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Squornshellous Beta
So, Gabriel from Morphic. What are his eyes like? Are they Slugma's yellow ovals, or are they human eyes, and if so which color? Slugma yellow? A human color?
Yeah. Just curious.[15/06/2010 18:13:08]
he does look like buck! wow. even his ancestors are destructive.
[13/06/2010 12:49:25]
Glad I found this, I love this website!~
[13/06/2010 11:52:56]
[12/06/2010 22:51:02]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesHeatran seems to change size throughout the movie - I assumed that was just supposed to be one of its abilities.
[12/06/2010 20:05:40]
Website: EonRidersI always thought that the 'silverwater' was supposed to be like concrete, but then I'd be wondering how they had it the first place, and not solid at that. But liquid metal seems to make more sense…
Heh, I love how Marcus is obviously one of Buck's ancestors. and him owning a(wierdly small-I imagined it bigger) Heatran? Not sure why that Easter egg is there, but it is.
Mewtwo spammy.[12/06/2010 19:56:34]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-11-10Hm, it actually makes perfect sense if Giratina's attack was Will-O-Wisp, since after all Fire-types can't be burned. Still doesn't explain why they didn't just use any of the many attacks of types nothing is immune to, but hey.
[12/06/2010 19:13:31]
Commenting on: 06-11-10Actually, I always just kind accepted that the plates, due to Arceus's inherent power, negated those attacked they resisted. (Although to be fair, Arceus did turn Ghost-type to defend against Aura Sphere and Hyper Beam.) And then there's Giratina's "looks like will-o-wisp except way too explosive" attack, but meh.
And think about it this way–not only did Arceus lose Ground (to defend from Electric), but also every single type that resists Electric. So I just assumed that so long as Arceus can resist a type, it might as well be immune.[12/06/2010 18:48:37]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-11-10I didn't notice that, at least. I took a look at the particular exchange you took as an example, and Ash does repeat "The Jewel of Life?" after she first mentions it, but Sheena's next line after that just continues the story, rather than repeating "Yes, the Jewel of Life" again. In the rest of the scene it's largely the same; sometimes they ask about something she's just said, but only a couple of times, and she never repeats it again after they ask.
To be fair, that sort of thing gets done in dubbing simply because they need filler words to get their dialogue to take the same amount of time as it did in the Japanese version.[12/06/2010 16:28:38]
Website: cave of dragonfliesYeah,in Arceus and the Jewel of Life,they just go on and on and on about STUFF.?????? the jewel of life????
[12/06/2010 15:34:51]
Commenting on: 06-11-10They seemed to get kind of lazy with the dialogue in the English one, with a ton of the exchanges being structured like
"… blah blah blah The Jewel of Life."
"The Jewel of Life?"
"Yes, Jewel of Life. (further explanation)"
And that happened about twelve times within the space of about thirty minutes. I've always been curious, is the Japanese one any better with that, or is it pretty much a direct translation?[12/06/2010 15:19:59]
Hey guys! i just logged in at the forums! my username is One Mew, if anyone's interested.
aren't the new 5th gen PKMN awesome?
mweeheeheehee…[11/06/2010 21:42:24]
Commenting on: 05-31-10I hate sunshine and rainbows anyway. D< -squees over chapter-
Jeebus, I should stop reading these comments before reading. o3o"[11/06/2010 16:29:29]
YESH. i`m gettin black. luvdisc spammy. oops, 4got username. luxio spammy.
[10/06/2010 20:22:28]
Why is everything dead? sooo… anyone interested in the awesome and smooth looks of black and white?
[10/06/2010 18:32:37]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI've sent the new IP to my dad. He should do it sometime soon.
[09/06/2010 17:00:39]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesOkay, I'll need to modify the IP the domain points to, and since the domain is registered in my dad's name, I'll need to contact him to do that.
[09/06/2010 16:10:19]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI'm talking with Dreamhost support staff about it. Use in the meantime; that still works.
[09/06/2010 16:01:40]
When I access the forums I get this:
Site Temporarily Unavailable
We apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact the webmaster/ tech support immediately to have them rectify this.
error id: "bad_httpd_conf"[09/06/2010 15:41:59]
I can't access the forums!! it says 'error ID: ''bad_httpd_conf''
[09/06/2010 14:30:12]
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