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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesSeen the new HG/SS info yet? It looks awesome. Three sets of starters and all the Kanto/Johto/Hoenn non-event legendaries except the Regis!
[10/09/2009 02:23:19]
Emerald Espeon
Yes! What happened to V&SL? Did she move to the forums?
Remember Shiny Noctowl's quizzes? And Sapphire Sneasel?
I need help with my LeafGreen team. I think it desperately needs a Fire-type and a Water-type, but then I have to get rid of some of the Pokémon I actually trained.
My team right now is Venusaur, Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Mankey, and Bellsprout (HM slave).
I really don't want to get rid of any of them for my new Vulpix, but my team isn't the most type-balanced… :/[10/09/2009 01:58:08]
Remember when B&SL/V&SL/Blaziking posted here? And the whole Shiny Riolu thing?
I feel old. D:[10/09/2009 00:59:19]
Emerald Espeon
I KNOW! It's full of chills and thrills.
I guess because school's just started :P[10/09/2009 00:25:26]
Website: DragonDoll's SiteI haz a depressedness
[10/09/2009 00:11:59]
All caps are fun. :3[09/09/2009 20:35:43]
"…fake Groudon, I thought that sounded pretty lame, but the real thing…"
I find this funny. The real fake Groudon?[08/09/2009 11:26:31]
I dnt hav it, but my cousins]do and i r in <3
[08/09/2009 02:06:03]
I love this place
[07/09/2009 23:54:12]
I got Halo 3 several weeks ago. I don't have Live either. So, since I beat it in Legendary and have all the skulls I have just about nothing to do other than screw around on Forge.
[07/09/2009 19:36:03]
Sadly, no, I don't have Live… T_T
And yeah, Halo 3 is definitely for the win. :D[07/09/2009 18:31:21]
On HG, I'll play as the boy, and get Cyndaquil.
On SS, I'll play as the girl, and get Chikorita.[07/09/2009 14:40:36]
HALO3FTW:DDDDD Ir teh oficshal haeloh thrie whealm©n:D Sangi whats your gtttt? oh yeah you dont have XBl? o___0 [/peopleblendtogethersometimes….x_x]
[07/09/2009 05:57:00]
*was one of the foolish ones* XD
My friend from another city came to visit me yesterday! :D I rarely see him, so we stayed up to about three o'clock talking, and frankly, I had the best freaking time since I don't know when! *is extremely happy*[07/09/2009 04:10:29]
Shining Suicune
Fwee, Sealeo! :D Man, I have to watch Jirachi again. *_*
[07/09/2009 00:10:27]
It's totally a brain sucking menace. Yeah.
I really need need to stop linking to this place.
I'll stop now.[06/09/2009 18:43:42]
Gahh! so much catch up reading!!! I missed you all! *hug tackles anyone foolish enough to be alive* my phone broke :(((((((( so after like a week I was like….. WIIINTERNET!!!!!!!!!! :D
[06/09/2009 18:42:36]
Mow Rotom
In SoulSilver, I'm definitly picking the guy. For one, I'm a guy (I find this a good reason x_x), backwards baseball hat :D, WHAT'S WITH THE NEW GIRLS HAT???, and I got Charizard spammy :P
[06/09/2009 17:58:16]
I always alternate between the female and the male characters, but I always start out a new game with the guy.
[06/09/2009 15:56:58]
Emerald Espeon
Yeah, I always catch a Diglett before battling Surge. And now I regret not bothering to find and catch a Pikachu in Viridian Forest…if I catch one now, I doubt I'll have the patience to train it.
If I get HeartGold or SoulSilver, I'm definitely playing as the male. No shorts-overalls and weird hat for me, thanks…[06/09/2009 02:29:32]
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