Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Hey, Butterfree, I had an idea: why not put in your Fun facts that Gen II is the only generation with three games?
[04/06/2010 07:05:32]
Commenting on: 05-31-10Definately the best chapter yet. Please finish Fourteen soon, I'm dying to find out the ending.
[04/06/2010 02:06:06]
§nowstar (name change, Snowstar-§nowstar)
Frost- turned that age today! ooohh, i wonder how the screens gonna wwwoooorrrkkk….. &yeah, warriors.>< GO KITTTTTTTTIESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[04/06/2010 01:16:49]
click my other eggs too please
[03/06/2010 23:51:04]
I honestly have no idea who died but I feel remorse none-the-less.
[03/06/2010 20:17:10]
Website: The egg that im asking you to clickcould you click my egg please? I'm not old enough to join a forum(im ten so mom wont let me)and put it in my sig.Or you could help out by telling me where to find a language-free forum.(crap doesn't count)
[03/06/2010 16:50:34]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesSquornshellous Beta: Basically, there's this security token thing to prevent exploits. Generally refreshing doesn't work, but if you just highlight the address in your browser's address bar and press Enter again, it'll work (though then you'll have to first copy everything you wrote into the form). It happens if you've had the page loaded too long without actually submitting the form.
[03/06/2010 15:19:59]
Snowstar- i have no idea how much it costs, and my dad wants to do a kind of screen transplant.We have another DS that my little bro broke a fuse on, and dad wants to figure out how to take the good screen on that one, and replace the old one.(he is an electronics GENIUS)
I hope this wasn't too long to read.BTW our names both are awesome dragon names!(though i bet you were going for Warriors.)[03/06/2010 14:12:57]
okay, legendaries get creepier…
giratina origin form
SHAYMEEEEEN!lol,jk not creepy.XD
Reshiram (i almost put t instead of the sedond r)
….. wow.[03/06/2010 10:09:16]
Squornshellous Beta
Since it's fallen off the page, I'll assume It's been missed.
"What does it mean on the forums when 'The token has expired'? It also says to reload the page, but that has no effect. I have to leave and re-enter the page to post."[03/06/2010 09:48:17]
Website: cave of dragonflies'Reads Morphic'
Why did you kill them?!*-*[03/06/2010 01:35:10]
Website: Sonarmew and The Legend of LoreniaThey scare me…
[03/06/2010 01:08:28]
Website: Sonarmew and The Legend of LoreniaI don't know about you guys, but don't the legendaries of each generation get creepier and creepier? Just look at Reshiram and Zekrom…
[03/06/2010 01:07:36]
Website: EonRiderssigh…Mia was my favorite of the morphs. And I loved Will's adorable personality. Also…sob…Growlithe spammy… Felicia didn't deserve that. Stupid church people.(understatement of the year)
Agh, I'm mad that I have to get Black for Reshiram(AWESOME!). I wanted White! >.<[03/06/2010 00:53:56]
Eww, forget-its-name spammy. lileep? its evolution?Frost-Sooo sorrry. why dont you send it for repairs? it takes 2 weeks or so. poor felicia. can you use a bring-back-to-life-heal or sumthing?
Ps-still waiting 4 battles!!!![03/06/2010 00:45:51]
Commenting on: 05-31-10"The only ones confirmed dead, via having been seen shot in the head, are Will and Mia (and poor Felicia). The others' fate is entirely ambiguous for now."
But you killed them anyway, didn't you? >_>;
~Jahu[02/06/2010 20:13:50]
I would battle you, but I cant due to a cracked screen and a crappy internet connection cause Nintendo got stupid and our Wii and my DS cant connect at the same time.
my Togetic spammy wonders about your Claydol spammy.[02/06/2010 13:26:34]
mkay. Claydol spammy. does anyone want to battle? i have soulsilver, diamond, and platinum, diamond strongest. if you want to battle, tell me your fc and username,what game, and ill tell you mine. :D
Ps: randomness os just ONE of my qualities.;D[02/06/2010 02:40:06]
Commenting on: 05-31-10…..Can't get more messed up than that…..
I love it, though.
Aw, just got meowth(poor Will…) as the spam verification :([02/06/2010 00:22:47]
Commenting on: 05-31-10Love the ASoUE reference~
[01/06/2010 23:01:11]
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