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Machop evolves into machoke, not machamp. If you level machop it will evolve into machoke, but unless you trade machoke it won't evolve.
To check a pokemon's happiness, go talk to the lady in the house north of the Goldenrod cycling shop (unless they changed it for the remakes, then I don't know).
Now go get a walkthrough.[20/05/2010 21:26:40]
i'm really pleased for answers :)
[20/05/2010 19:00:20]
god, i have so many questions…
but two, (in crystal) can the machop u trade in goldenrod store evolve into machamp? where do u check how happy your pokemon are?[20/05/2010 18:59:17]
Sweet Arceus I have liek fiev tancatz.
[20/05/2010 16:25:37]
I usually pick the fire starter, but this time I'll probably pick the grass starter.Unless the fire evolves into something cool.(as i stated earlier.)
[20/05/2010 13:47:32]
For starters I always picked the one I liked the most. Or disliked the least, in the case of the Sinnoh starters (Never liked them much, dunno why).
[20/05/2010 02:11:49]
Emerald Espeon
I've picked the Grass starter in every version except Ruby, where I picked Torchic. In Pearl I was leaning towards Piplup, but I ended up with Turtwig just because of its type.
I don't mind the Water starter. In fact, if I was planning to get the game, I might choose it myself…but I would probably end up just picking the Grass starter again :P[20/05/2010 00:54:30]
Website: My Youtube channelButterfree, I sent you an e-mail and it's kinda important so could you read it please?
[19/05/2010 18:31:50]
Website: My Youtube channelCombee or not Combee, that is the Pokemon.
[19/05/2010 18:27:38]
Waiting for some moar Morphic.
V It may resemble Bidoof, but the flaming pig is the worst. Unless it can be turned into bacon.[19/05/2010 18:03:40]
Website: Sonarmew's The Legend of LoreniaI usually pick the water starter, but I might not because that Bidoof-clone-lookin'-thing looks soooo weird…
[19/05/2010 16:28:41]
Look on the Bulbagarden oekaki.
The drawings of that ridonculous Water starter are better than the official art.THAT ISN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! And for once, I might not pick the fire starter. I might pick it anyway, or definitely if the final form looks cool.[19/05/2010 15:06:40]
Commenting on: 05-16-10Morphic! Morphic!
[19/05/2010 00:00:05]
True, I suppose.
On an unrelated note, I've yet to pick my second starter (I always get both paired versions). I'm definitely picking the fire starter, but for the other, I'm not sure. It'll depend on their final forms, I suppose. Though, I am leaning toward the water starter.[18/05/2010 22:05:02]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's a matter of taste, obviously, but my impression of the general public opinion is that people overwhelmingly tend to dislike the Water starter, with those who intend to pick it as a small minority. Personally, I really don't like it either.
Well, the pollution is specifically concentrated into those black clouds of smoke and there is no real reason why that would suddenly affect the portals, much less in such a way as to make them lead somewhere different when good guys go into them than when bad guys do. And if Giratina could control it, it's an awfully pointless thing to do, since it's not as if it's depositing the bad guys in locations they can't get out of or anything. :/ Either way nothing of the sort is suggested by the movie.[18/05/2010 21:56:10]
…Or, maybe the scriptwriters got a bit lazy and overlooked it.
[18/05/2010 21:22:37]
I just read the Giratina and the Sky Warrior Review (which I never actually watched), and I may have an explanation about why the portals transport heroes and villains into completely different areas.
Because if they didn't, the heroes wouldn't get away.
There's either that the pollution has made the Reverse World extremely unstable, or that it's merely Giratina controlling it.[18/05/2010 20:35:09]
Website: Sonarmew's The Legend of LoreniaUgh… it looks rediculous!!!
[18/05/2010 16:18:36]
Eh, what's so horrible about the new water starter? It looks fine to me….
[18/05/2010 01:30:45]
Commenting on: 05-16-10"Or chapter thirteen of Morphic."
:3?[17/05/2010 21:29:38]
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