
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.




Duskinoir for spammy. Bad Duskinoir, bad! (If youre womdering, go play Explorers of Sky till you get it.Or even longer if you want.)

[09/05/2010 16:01:03]


'Ello! This seems an interesting site… I'll bookmark it. Also, Quentin = FTW.

[09/05/2010 10:59:10]


Emerald Espeon pretty much summed up what the Beserk Gene was. I'm not sure if it increased the Attack or Special Attack, but the Pokémon holding it would have the confused status for the entire battle. You could find it near Mewtwo's Cave, using an Itemfinder, in Cerulean City (I called it Celadon City in my last post, sorry >:) in GSC, but it was replaced with a Nugget in HG/SS. It was a neat idea (and its link to Mewtwo was a cool reference), but it wasn't very helpful in battle.

[09/05/2010 05:17:42]

Emerald Espeon

I think it was an item that had an effect something along the lines of Swagger. It increased something, maybe the attack, and then I think it confused the user. I could never figure out how to use it in battle, though…

[09/05/2010 01:10:58]


By God, it's been so long… how's everyone?

[08/05/2010 23:39:51]


Hey Guys! long time no see. hey, i gotta ask, what is the Berserk gene?

[08/05/2010 21:13:56]

Commenting on: 04-29-10

The Berserk gene is now replaced by a regular old nugget.

[08/05/2010 09:14:19]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Thing is, at least according to UPC (one of the "Links" on my affiliate bar) concerning the third generation, the Master Ball just bypasses the formula altogether rather than inputting any particular value as the ball bonus, since after all computing it when it's supposed to be always successful is just kind of wasteful. This could have changed in the fourth generation, but he's playing FR/LG.

[07/05/2010 02:00:18]


One of his comments on the video: "I used 255 as the master ball? rate because I assumed that was the highest it could go."

… hmm.

[07/05/2010 01:54:42]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

(As for the Master Ball bit, it's he who input 255 as the ball bonus, but actually my section says to treat it as infinity. In the video he explains that other people say it should be the other way around, but his experience seems to be confirming my take. It could be also be a generational difference in how the formulas are handled, if the people who claim to have had the Master Ball not work are also right. It would have to be looked into.

[07/05/2010 01:31:44]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Oh, haha, I forgot a rounding in the formula used in the calculator. Doing the math by hand shows that the C*B factor becomes rounded back down to 1 for the Great Ball like for the Poké Ball, so it's actually those two that should be identical. I'm going to fix it in a second.

[07/05/2010 01:29:35]


… yeah, he even says in the video that he got it off "Dragonflycave". I'm still interested in wondering if anything's up with the mechanics.

[07/05/2010 00:52:52]


… or rather, this video. Same description, though.

[07/05/2010 00:45:22]


If you look at the description for this YouTube video, you'll find that the user has very obviously used the capture calculator from this site. Any explanations for the bit about the user's experience with a catch-rate-of-one Mewtwo not meshing with the calculator's output?

(Although he probably did the equations for that by hand, since there's obviously no catch-rate-of-one Pokémon that he could have put into the calculator normally. But still.)

[07/05/2010 00:25:09]



plus i got a pinecone for spammy.

[06/05/2010 22:02:51]

Commenting on: 04-29-10

Kanto and Hoenn Starters

This section is incorrect. Instead of saying 'for the first time', it should say 'for the first time since Emerald'.

This is because Professor Birch gives you the choice between one generation's starters (I'm not sure which one)if you finish the Pokedex.

[06/05/2010 21:56:11]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-29-10

The Shiny Leaf is actually in there in my local copy; I just haven't uploaded it yet.

The Pokéwalker has to be one of those things I lost when I mistakenly overwrote a good chunk of the section, since I'm very sure I remember typing something about it. Huh.

The Berserk Gene was one of those things I noticed while away from the computer and forgot about. There is an item replacing it, but stupidly, I was actually not looking at the screen when I picked it up, so I don't know what it is.

Tall grass is unfortunately not cuttable; I tried it.

Anyway, thanks for the additions. Will be put in when I'm home.

[06/05/2010 20:20:49]

Commenting on: 04-29-10

I'm surprised that you didn't mention the Shiny Leaf and the Pokéwalker in that section. I know that New Bark Town now has windmills (I think that's what it's called) in it, but it's a fairly minor detail. As well as the Celadon Bike Store being open. I also noticed the 'Beserek Gene' is no longer found by Mewtwo's Dungeon, though I don't think it's an item anymore. I can't say for sure, since my friend mentioned it, but when you're wearing the Rocket Outfit, appearently, you'll get a response from Whitney.

(I want to check is the tall grass is cuttable, but I keep on forgetting.)

[06/05/2010 17:02:08]

Commenting on: 04-29-10

Awesome list! I don't have HG/SS yet, but reading this helped to inspire me to stop being lazy and try to get it… I hope. XD;

[06/05/2010 01:59:43]

Coyote Jo (Houndoomrocks)
Website: Nocturnal Nightmare


[05/05/2010 20:01:11]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC