Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Luca Rio
Website: dragonflycave
Commenting on: 05-16-10MORFFFFFIC! YAY!!!!!
[17/05/2010 19:42:03]
Squornshellous Beta
Commenting on: 05-16-10And another typo.
"For some inexplicable reason Team Rocket somewhere totally different, a"
There should probably be an 'are' in there, yes?[17/05/2010 19:12:47]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-16-10Oops. Watching the movie in Japanese will do that to you.
[17/05/2010 18:40:15]
Squornshellous Beta
Commenting on: 05-16-10You seem to have called Piplup ‘Pochama’ there - "Zero's Magnemite, Magneton and Magnezone burst in at this time, but Shaymin, Pikachu and Pochama work together to fight them off."
As to what to do next, I vote Morphic.[17/05/2010 17:16:45]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThe Black/White Water starter. Check
[14/05/2010 04:33:10]
Wait, what Water starter?
[13/05/2010 23:32:41]
I found out sumthin about the trainer house! when you battle a friend + win, you get one battle point for the battle frontier!
[13/05/2010 01:09:55]
(Note: spoilers in the story will be covered with spoilers.Peek at your own risk.)
OK, I have Sky(Mystery Dungeon), and i must admit, it is awesome.
I'm a Charmander, and If you pick the right partner, when you get hurt you can just switch places with him/her and say,"Here, you get him while I heal up."
I'm at the part when you have to beat Duskinoir and his Sabelye , and it is soooooooooo haaaaaard.
FYI:My name (in the game only) is Sola, and My partner is a Riolu named Lunaris.
Charmander for spammy. Fwee, I'm on the spammy![13/05/2010 00:35:29]
What on earth is wrong with that new Water starter it looks horrible.
[12/05/2010 18:57:38]
Website: Poliwager ForumsWell, haven't posted here for a while…
I've been playing Red Version a bit lately, with a friend. I've got some decent Pokémon, including a Paras named France. XD
HeartGold is great too, I'm loving the Pokémon following behind you. It's awesome.
@Butterfree: I enjoyed reading the HG/SS Changes page. ^^[10/05/2010 21:43:33]
Website: N/AWait, wait, wait, wait, never mind, i saw the post before. Sorry :(
Typloso-uh, i mean Teephlosion? Oh yeah, it was Typhlosion, right. Typhlosion for the spammifier.[10/05/2010 14:08:19]
Website: N/A;moltres; :moltres: {moltres}
Does the feature exist anyway? :D[10/05/2010 14:06:01]
Website: N/ALet's see here…..[moltres] How exactly do you insert a pokemon sprite into your chat message?
Riolu for the spammifier :)[10/05/2010 14:05:08]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUm, what do you mean, doing "for" it? When the fifth generation is actually out, yes, I will make a new Zodiac, and how I'll go about organizing it will depend on how I can make it fit with the numbers of Pokémon/legendaries/evolution lines as they turn out. I can't tell you anything now that would be relevant.
And no, I don't have a DSi. Never saw the point.[09/05/2010 23:42:01]
watcha doin 4 5th generation zodiac?
[09/05/2010 22:01:54]
i wuv kittehs. by any chance, butterfree, do u have a dsi? testin da bbcode thing.
[09/05/2010 21:56:06]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYou can't post images in the guestbook, period, hence why there is no [img] BBCode listed on the guestbook-signing page. If you just want to link, right-click the image and go to Copy Link Location if you're using Firefox or to Properties and then copy the URL from there, and then put it into a normal link tag.
[09/05/2010 19:00:58]
I have a feeling that I'll never get this linking to images stuff.Oh well. B-day is Jan 22.
[09/05/2010 16:03:43]
Duskinoir for spammy. Bad Duskinoir, bad! (If youre womdering, go play Explorers of Sky till you get it.Or even longer if you want.)[09/05/2010 16:01:03]
'Ello! This seems an interesting site… I'll bookmark it. Also, Quentin = FTW.
[09/05/2010 10:59:10]
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