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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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butteerfree: idk about the exp thing, but i can test it.
well, bi 4 nau. maybe.[02/05/2010 14:47:46]
1 more thing, i`m stuck on the graduation exam on explorers of sky. i`m a vulpix and my partners a phanpy. phanpy(partner) knows achientpower, endure, and 2 other moves. vulpix,(hero,)has fire spin, flamethrower, imprison, and faint attack.any tips? oops, 1 mor thing. i LOVE the fan fiction! sooo detailed. <3
[02/05/2010 14:44:35]
there was sumthin else i was gonna say…. but i 4 got… >^< did i tell u i`m on DSi browser? i <3 Ds! (im a video game addict) (well not rlly, but sorta) meh so bored so i typin. sooooo borrred. also, i cracked up when i read the event celebi thing and ur like "it could be the radio static or whatever, but that sound really sounds like the sound of someone committing suicide by jumping in a waterfall. no, seriously." CANNOT WAIT 4 THAT CELEBI NAU! byz.
[02/05/2010 14:38:54]
Website: N/AWell, might as well not even bother to try and solve the current crossword,since i dont have HG or SS, but I'll give it a whirl anyway..
And hey! PolyWHIRL for the spammifier :)[02/05/2010 14:15:28]
Website: N/AEspeon, i last logged in to the guestbook a year or half year ago, yes.
Now that i finished my platinum version, i found it fun to action replay code it :)
Raikou for the spammifier.[02/05/2010 13:42:42]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesTbyrd11: Yes, it's in the same or at least an analogous place in all styles.
Snowstar: Yes, but the point there was that you don't get experience for the battles in the Trainer House anymore, so it's effectively just a gimmick, not the training spot it used to be. Unless it actually reverts to EXP-giving battles? I haven't had the chance to try it.[02/05/2010 04:33:44]
I figurrrrred it out.
thanks anyways:D[02/05/2010 04:22:02]
Hey, Butterfree. On the forums, how do I view what email I set for it? I can't remember and I have about 5 emails. I'll continue searching through my profile. but if you would ~
[02/05/2010 04:15:16]
for the trainer house-
if you have a pokemon on the pokewalker and you connect with a friend with it(face eachother and press connect) then they will challenge you anytime with their lastly updated team in the trainer house.[02/05/2010 02:49:45]
Sorry if this is answered elsewhere, but is the secret link in the same place for all styles?
[02/05/2010 01:15:33]
Emerald Espeon
Putting all the clues together made me think of only one certain page, but I could never find anything on it so I've given up :P
Hey, HellHoundoom! I kind of very vaguely recognize your name… >.> Were you on the guestbook a few years ago or something?
Mareep's overworld sprite in HG/SS is adorable <3 I don't know if it's changed from the previous games or anything, but I've just noticed it now and it makes me want to hug it :D[01/05/2010 17:20:09]
Yes, Butterfree. I was making fake cheats for fun. I just called them 'rumors' :/
[01/05/2010 17:07:09]
Website: N/A*GASP* Emerald Espeon! Hi! I haven't seen you in a very long time! How ya been?
[01/05/2010 08:45:11]
Website: N/AUm…….I got a Mew on my yellow version…………Ok, thought it would never work…….but still, i keep smiling for some reason…….wow, was scary how it appeared.
[01/05/2010 06:46:47]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesClue three is the most helpful, yes, but it's still awfully vague and most people don't get much of anything from it.
[01/05/2010 03:21:33]
Emerald Espeon
Wait, the secret link clues are really vague? What about number 3? If you know what it means, doesn't it narrow it down to only a few links…or have I just been getting the wrong meaning from it?
[01/05/2010 02:18:42]
Website: N/AOh, ok Butterfree. You've been a great help. Um…….i typed clue 1/2/3/4/5 or whatever the number was and it took me directly to the clue. Im looking for the locations just for fun. Once again, thanks Butterfree :).
[29/04/2010 19:18:00]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesHellHoundoom: What I meant was that each clue doesn't tell you where the next clue or the link is - if you decode them, they contain really vague hints, but no direct pointer to where to go next. Ultimately almost everyone finds it by accident.
Mehw: Um. No. There is no new parasite Pokémon coded into the game. This could never possibly happen. Unless you're just saying this is a fake cheat you made up for fun.[29/04/2010 17:08:44]
Harro. My rumor for this time. If you take a paras to Mt. Moon in Heart Gold or Soul Silver at exactly Midnight on whatever your ds time is set to, the paras will evolve into a new parasite pokemon. You must evolve it at Mt. Moon at exactly the moment the ds internal clock goes to midnight. Paras is indeed a mysterious pokemon.
[29/04/2010 15:27:29]
Website: N/AI remembere this time when ia sked Butterfree for help on the secret link, so she said "forget about the clues. They only give general tips for the search" I didin't understand what she meant by that, so i wanna ask you about that. Please i wanna know.
Primeape………….[29/04/2010 11:03:19]
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