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Awww,I can't believe I forgot this site. It's so awesome.
[14/08/2009 18:31:33]
What's this Pokewalker? And yes everything sounds so much better…i actually might get it early…i'm getting No More Heroes and Force Unleashed tomorrow, has anyone played those?
[14/08/2009 18:18:02]
I checked out the Serebii ShinyGold & SoulSilver section last night, and I agree that it's awesome! There's so many cool features and such! For example…
Partner Pokemon: Any Pokemon can now follow you! That will be a neat feature, and it was awesome in Yellow!
Pokethlon: Hopefully these will be some fun minigames to play.
Safari Zone: Now they actually have one. But if it's anything like the one in D/P/P, it will be awful.
Pokewalker: Pure awesomeness. That was if I'm leveling for my Pokedex or something, I can just leave it in my pocket or something throughout he day.
Pokegear: The Pokegear was only rivaled be the Poketch, butt it had one of my favorite features, the radio.
Berry Planter: Seems weird, but will make things easier.
Apricorns: Great idea in G/S/C, and I'm surprised it wasn't implemented later on. And now it seems Poffins and Pokeblocks will be replaced by Aprishakes!
Mehw: Better. Still can't walk, though. But I'm off painkillers and everything.[14/08/2009 15:57:24]
Sorry sooo much, i'm hyper and i keep forgetting to add things… Here'ss my last thing : TYPHLOISE!? HOW'S YOUR LEGGGG? ~mehw
[14/08/2009 09:53:06]
Heh, sorry >^< just to clarify, ~*Leafeon*~ -gasp- i can spelz! Well, that was short lived :D
[14/08/2009 09:52:02]
actually, I remember having a Bulbasaur, and a Meowth. I WANTZ A REEL LEEFEONZ goooooooooooooood that'd be soooo amazing… But no..we get stuck with stupid 'regular' animals T_T
[14/08/2009 09:48:58]
Sonar, heh… I don't have any Poke Plushies. D: and @Butterfree, isn't the day of -legendary- supposed to happen at the end of their reign? D: and at Emerald: :D why thanks for the gift. :DDDDDD haha
I probably won't get SS for awhile, i haven't even played Platinum much yet, it's not… Appealing recently for some reason…and it's no Pokemon in general (cuz i r <3's poekamans) it's DS in general. D: and most consoles. CoD5 is the only thing i've played in the last week or two. Don't get me wrong, I still like all my games… It's just when something gets started over without my knowledge, it makes me not want to play it anymore.[14/08/2009 09:46:47]
omg i luv ur site!!! my fav sprite u made is the shadow pokemon!! (i tried making one of my own but failed misserebly) and plz excuse me for the fake email ~*darklucario*~
[14/08/2009 04:55:57]
Sonar Mew
Website: Sonar Mew's Reign@Emerald: You should go to one of those video game stores. There usually isn't a lot of people, and all the guy says is 'That'll be $(X amount)', and 'Would you like a reciept?'. And besides, why should you be embarassed to buy a game? It's one thing to buy a Pokémon plushie… but another to buy a Pokémon game. >_> *looks at Mehw*
@Butterfree: I'm just wonder'n, about how many front page hits do you get within an hour, average? It's killing me to know XD.[14/08/2009 04:33:13]
Emerald Espeon
I just read Serebii's section on Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver and now I'm really excited for them :D I especially like the Pokéthlon thing. But I think I'll probably wait a while after they come out to see if there will be a sequel…just in case :P
I'm going to find it so embarrassing walking into a store and buying a Pokémon game :S Probably I'll get it giftwrapped when I buy it, though :D[14/08/2009 03:45:15]
Hullo, Zang.
[14/08/2009 00:01:07]
Hi,Ive been here twice,but never sighned the book.
so here I am[13/08/2009 22:48:02]
Sangheili, do you watch machinima of Halo?
[13/08/2009 16:49:39]
*puts on an oxygen mask* :D *muffled speech* *pulls down mask*-and that's after we steal a turtle from the zoo.
[13/08/2009 16:48:56]
Greenumbreon got Pokerus once, traded the Pokemon to another kid, and lost it. Then, he got it AGAIN, and traded one Pokemon to me so I could EV train my Totadile. Then I got Pokerus from a Mantyke in Pearl.
[13/08/2009 14:57:11]
Emerald Espeon
*Pokémon Ruby. Not Pokémon :P
[13/08/2009 04:58:51]
Emerald Espeon
I think I may have gotten Pokérus legitimately once, but I can't remember. I did get Pokérus from using the bad egg action replay cheat on Pokémon a long time ago. Haha, I remember that cheat. I kept trying to hatch those eggs and they just wouldn't hatch…except one, which froze the game every time it hatched. And I was stupid enough to save the game when it was in my party and only a few steps away from hatching…
[13/08/2009 04:58:23]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-04-09Um, insult it? Where did I insult it? I think it's one of my better styles. If you mean my "rather hacked-together CSS" comment, that's about the CSS, which if you don't know what that is refers to the coding of the style. Which was rather hacked together, but that's quite unrelated to the merits of the actual style.
[12/08/2009 22:07:33]
Don't insult it
Commenting on: 08-04-09Don't insult my favorite style.
[12/08/2009 21:04:19]
I've gotten Pokerus twice before…. *is privileged*
Which means my Cubone took 15 minutes to fully EV train. :D[12/08/2009 15:20:20]
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