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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Hahahaha Yamii =/:D (that's a tophat i think) :P hey does anyone want to help me? (specifically Sangi or Typhloise or Emerald) i dunno you three seem like you work hard and whatn't (not that no one else does)
[17/08/2009 15:31:28]
Aww, all love is unrequited. How tragic ;')
[17/08/2009 15:27:37]
Hey SonarMew, did you change your name? Or just laziness from the phone usage?
[17/08/2009 14:05:27]
To explain my flow chart (creepystalkergirl>me>you>alex>girlwhoalexlikes)
some creepy girl likes me. I like you. You like alex. Alex likes girl who alex likes. D:[17/08/2009 06:54:00]
Mewtwo spammy ^_^
and Sangi, yeah, probably… But why does everyone like someone who's not interested xD creepystalker girl>me>you>alex>girlalexlikes
o.0 you know my favorite person besides Sangi? everyone :D I love everyone here, you're all so fricken awesome![17/08/2009 06:52:26]
Sorry. My phone 'net is sooooo so messed up.
[17/08/2009 01:47:32]
Website: Sonar'z ReignOh, you're awesome too, Emerald! And SilverLatios and Typhloise and HellHoundoom and Bob and LynxRunner! (Yes, I remembered you guys too.) CANDYYYYYY!!! *throws candy at random people*
Oh, now, we musn't forgrt the awesome-st of 'em all… *drumroll* BUTTERFREE!!![17/08/2009 01:41:49]
Website: Sonar'z ReignOh, you're awesome too, Emerald! And SilverLatios and Typhloise and HellHoundoom and Bob and LynxRunner! (Yes, I remembered you guys too.) CANDYYYYYY!!! *throws candy at random people*
Oh, now, we musn't forgrt the awesome-st of 'em all… *drumroll* BUTTERFREE!!![17/08/2009 01:40:55]
Website: Sonar'z ReignOh, you're awesome too, Emerald! And SilverLatios and Typhloise and HellHoundoom and Bob and LynxRunner! (Yes, I remembered you guys too.) CANDYYYYYY!!! *throws candy at random people*
Oh, now, we musn't forgrt the awesome-st of 'em all… *drumroll* BUTTERFREE!!![17/08/2009 01:40:47]
Website: Sonar'z ReignOh, you're awesome too, Emerald! And Typhloise and HellHoundoom and Bob and LynxRunner! (Yes, I remembered you guys too.) CANDYYYYYY!!! *throws candy at random people*
[17/08/2009 01:34:49]
Emerald Espeon
…I'm not awesome?! D: *whimpers* I want a hug too! D:
[17/08/2009 00:38:42]
I almost forgot. *hugs Mehw* Oh, and of course, Sonar, you get a hug, too. *hugs* You're awesome, too. :D
[16/08/2009 22:57:32]
You're awesome, Mehw. You have such a dynamic personality, as far as I can tell. You seem like a fun-loving person; what's not to like? You're a great person and will make someone happy some day, but I'm not sure if it would be me… I'm sorry…
Infactuation over the Internet can be a blessing and a curse, I know. It'll be best if we just stay friends.
I sure hope so… Yeah, he's great; we have so much in common, with the perfect personality to boot, but he had to wind up attracted to someone else (who thankfully isn't interested)…[16/08/2009 22:55:58]
Website: Sonar'z Reign@Imposter: Heheh… yeah. The G/S remakes do sound full of awesomeness.
@Sangheili: Aren't I awesome? *hugs too*[16/08/2009 21:42:35]
I did an HG/SS Shadow Lugia. :O It sucks. [IMG][/IMG] Oh, and I did me in Pokemon form. [IMG][/IMG]
[16/08/2009 12:21:18]
Heeeelloo everybody! I've just checked out the CoST, and it seems pretty awesome, these G/S remakes. I've also checked out the poll on them, and there seems to be an inordinate amount of OMGS. Then again, who'd expect there not to be? They've been hyping this for months!
[16/08/2009 12:04:16]
Why hath you cursed me with these feelings x_x Sangi thoust are purest…awesomest coolest pre- err evile! Purest evile…that's it… :\
[16/08/2009 08:47:19]
*stuffs selfishness in bag* …i hope if you want he starts to like you :] anyone you like has to be a pretty generally awesome person :D
but on the /other/ hand D: grrimsostupid D:[16/08/2009 08:44:39]
Emerald Espeon
I don't remember the Sinnoh Great Marsh. It's been far too long since I picked up the game because I love seeing my old records from summer of 2007 when I turn it on :P
[16/08/2009 04:32:15]
Shining Suicune
Website: Poketime ForumsHello, I've always loved your site! If you go on Pokebeach, you may know me. :F Nice guides, BTW. I used the pixel-over one, and got a pretty good HG/SS Lugia art one. Just droped in saying hi, and thanks! ^^
[IMG][/IMG] Feel free to use that, with credit. ^^[16/08/2009 02:00:55]
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