount of turns, or as long as it takes for the battle to end.

This is coming from Bulbapedia, though, so if it's wrong then Butterfree is right like always. ;D

[30/03/2010 19:14:13]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Probably a multiple-turn attack. Wrap with PP Up in R/B/Y could theoretically last for 32*5 = 160 turns. Doubt anything is going to beat that.

[30/03/2010 01:18:47]


Transform! Transform in a battle with two Dittos!

[29/03/2010 23:39:08]


In answer to Bob's question: It's Splash, isn't it? With maxed out PP Ups Splash could have something around 50 PP. That is what you're asking, right?

[29/03/2010 22:38:27]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The splash will redirect you straight to the main page if you already have a style cookie set unless you actually click the link from the menu. On the other hand, you seem to be getting a styleless page, which would generally only be the case if your style cookie has some bogus value in it. Try clearing your cookies.

[29/03/2010 09:25:07]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC