Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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What? I just haven't had anything to say.
[05/05/2010 19:07:32]
Yes, you looked it up. good job.
(ps: im horrible at trivia.
I wish bob would come back.)[05/05/2010 16:49:42]
@Frostagin- Ohhhhhhhhh cutie ^-^ I want one!s
Spinda 4 spammy ^-^[05/05/2010 06:19:58]
Emerald Espeon
Jolteon and Electrike.
Yes, I looked it up >.>[04/05/2010 01:03:17]
Website: TankittehI got a Tankitteh! ^u^
[03/05/2010 22:07:03]
What two Pokémon share the species name Lightning Pokémon?[03/05/2010 21:52:10]
in HG/SS changes, i think u forgot the shiny leaf.
[03/05/2010 12:08:48]
bluestar- how long was it?
spammy= SHINEH DRAGONITE! i think.[03/05/2010 02:42:44]
Commenting on: 04-29-10wow. first comment. 8U
[02/05/2010 23:33:02]
for ur "fancy a challenge?" section:
use only one evolutionary family,+ditto if needed for breeding,and HM slaves, too.
use only your least-liked pokemon, excluding very weak ones.(starly,bidoof,pidgey,magikarp,Etc.)[02/05/2010 21:42:47]
also,(i use that word alot XD) if you get the arceus event, GET GIRATINA! its holding the griseous orb so its the only possible way (w/out cheats) to get giratina origin form! :D
[02/05/2010 20:56:00]
mehw- also, to get past snorlax, use radio and self-tune it to poke flute.
[02/05/2010 20:51:53]
about as fast as a computer, except you cant do youtube, webkinz, clubpenguin, and the rest of that crap. XD
[02/05/2010 20:49:06]
So, the DSi browser has like Java and stuff? Does it work well? Like, no 8 minute loading times
diglett spammy. I love diglett.
I'm at diglett cave in SoulSil- OH WAIT THERE'S A DAMN SNORLAX SLEEPING THERE[02/05/2010 20:35:19]
I actually sat through the marquee of doom.
how long did it take to MAKE that?![02/05/2010 19:56:23]
marquee of doom. wow.
i must say though, Sapphire sounds cool.[02/05/2010 19:38:41]
Website: N/AI hope you hear me, Butterfree, 'cause I'm gonna say this out loud: THIS SITE IS AMAZING!!! Period.
[02/05/2010 17:06:48]
Website: N/AI can't believe i still have my silver version. Still fun to blast through to mount silver and beat Red over and over and over and over…..ah, it doesnt matter. It's still an old school game lol :)
Jigglypuff for the spammifier.[02/05/2010 17:04:20]
Website: Super Pokemon Coolness[img]IMAGE URL[/img]
Austin is my name[02/05/2010 16:27:40]
Emerald Espeon
Oh good, I do remember you then :D
Yesterday I finally got a bit of time to play SoulSilver and I got to Goldenrod…the game corner guy is…creepy. "Show me how you play to make my heart beat with excitement!" O_o[02/05/2010 15:41:33]
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