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It doesn't even look like Misty…[14/09/2009 01:59:27]
what do you mean what the hell is misty wearing? LINKZORZ PLEEZE
[14/09/2009 01:29:25]
Something I think should be added to the "Satoshi Tajiri in disguise" conspiracy- Scorplack is a scorpion that is Bug/Poison or Poison/Dark… And in Diamond and Pearl, there's Skorupi and Drapion, scorpions that are Poison/Bug and Poison/Dark, respectively.
[14/09/2009 00:42:46]
Emerald Espeon
Sorry for the double post, but woah! I just saw the Celebi thing on Serebii…so it's not fake! :O That's cool.
[13/09/2009 21:48:15]
Commenting on: 09-11-09All right, in my stupid excitement I forgot it was in japanese, so I only understand a few words of it XD
Right now I really wish the japanese guide had won the site poll XD[13/09/2009 21:47:08]
Emerald Espeon
Typhloise: Really? That sounds fake to me…
[13/09/2009 21:46:53]
Commenting on: 09-11-09OMG! I must find that ROM now.
[13/09/2009 21:17:41]
I just read on Bulbapedia that if you get a special Celebi given out in an event, and if you take it to the Ilex forest shrine, it will bring you back in time! First, you go back in time to see Giovanni leaving Silver after he was defeated by Red. Then, you go forward in time to beat Giovanni and convince him not to go back to Team Rocket!
[13/09/2009 17:16:01]
Pikachu Goddess
Yes. All good games are rated M. XD
And I got the achievement yesterday![13/09/2009 17:02:40]
Commenting on: 09-11-09Ah, thank you. An emulator that actually works.
But none of my ROMs do. Crap. Ah well, I'll (hopefully) find one eventually. There must be some SS ROMs that work, since I've seen people say " Oh this game is so great" but when I try that ROM, It has a black screen after the character creaation screen.[13/09/2009 15:09:27]
Finally got back to the Pokemon Center, I definitely don't see anything bright purple on her status screen, and she was in the front of my party when I healed her after the battle with Faulkner.
And I just let my Unown faint and seemed to get the same message.
Ah, well, at least I can put her back on my team now. =P[13/09/2009 03:27:35]
Emerald Espeon
Typhloise, don't bother getting a netbook unless you're using it as a sort of secondary computer. Which it doesn't sound like you are.
*interrupts all the HG/SS discussion :P*[13/09/2009 01:52:12]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI think what you interpreted as Joy going on about your Geodude is just the message that appears when you heal a Pokémon that had fainted in the front of your party, as a means of notifying you that the Pokémon following you will be switched. It happens every time I heal after my first party member has fainted, and I can't be getting Pokérus every time. :P
[13/09/2009 00:19:16]
It's bright purple and says "Pkrs." If you have another condition, it won't show up, and if it's passed, there's a small :| face.
[13/09/2009 00:18:22]
"You stuffed Nurse Joy into a box? o_0
Pokerus is on the status screen, just like poison and burn."
No, my Geodude is a girl. But I wish I could've done that, too.
I looked at the status screen and didn't really see anything different, but I should probably check it against another Pokemon or something.
I use my DS itself as an Emulator, with a Flash card, so if it has a problem with the ROM then it's basically always the fault of the ROM rather than the card.[12/09/2009 20:51:28]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-11-09I hear it doesn't work at all on No$zoomer. :/ Get No$GBA 2.6a. It has an auto-detect setting for the save type.
[12/09/2009 20:34:58]
Commenting on: 09-11-09I'm using a No$Zoomer, and I have no idea how to change the save type, or for any emulator at that.
[12/09/2009 19:05:05]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesTyphloise:
1. Again, I'd rather not give out that information. You can find it if you try.
2. Google No$GBA 2.6a. Despite the name, it is also a DS emulator.
3. I haven't gotten the radio yet, unfortunately.
4. I'm currently studying computer science at the University of Iceland.
5. I'm not. :P Well, I know Hiragana and Katakana and some basic vocabulary, but nowhere near enough to actually have any clue what's going on. Though the ROM I'm playing came with a partly-English patch, which basically means it translates all Pokémon and item names as well as battle messages to English. Not that that's much more than a convenience; I've played LeafGreen completely in Japanese too.[12/09/2009 18:57:27]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-11-09The save message is actually to do with the emulator, not the ROM, and can be fixed by changing the save type set on the emulator; which one are you using?
On the other hand, it also is very hard to get a ROM to work past the character creation even if you have the right save settings, because it has some nice anti-piracy measures. I'd rather not sit here giving out information about pirating games, but if I could find it, odds are so can you.[12/09/2009 18:51:14]
Awesome!!! I just checked out Serebii… HG/SS sounds amazing! I'm refusing to the check out the spoilers. I want to figure them out for myself.
At the same time, though, I'm extremely frustrated. See, I recently moved. My brother's and I's computer is still packed away in the garage. With all of my files. So now I have to use a separate login on my dad's computer. The thing is, he's an administrator and a programmer. So whenever I try to download or save ANYTHING it immediately sends it to his login. So I can't even download an emulator or ROMs to pass the time. Plus with my surgery, I STILL can't walk. I even have to write my homework out by hand, since I can't save anything! (Stupid, stupid 3-page essay…)
1. First of all, where did you find this working ROM, so when I get my computer (or a Netbook, haven't decided yet) I'll be able to find it.
2. Where did you get the DS emulator? And how does it work? I only had VBA in my two week ROM spree.
3. How is the radio in HG/SS? The radio was one of my favorite parts about G/S/C.
4. Are you going to university this fall? If so, for what?
5. How are you able to read Japenese?
I remember I had got Pokerus twice; once from Greenumbeon, and once from a Mantyke.
Also, I'm not sure what I should do. Get an X-Box 360, or a Netbook? I'm weighed out some good and bad of each one:
Good: Has amazing games, and high-speed internet will be coming soon, so possibly means live. And only $200-$300.
Good games are rated M.
Good: My OWN computer, my OWN files. Homework will be easier.
Bad: Half the ram of a normal computer, and only two-thirds the memory. And no disc slot. And it's $300-$500.
As you can see from my long post, I'm BORED.[12/09/2009 18:49:41]
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