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Website: ????
Commenting on: 05-16-10What is Morphic?
[29/05/2010 23:07:45]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-16-10Yes, I know. Contrary to popular belief, I do not live under a rock.
[29/05/2010 16:59:54]
Luca Rio
Website: dragonflycave
Commenting on: 05-16-10has ANYONE heard of the new legendaries?! Reshiram and Zekrom!! Look it up, Antialiasis!
[29/05/2010 15:08:05]
I know it's an otter, but it's colored in such a way that it looks like a clown.
[29/05/2010 15:07:58]
Yes, I know what an otter looks like, and the water starter is not it.
[29/05/2010 14:34:06]
What's with everyone saying the water starter looks like a random mishmash of parts or whatever? It's an otter! Doesn't anyone here know what an otter looks like?
[29/05/2010 13:59:41]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-16-10Um. No. Sorry, but that would be nonsensical on several different levels. Namely, one, why in the world would two more Pokémorphs be created after all the trouble caused by the creation of these eight; two, how in the world would they just casually get the DNA of Mew and Mewtwo (which in the world of Morphic don't even exist, much less have their DNA lying around for anyone to go make Pokémorphs out of it) to make them with; three, how would they just suddenly "find out" that these legendary morphs have existed all this time without there being any mention of them; four, if somebody did decide to make more morphs in secret somehow and had access to Mew and Mewtwo's DNA, why in the world would they actually create legendary morphs that would probably have very dangerous and destructive powers; and five, I don't plagiarize other people's characters. Go write your own fanfic about them.
But yes, I'm writing chapter 13.[29/05/2010 05:20:25]
Commenting on: 05-16-10you should definetly make chapter 13 of Morphic. that is my favorite fanfic. when you finish it, you should make a sequel, where all the pokemorphs find out there is a 9th and 10th morph. they should be a mew morph named Micheal who is very reckless and is always up to a challenge, and a mewtwo morph name Krystal, who is very shy and not very evil and power hungry as mewtwos are depicted to be. she can usually be found under a big oak tree in her back yard, reading a book about either astronomy ofr vampires (she once tried writing a book about the two combined, but she couldnt sell a single copy). if don't use em its all right.
[29/05/2010 03:57:02]
Dies from looking at new pokemon. X-X
go warrior cats!!!!!!!
@pokekiller- your'e the first pokemon hater on this guestbook(i think) *hands prize*.[29/05/2010 02:56:32]
Website: EonRidersAfter seeing the box legends of Black and White, my throughts of the Light type were rekindled. I am still getting White, after the immediate claiming of Black from my sister, and I only had mere moments of dislike towards Zekrom and he has grown on me immensly in the past minute or so. However his form is quite like Palkia's. I don't mind, but I can see fans screaming in outrage already. Dark/Dragon? He screams it.
Reshiram, star of White, is in my opinion quite beautiful, and winning me over slightly more than Zekrom. He seems quite like a dragon to me, and could posssibly be a Dragon/Psychic(We don't need more of that), Dragon/Flying(Or that), or Dragon/Normal, which would be interesting. Dragon/Ice, possibly? Just thoughts. He has a graceful, streamlined appearance, and is obviously capable airbourne. Zekrom's wings look underdeveloped, size wise…But being a legendary and all, who needs wings to fly?
I'm getting way more excited about Black and White. There will be plenty of haters, of course, but I love both Zekrom(Wicked name) and Reshiram.[28/05/2010 18:44:50]
I have a DSi, and I'm actually using it right now, Snowstar. I got it for Chirstmas because my DS lite broke.
Also, I've noticed two /very/ minor HG/SS changes: you can sign the back of your trainer card without having to visit the top floor of a Pokémon center, and you have to lay in a bed rather than press 'A' near one to restore your Pokémon.
It took me a while to get used to the new grass overworld sprite.[28/05/2010 17:14:18]
Website: Moonclan-where we hunt by starlightif u guys wanna join the made up clan moonclan, click on the link.
some people there arent signed up on the WS.
Med cat-Diamondfrost
Med cat apprentice- we have two kits ready
Head queen- froststorm
Head warrior- Dawnsky
Ps- my profile pic there isnt updated, Snowstar now has a dark blue star on her chest.[28/05/2010 12:20:43]
^ ^
= o -_o= <hopefully, that wasnt messed up![28/05/2010 12:12:03]
^ ^
= o -_o= <hopefully, that wasnt messed up![28/05/2010 12:12:03]
its creepy how we JUST started talkin warriors. does any1 have a dsi?
[28/05/2010 12:07:56]
Religious objections to Pokemon are a joke. Not only is it ridiculous to assert some of the things they do, but there's something more.
They choose to go after Pokemon, instead of, say, rape, or murder, or other things they condemn.[28/05/2010 11:44:57]
I read Warriors, but that should be obvious. x3
[28/05/2010 09:55:29]
so anyone like the warrior cats?My name was given to me not to long,my wrrior ceremony deemed me Sparrowpelt.I need to name a lucario that…
[28/05/2010 02:02:07]
Website: dont have oneI am very sarcastic,the listed website I said is fake.Ayone read the warrior books?
[28/05/2010 01:59:51]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUm, no, what the hell. You must live in Crazytown or something.
[27/05/2010 22:57:21]
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