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Chapter 52 of TQftL iz epic… why let taylor win??? why couldn't Tyranitar brutally murder mewtwo2???? or maybye mewtwo2 could have broken free of the clone ball and stopped attacking? oh well, it'll probably fall into place during the last 30 chapters of the fic.
[20/03/2010 19:07:13]
Commenting on: 03-13-10Er…. shouldn't the Play-Asia thing say buy the English version of HG/SS now that it's out?
[20/03/2010 18:06:35]
I'm not British, but I love doctorr who. My favorite episode has to be the one with roses boyfriend(and I'm not talking about mickey. that other guy that got the thing in his head that opens when you snap.)LOL that episode was so funny.
In other news, Bulbapedia has been taken over by Team Rocket and I miss my friend because he moved to Texas about a yer ago.[20/03/2010 15:52:50]
Still haven't gotten HG/SS. Gonna buy it within the next week, though.
I watched Dr. Who once. It had that strong European television feel to it. I dunno. I notice a difference between American and European T.V.
Plushie! <3[20/03/2010 15:32:46]
I've only watched Dr. Who once, and I can't even remember what happened. XD
Mewtwo for spammifier. Long time, no see.[20/03/2010 00:48:21]
anyone here getting hgss soon, im getting it as soon as it realeased in austrailia
[19/03/2010 22:08:02]
love the splash! 8D
[19/03/2010 22:03:30]
there, done 8D
[19/03/2010 09:31:17]
LOL8P Luxray Village HQ you dont know who dr who is, that show is awsome, oh yeah and now im changing my name to ShinyRedGlaceon insted of shinyglaceon 8D
[19/03/2010 09:30:07]
[19/03/2010 01:02:38]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-13-10I've actually never watched Doctor Who, though elyvorg has been bugging me to do so for ages and I will eventually. But I do know what time lords are and figured it would amuse the Brits here, so.
[18/03/2010 20:53:02]
Gah! I feel like some sort of social outcast… I have no idea who Doctor Who is!
[18/03/2010 20:19:17]
Commenting on: 03-13-10Great splash the look on Charizard's face. Perhaps the Brittishness of the expo has brused off. Time Lord. Have you perhaps become a Doctor Who fan?
[18/03/2010 20:11:29]
Yes, she is.
[18/03/2010 18:38:27]
I can't admit that. I prefer U2. :D
[18/03/2010 03:02:16]
LOL a plushie Dialga named Quentin that I first hear about while listening to Poker Face by Lady Gaga."Can't read my, cant read my, no he can't read my poker face." Admit it, Lady Gaga is awesome. So Quentin says hes a Time Lord… Wonder if he knows The Doctor. (inside joke for doctor who fans)
[17/03/2010 21:26:56]
yo. 'sup
[17/03/2010 20:41:26]
Commenting on: 03-13-10sweet. i've only been to this website once before, but i think i might be a regular visitor.
[17/03/2010 20:39:01]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI will once the game actually comes out over here.
[17/03/2010 17:54:22]
Milk and Cookies
You should make a HGSS Locations/Places to Train section.
[17/03/2010 11:16:00]
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