
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: EonRiders

Lol. I was feeling old school/original Gold&Silver nostalgia, and I found something absurd and hilarious.

The rental Wooper for free battling has Ice Punch. Wooper has no arms. I wonder how it uses it? xD

Jirachi spammy~

[28/09/2009 00:04:28]


Buuuuut, I did just get a silver medal from the Battle Castle.

And I found something HILARIOUS in Platinum. In Battle Hall, there's a youngster who says, "I wonder how long I'm going to have to wear these shorts for?"

[27/09/2009 17:59:40]


Aaaaannd I just lost that streak at #49 to a Wobuffet.

[27/09/2009 15:00:50]


Just got around to the Battle Frontier today. I have a 30-streak with my Typhlosian (whome I frequently call Typhloise by mistake) at the Battle Hall.

[27/09/2009 14:37:16]

Website: Sonar's Reign

Oh, and especially the trainers that scream "I GOT BETTER!!!" Ha, did I prove them wrong!

Groudon spammy!!!

[27/09/2009 09:16:06]

Website: Sonar's Reign

I raised my Mewtwo to Lv. 98 in FireRed. I love wiping out those level 5 bug catchers in Viridian (although it was totally useless; Mewtwo was EV maxxed and it gained practically nothing EXP-wise :P )

[27/09/2009 09:10:29]

Commenting on: 09-11-09

LOL. u had very good comebacks on that i could never think of that XD

[27/09/2009 05:54:59]

Commenting on: 09-20-09

haha, thats ok. hmm…. i can usaully find something interesting to say but i cant think of anything… not that its bad, but i cant think of anything to say right now. hmm… maybe later.

[27/09/2009 05:53:10]


I have a level 86 team on my Ruby version, but I never get around to raising them to level 100 like what my original goal was. XD

[27/09/2009 05:34:07]

Website: Sonar's Reign

And I had a Lv. 80-90 team too.

[26/09/2009 20:27:20]

Website: Sonar's Reign

Hehe, I haven't beaten any Frontier Brains, Emerald or Platinum. I just plain suck at competitive battles.

[26/09/2009 20:25:25]


I've beaten three Frontier Brains in Platinum. Considering I've had it for a quarter of the time I've had Emerald (Where I've only beaten Lucy), I think that says a lot about how much I've improved. Kinda.

[26/09/2009 17:32:54]


I just picked up Platinum for the first time in months yesterday, and remembered how fun it was! I guess I hadn't even beaten Candice, so now I've just beat the Elite Four, and am trying to see every single Pokemon.

[26/09/2009 16:55:08]

Commenting on: 09-20-09

I love this section, It helped ALOT. Also, i actually found a Munchlax in one of my trees. :P

[24/09/2009 23:44:39]



[24/09/2009 22:14:10]

Commenting on: 09-20-09

Oh, that's too bad. You've very good at spriting.

[24/09/2009 21:56:34]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-11-09

Yup. According to the fandom, "Diamond and Pearl" doesn't make sense because diamonds are completely different from pearls, and pearls are girly, and there are those bootleg games Diamond and Jade so naming an official game "Diamond" is a bad idea. And how dare they name it "Platinum" when everybody thought it would be "Opal" and Giratina's name totally comes from "girasol" and not "platina" and Giratina isn't actually platinum-colored?!

Fandom will complain about everything.

[24/09/2009 21:42:24]


Well, that's your opinion. Like how you dislike HG/SS.

[24/09/2009 20:08:11]

Commenting on: 09-11-09

I know its old news but it doesn't mean they're bad names, but are you serious about people complaining about diamond pearl and platinum because i don't see any thing wrong with them

[24/09/2009 20:05:00]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-20-09

I can't exactly update them when I haven't made any new ones. :/ I don't sprite much anymore.

[23/09/2009 22:23:12]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC