Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Commenting on: 04-04-10Man, this has messed with my mind for the past few days. My mind is still using the fanon method, while I'm trying to 're'-learn the actual method.
It seems when the first formula is found it's taken as fact before being confirm. It's also interesting how complex these formulas are. (To me at least, given that I'm in Algebra 2.[05/04/2010 21:45:25]
For example, Magicarp is the "Fish Pokemon."
…species, classification, whatever.[05/04/2010 20:50:29]
1 Yes.
a) As in "___ Pokemon"
3) Nope.
4) Yes.
5) Hoenn.[05/04/2010 20:49:11]
No. You need to shut up.
Honestly.[05/04/2010 19:11:05]
Emerald Espeon
I remember Shiny Noctowl's quizzes! :D:D
1) Sunkern a) Classification? What?
2) I'm not sure if the Moon Ball works better on specific Pokémon that evolve with a Moon Stone, or their entire evolution lines…*ponders*
3) Dratini? I don't think that's right…hm.
4) Zubat?
5) Depends which Pokérap you're talking about.[05/04/2010 19:09:09]
also everyone needs somthing to talk about. ^-^
charmeleon 4 spammy ^-^[05/04/2010 08:03:15]
sorry butterfree, i just get a bit excited when i get a fav pokemon. and why i go to the post page? well i often leave the gestbook up i a new tab while i wait for somone to post somthing and refresh every now and then.
wow Butterfree 4 spammy ^-^[05/04/2010 07:48:34]
Commenting on: 04-04-10Yay! I'm helpful!
[05/04/2010 06:47:14]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhy do you keep posting JUST to tell us what Pokémon you got for the spam prevention? o_O I mean, do you go to the post page just so you can see what Pokémon you get even when you're not intending to say anything meaningful? Seriously.
Also, don't give out or ask for answers in the clue game. You can ask for hints, but the whole point of the game is defeated if you can just ask what the answer is.[05/04/2010 05:31:28]
Yay espeon Spammy ^-^ *hugs*
[05/04/2010 04:42:49]
does anyone know the awser to the third question in the clue game. the first two are pikachu and ditto.
hoppip for spammy ^-^[05/04/2010 03:09:57]
dont you love babel fish.
i probably should shut up before uggony gets angry at me again *rides of in to distance on spammy kakuna*
See ya later[05/04/2010 02:51:46]
now through spainish
Translated back to English:
The red one is the director of a course it last more in all the games, of which they are milkshakes. Su pikachu the level is eighty eights!
Su pikachu ??????? the red one, that sounds pretty cool, but kinda like he's just had a warm bath, or eaten to many chillies.
what we learned from this:
.Red is also known as the red and the red one and he's an it.
.The red is a director of a course in the games
.the pokemon games are struck then hit then turned in to milkshakes
.Su pikachu the level is eighty eights!(dont ask me)
. Babel fish is wierd. -.-;;;;
Zapdos 4 spammy ^-^[05/04/2010 02:47:21]
now how about Portuguese:
Translated back to English:
Red is the director of a harder course in all the games, of that they are milkshakes. Its pikachu the level is eighty eights!
what! the pokemon games are milkshakes! at least Red is a proper noun now -.-;;;;.
nosepass 4 spammy *runs away from its big ugly nose*[05/04/2010 02:35:28]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesMew: Anything you create and publish under your name is automatically under copyright, but really, going "OMG! It's there, and therefore obviously Game Freak is going to come and steal it if you don't ~copyright~ it!" is ridiculous. :/ They can think of their own Pokémon and regions; why on earth would they want to take mine and why on earth do you think they're tasteless and amoral enough to do it?
[05/04/2010 02:24:14]
Mew: Why would they do that? Gamefreak is quite capable of making their own pokemon and regions, and it's extremely unlikely they'd copy any fan's work.
That, and you can't copyright fanfiction anyway.[05/04/2010 02:23:58]
now italian ^-^
Translated back to English:
The red one is the director of harder course in all the games, that they are hit. Its pikachu the level is eighty eights!
kinda the same, but the games are hit insted of struck. but still plain funny.
YaY flareon 4 spammy *hugs* ^-^[05/04/2010 02:22:33]
^-^told ya, now for german
Translated to German:
Das Rot ist der härteste Kursleiter in allen Spielen, die geschlagen werden. Sein pikachu ist die Stufe achtzig eights!
Translated back to English:
The red is the hardest course director in all plays, which are struck. Its pikachu the level is eighty eights!
Still the red and an it ,poor guy. now its pikachu the level IS eighty eights! wierd. and now The red is the hardest course director in all plays, which are struck. i LOVE you babel fish ^-^
ekans 4 spammy ^-^[05/04/2010 02:17:20]
Original English Text:
Red is the hardest trainer in the in all the games to beat. His pikachu is level eighty-eight!
Translated to French:
Le rouge est l'entraîneur le plus dur dans dans tous les jeux à battre. Son pikachu est le niveau quatre-vingt-huit !
Translated back to English:
The red (now his the red. that actully sounds pretty cool but i thought he was a proper noun) is the hardest trainer in all the plays being beaten(all the plays being beaten?. that is messed up) .Its pikachu is the level eighty eights!(hold the show the red is now an it poor Red. and is the level of eighty eights! that is some wacky babel fish.
baltoy for spammy ^-^[05/04/2010 02:07:42]
Butterfree, have you copyrighted Ouen? 'cause if you don't, Game Freak is going to create a parallel to your parallel of Hoenn and stick their pokemon and yours into it for the 5th gen. if you have copyrighted that stuff, then it was just a theory, and if you haven't, then its only a probability.
oh no!! shiftry 4 spammy!! x_x *dies from seeing uglyness*[05/04/2010 02:00:40]
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