Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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I've gotten Pokerus twice before…. *is privileged*
Which means my Cubone took 15 minutes to fully EV train. :D[12/08/2009 15:20:13]
Several months ago I got PokeRus on my Platinum, which, somewhat ironically, wasn't even to the second gym.
Because I'm an idiot, I didn't save right away, and after continuing playing for a while, someone bumped it out of my hands, and the game froze. So, I lost the PokeRus.
I was really sad. But, I ended up trading with someone to get PokeRus again, which is something I would'nt normally do, but I rationalized it as that I'd caught it myself, so it was okay.[12/08/2009 11:33:33]
Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign- Yay! 100 page views!Yay! My site hit its 100 view milestone! I'm exited!
Oh, and I've decided that my Fanfic contest will end on September 12, '09 (the day HGSS comes out). Butter hurry![12/08/2009 10:50:09]
Sonar Mew
Dragonite spammy![12/08/2009 10:37:06]
Emerald, you're right. There /is/ too much milk in them. And Bob… MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAH-er…. Infect the others….waitthatsoundshorrible. DO IT! SPREAD THE DISEASE…..O.O
[12/08/2009 05:37:54]
Emerald Espeon
I was asked about c:
I don't know the answers to any of these impossible quizzes D: I have therefore decided that the questions are flawed. Hmph.[12/08/2009 00:01:26]
Okay, just after I finished EV training my Glaceon, I found out I got Pokerus. While that's nice, why *now*? Like seriously, I was coming back from massacring Bidoof with the Power Anklet, and Joy's like "Blah blah Pokerus blah."
Hrgh.[11/08/2009 23:05:51]
Gacatail: YOU FAILZ. You got 1 and 4 wrong. And remember, there is only one question pick the right one
[11/08/2009 22:32:34]
So I failed? D:
[11/08/2009 21:51:38]
1. Feet.
2. Are you sure?
3. Not funny.
4. Haircut off topic.
I win, right? =D[11/08/2009 20:21:37]
*wakes up* uh, oh….okay. I have a super Impossible quiz where you have to guess the answer. There's only 1 question.
1. Milotic.
2. This isn't a question?
3. Haha.
4. Hair on topic.[11/08/2009 19:36:52]
The answer to number 1 is… Yes. Yes you would.
[11/08/2009 18:15:02]
*no, they're all Pokemon-related.
[11/08/2009 15:52:01]
I'm making up questions with answers I don't know, thank you very much.
And not they're all Pokemon-related.[11/08/2009 15:51:31]
*wanders in* Is number two 'only listens to anime theme songs in Catalan', by any chance?
[11/08/2009 15:38:26]
[11/08/2009 14:31:13]
*scans our comfy guestroom* Where'd everyone go? Butterfree's asleep on the couch and Bob is sitting in the corner making up answers for questions he doesn't know. Wheres Typhloise, and Sangheili, and SonarMew? How about Emerald Espeon? D:
[11/08/2009 06:32:44]
Oh! Of course, that's why I couldn't choose, I secretly knew there was both. :D
[11/08/2009 03:57:51]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWe have both a president and a prime minister. The president has little to no actual power and is mostly a representative, plus that he technically has the power to veto new laws and that he formally assigns the leading party of parliamentary elections license to form a government. The prime minister is the one with the real political power who actually does stuff.
[11/08/2009 01:59:28]
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