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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Its no use arguing, most Christians are Anti-Pokemon.Believe me, I'm a Christian and I know only one christian family that thinks Pokemon is okay.(that tally does not count my family.)
[27/05/2010 22:46:17]
Tch, nobody is anti-Pokémon anymore. Get with the times. Also read.
[27/05/2010 19:59:47]
Website: Need proof?Awesome fan site! Just kidding, Pokemon is the worst mind-destroying game, and promotes corrupted behavior.
[27/05/2010 19:06:49]
Tsutaja the Regal
By the way, for any who missed my post about it, i used to be Mew.
p.s. i will now start signing on as Tsutaja.[27/05/2010 18:34:57]
Tsutaja the Regal
I hope they keep Tsutaja's name…
[27/05/2010 18:30:57]
Website: Click here
Commenting on: 05-16-10PLEASE do chapter thirteen of Morphic!!! (Sorry, I just got really into that one, continue working on it!)
[27/05/2010 18:22:56]
I find that the Water-type starter looks like they just randomly started adding on body parts until they found something that looked remotely like a Pokémon… >_> But, since I prefer the Water-type starters, I'll try it out anyways if I am to get that game when it does come out.
[27/05/2010 16:58:32]
dont forget to put the new Pokemon in the sprite machine and the spammy!
(or when they get their official english names at least)That reminds me, what does everyont think that Zorua, Zororark, and the starters' names are going to be?[27/05/2010 15:52:46]
Tsutaja the Regal
i have made it official! i am going to stare at tsutaja now.
[27/05/2010 06:37:03]
i will proceed to change my screen name to Tsutaja the Regal now.
[27/05/2010 06:34:52]
i think the water type is kinda cute, but i usually lean towards grass. i think they did a good job this generation. HEY! MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLES ONNNNNNNN! :D
[27/05/2010 00:00:46]
u know, mijumaru will most likely become a normal/water when it evolves. at least in my opinion.
[26/05/2010 19:03:56]
Website: EonRidersYeah, I noticed Tsutaja's royal appearance. Grass/Dragon would be utterly sweet. that's what I'm hoping for. Pokabu is cute, but I'm more likely to get Tsutaja just out of adoration. Depending on the evos, I might get Pokabu. I have no opinion on Mijimaru. I can't decide if it will be cool as it evolves.
[25/05/2010 22:47:27]
Isn't that related to your number of badges?
[25/05/2010 15:33:49]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-12-10Yeah, I've been to level eight as well since I wrote that. I got there from level seven in the Celadon Game Corner, but my boyfriend got there from level five as well. I have no idea how that works.
[25/05/2010 05:26:10]
Hmm… now that i think on it, tsutaja looks extremely regal… maybye it will evolve into a grass/dragon… lets hope that it is that instead of grass/poison… we'll see…
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!![25/05/2010 01:06:05]
Commenting on: 05-16-10I vote Morphic as well :P
[24/05/2010 23:12:57]
Commenting on: 04-12-10Great guide; very well-made and helpful.
Just a little note in response to level 7 being the last one: It actually isn't. One time, after playing level 5, I went up to level 8, won it, stayed there, lost it, and dropped down again. I don't know if level 8 is just a random occurrence, but it definitely exists.[24/05/2010 22:33:28]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI was going to update the Cave of Speculative Theories about the starters, but haven't gotten around to it.
I like Tsutaaja, Pokabu is adorable, Mijumaru looks like a weird snowman bear thing and I really don't like it. Which I pick depends on what they evolve into. I'm really hoping for a Grass/Dragon Tsutaaja final stage, personally, but eh, we'll see.[24/05/2010 19:53:38]
hey, i gotz an idea! itd be cool if the fire pig was igpay ir summin.
igpay-pig in pig latin)
actually, i dont think its a bad idea.[24/05/2010 16:35:22]
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