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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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hi everybody,8D how many shinys do you people have, i had two a graveler and a slugma on my perl but last year the file deleted itself and i didn't have the guts to start again until i heard about that pikachu coloured pichu event i had to get it for when i get HG(preordred). my bro has three on his diamond, a mewtwo, pichu and dugtrio. but technicly he only has one because the mewtwo is gamesharked and his pichu is the event one. once he nearly caught a shiny haunter but he didn't catch it because then he would run out of balls to catch girantina. i know wierd, who takes 1 altra ball to catch a legendary pokemon, he didn't catch girantina anyway 8P
[17/03/2010 08:23:58]
yeah you're probaly right about the fake pokemon thing, i'll try somthing else
and about the marquee of doom thing i admit it i only waited for a couple of minutes, after that i just left it up and opened a knew tab :) but still it would be annoying for people who actully took you seriosly[17/03/2010 07:51:22]
Website: The Cave of Dragonfliesshinyglaceon: But nobody was forcing you to endure it; you did it of your own free will. If you were really tired of it, why didn't you just leave and do something else.
About your fake Pokémon, well, that would be because the bird Water/Electric/Fire trio has already sort of been done, in pretty generic ways; it's almost inevitable that something with a concept of "electric bird" or "fire bird" is going to end up looking like Zapdos or Moltres. If I were you I'd get a better concept to begin with, use different types altogether or something.[17/03/2010 07:20:29]
opps, my internet smiley didn't show up properly, >-< painful
[17/03/2010 06:52:49]
LOL i just read your webmasters page and its so funny how you say to never annoy the visitor, do you know how much time i spent on the marquee of doom waiting for this pize.>-< painful
[17/03/2010 06:39:49]
yeah, im trying to make an eevee evo line but with birds they always end up like moltres or zapdos
[17/03/2010 06:27:38]
Love the splash. :D
[17/03/2010 00:01:30]
Commenting on: 03-13-10Ahw, I'm sad that the splash-naming pattern has been broken. :P
[16/03/2010 15:54:25]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUh, help you with what? Making fake Pokémon?
[16/03/2010 14:48:03]
hey butterfree great website 8D. i love your fake pokemon section and i wish i was as good as making up pokemon as you. if you are on this page right now pleese reply. HELP ME!!!! 8:{
[16/03/2010 10:31:35]
Emerald Espeon
I almost always choose the "You suck" option, but if there's an option to select more than one I choose a normal answer, too :P
[15/03/2010 02:03:15]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesMost people who vote "you suck" just choose it because it's the funny option. :P There is no reason to take them seriously; including the option is just a running gag.
It's not like the fact I made a shadow Arceus sprite has any bearing on whether or not there actually "is" a shadow Arceus, canonically, so I don't really think that's relevant. o_O[14/03/2010 20:56:10]
Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost*unhappy* People keep saying you suck in the polls :( I don't like it. Also, on TV Tropes, someone was talking about how there had never been a Shadow Arceus, I linked them to the front page of your sprites. ^^ (The front page so they don't charge in and take everything, they have to read the TaC first.)
[14/03/2010 20:26:33]
Commenting on: 03-13-10Aww. Oh well, a storyline/game sounds just as good :D You always find a way to make it interesting, haha.
[14/03/2010 20:17:08]
Well, I have been gone for a while. I just got SoulSilver… but my mom took it and is keeping it for several months until my birthday *strangles*.
[14/03/2010 17:34:16]
Yay! I love the new splash. Happy 3,000,000 hits!
[14/03/2010 07:23:35]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-13-10…comics? No way; there are a multitude of reasons why I would never ever be capable of drawing a comic. :/ I might make a game involving Quentin, a la Magikarp: the Gathering, or make a 'storyline' out of it in some other sense, but all such ideas are only at a very rough stage right now and I don't know if anything becomes of them.
[14/03/2010 04:33:47]
Commenting on: 03-13-10Oh, will this mean we get some comics to figure out who Mr. Time Lord is?
[14/03/2010 03:52:00]
Commenting on: 03-13-10that's such a cute splash. x} Charizard's facial expression at this angle is priceless! :D
[14/03/2010 03:48:38]
WOOHOO! I'm getting SS too (when I have the time).
[14/03/2010 01:24:39]
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