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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


I don't remember seeing the third movie at all, but i have the unown card that came with the movie, and as i look at it i feel awkward, because I can't remember it, though I have physical proof that I have… O.o

[25/08/2009 22:38:32]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-25-09

As KyuuFox said, apparently the "Unown have to do with wife's disappearance" thing was made up for the dub and was a change from the original story. Though I don't remember any mention of what he claims is the Japanese backstory at all. :/

Dogasu's comparison also says that Team Rocket's entire role is completely rewritten, so I'm not surprised I don't remember the thing about having a bigger role in the next movie. :P It's a fun addition, though.

[25/08/2009 22:10:11]

Commenting on: 08-24-09

…Damn. Pretend that was for the update for chapter four, if you'd please.

[25/08/2009 22:03:29]

Website: Poliwager Forums

Wow, I haven't been on here in a while…

Guess what everyone? PF reached it's 50th member, and is continuing to grow. ;D

Banette for the spammy.

[25/08/2009 21:34:11]

Commenting on: 08-25-09

Your other movie reviews for some reason made me want to go and watch the third movie a few days ago, so I have a couple of vague comments (bearing in mind that it was the English dub I watched, so yeah).

I seem to remember it being mentioned/hinted at at some point that the reason Professor Hale was researching the Unown in the first place was because he thought they were related to his wife's disappearance - in other words, Molly's mother was also zapped into an alternate dimension by the Unown. This led me to the conclusion that the woman in the credits sequence really was Molly's mother, having been sent back into reality just like her father, making it a rather adorable Crowning Moment of Heartwarming.

The other thing is that, during one of Team Rocket's unimportant scenes, Meowth had a line where he wondered if they'd have a bigger role in the next movie, which I found to be a rather hilarious lampshade on the fact that they'd done nothing at all in this one. xP

[25/08/2009 21:25:41]


In the dub version of Movie 3, they have a directors' commentary.

They talk about Molly's Mom.

In the Japanese version, the story is that Molly's dad was so obsessed with finding the Unown, he mom went insane and was institutionalized.

In the dub, she was a researcher about the Unown and disappeared while studying them, causing Molly's Dad to research them to try to find out what happened to her.

Personally, and ironically, I prefer the dub's explanation.

[25/08/2009 20:43:59]


That defense can be true in some cases, but most of it can be explained.

[25/08/2009 20:31:18]

Commenting on: 08-24-09

That was awesome, I really can't wait for more. It's getting so interesting! *rereads chapter*

[25/08/2009 20:19:46]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-25-09

That's not really relevant to my point. Yes, they are mysterious, but because they are so mysterious, their actions in the movie, if you can even call them actions, make no coherent sense. That is a handwave akin to the "God moves in mysterious ways" defense. :/

[25/08/2009 20:09:17]


Don't forget that they're spelt "Unown", Oh-Paching.

[25/08/2009 19:37:53]

Commenting on: 08-25-09

I think you were being a bit overly critical of the Unknown in your "The Bad" section. They are "unknown", after all.

[25/08/2009 19:20:05]


I just read the second movie review…ah, I love how much you hate it. When I watched that movie, I found it boring so I pretty much kept leaving the room and doing other stuff, then coming back and not finding anything too new or surprising going on.

[25/08/2009 16:13:29]


Oooh i really like Nidoking style for my phone. It work's nicely and the colors aren't harsh or too bright. (my phone shows colors a little brighter, so I cant use Mew style without a headache v_v) anyways this has renewed my love for your site. Butterfree, you're awesome.

[25/08/2009 06:08:28]


Butterfree D: why does my style keep switching back to whatever style you set for the genreal non xookie ness, i have cookies on my phone, but it randomly switches tothe style that is preset, (slasher i think its called) and normally that theme is EPIC WINA! But on my phone i can't see , as the comments box is white, and so are the words… :\ i think i had it on voice of the forest or scyther slash style.

[25/08/2009 06:04:17]




[25/08/2009 03:47:23]


I've been playing Emerald ALOT recently. I'm about to beat the league too.

Dialga spammy! :O

[25/08/2009 01:51:35]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-24-09

Uh, it's been his name since chapter four. o_O

[25/08/2009 01:02:56]

Commenting on: 08-24-09

Come ON, Butterfree! Must MY name be the bad guy's name?

Although I must say that I find it clever that you used a bible-type name. It's little things like this that make me love your writing.

[25/08/2009 00:24:30]


I decided to send HomeBrew to the gates of hell, and It decided to take my Wii with it. T-T

[24/08/2009 22:01:59]

So. I turned on my Wii today,

And everything was deleted. F*****************K!!! ~ Mehw

[24/08/2009 19:44:12]

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