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Website: EonRidersI apoligize, if someone has asked already, but Butterfree, what is your opinion on the 5th Gen starters? I thought you'd update tCoST with your opinion, since most of what you do there is opinionate about the news.
[24/05/2010 05:30:10]
No it will not be a dragon type that would be just silly now.
Also argh I hate Latin who on earth thought declining nouns would be a good idea.
Why do I keep writing run-on sentences I guess I just don't like periods.
oh, I see. Ha ha ha. Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff. Hop, skip, and a jump. Hehe.[23/05/2010 23:15:25]
just because its a reptile doesn't mean it'll be dragon type… again, maybye tsutaja will be grass/poison, like bulbasaur, but its breeding groups will probably be dragon and ground or something.
[23/05/2010 14:56:45]
When pigs fly, Unggoy.
…. Wait.
(Is that a shiny Ditto spamifier I see?)[23/05/2010 14:11:22]
Now I really want the fire pig thing to evolve into a flying type.
[23/05/2010 11:22:50]
Squornshellous Beta
Ah, okay.
[23/05/2010 09:27:06]
Squornshellous Beta, it was actually a joke. I don't truly believe those will be the types. But, I do have reasons. Grass/Dragon because it's a reptile. Fire/Flying because of the phrase "when pigs fly", and Water/Psychic, just because I felt like it.
[23/05/2010 02:42:32]
Commenting on: 04-13-10I wish I had found this 35+ days ago instead of now; I had to slowly work all these rules out for myself when playing Voltorb Flip. Interestingly, my observations mirrored yours exactly, so the entire thing felt rather oddly familiar while I was reading it.
Nice job with this guide.[22/05/2010 03:55:36]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-16-10Eh, it's so hard to compare two different works and decide definitively that one is superior to the other unless there's a very, very pronounced difference. Best are definitely eighth and third, worst are definitely second and ninth, but in between it all gets a lot blurrier.
[22/05/2010 02:02:41]
YES.Thank you Kevin.
[22/05/2010 01:03:58]
Commenting on: 05-16-10Could you list the Pokemon movies, in your opinion, from best to worst?
[22/05/2010 00:45:49]
Emerald Espeon
I'm pretty sure that the Machoke that you trade somewhere in Goldenrod City (I think it was in the underground?) in Crystal does evolve into Machamp when it's traded to you. I think that happened to me.
[21/05/2010 20:56:30]
Squornshellous Beta
But why will they be what you said? Reasoning please and thank you?
After all, it's useless to say it without reasoning.[21/05/2010 20:37:01]
You guys are so silly. The starters will end up being:
Grass / Dragon
Fire / Flying
Water / Psychic[21/05/2010 18:45:45]
Commenting on: 05-16-10Morphic please! :D
[21/05/2010 18:03:28]
Website: Sonarmew's The Legend of LoreniaDunno… looks like it, altough it may stay just Grass type like Meganium…
Haha, Ekans spammy (funny)[21/05/2010 16:59:40]
hey, has it ever occurred 2 u guys that the grass starter will be grass/poison? i mean, it is supposed to be a snake.
[21/05/2010 12:00:23]
why des every 1 hate the water starter? i think it looks kinda cute.
[21/05/2010 01:40:09]
I luv ze grass starter 4 the 5 gen., it looks so peaceful. i will get black version and i will get the grass starter ad call it Tsutaja in the U.S. version, unless they dont change it, then i will call it Zen Dao Tu.
on a side note, this is the 10th time i got shiftry 4 spammy. i hate shiftry.[21/05/2010 01:38:35]
this gui mus nao captsur the most elusiv pokeman of all timez: a grlfrind.[21/05/2010 00:15:42]
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