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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Caldazar Atreides
Commenting on: 10-08-09Apologies in advance for the long post.
I was under the same impression as Leafpool. Going along with the Legendaries theory of one individual per species (which I know you subscribe to, even though it is blown out of the water by this movie by the two Deoxys), then we can assume that this Rayquaza is the only Rayquaza in existence. Knowing that Rayquaza lives in the Ozone, an atmospheric layer that covers (most) of the Earth, we can deduce that the whole of the Earth is her territory (A/N: for the purposes of this post Rayquaza is a female). This would also explain why Rayquaza attacked Deoxys in LaRousse, even though it is far from the North Pole (North Pole because there’s no Ozone in the South Pole, and thus is outside of Rayquaza’s habitat; if it was mentioned in the movie I didn’t pick up on it). That’s because it’s strong enough to challenge Rayquaza, and could thus usurp her territory. This is a very primal thought process I’m applying and it doesn’t quite match up with Rayquaza’s “realization” near the end (when she’s being shielded by the Deoxys). To me it didn’t feel like Rayquaza was forgiving them—that happened later—but rather the sensation that all the pieces of the puzzle had fallen together and she finally understands the situation.
Another near-missed moment that should also have to be considered is that, judging from the camera angle when Rayquaza first appeared, the meteorite almost hit her. It’s the Legendary equivalent to almost being the victim of a hit-and-run. I know I would be pissed.
Even I found Rebecca’s spontaneous epiphany too much to believe. You’d think they’d come up with something a little more plausible, like that it’s the Deoxys’ equivalent of the Rosetta Stone, fallen from the stars to land near Rebecca’s hometown. She was woken early in the morning by Suicune’s howling, and carried to the site by Ho-oh—what? Not good enough? Darn, I thought I was on to something there. Seriously though, couldn’t they realize that the light patterns were exactly identical, i.e. that the Deoxys were saying the same thing? “Friend, where are you?” fits into the position of both Deoxys. But then again, so does “Release Deoxys,” rendering this whole thread moot. But dammit, at least it’s something! Couldn’t they have at least tried to explain it?
A good review, as per usual. I’d rank it higher than the middle of the bottom (maybe just about the middle), simply because I felt everything worked fairly well together from the action to the character actions and developments. It only fails because, on the whole, the whole film has a thoroughly mediocre feel to it. I didn’t quite care for Deoxys enough to worry about whether they’d reunite, and the city was evacuated so no people were in danger (except Ash & co.). It just doesn’t have that larger-than-life feel to it all the other movies had. And that’s all I can really say about that.[12/10/2009 22:58:02]
Oh, and the UN rated countries again this year by quality of living.
1. Norway.
2. Australia.
3. Iceland.
4. Canada
181. Afganistan.
182. Nigeria.[12/10/2009 22:30:21]
Oh ho ho! I just had to comment! Butterfree is MAD!
Buttefree, why don't you update your polls? I always love them, and I wish that there were more random questions to post my answers to.
Also, who here is going to buy Explorers of the Sky? To me it seems neat (the MD games have the greatest story lines of the Pokemon saga, and EotS will just improve on that), but I don't think it's worth paying an extra $50 to pay for.
I'm also thinking of getting SoA, as Ranger was AWESOME (Greenumbreon and I raced each other to try and complete our Ranger browser quicker, me being beat by one day…) but once again, I don't like to spend money. It's one of my weaknesses. I'm not cheap, as I'm perfectly fine spending money on others, it's just hard for me to buy something for myself.
Plus I'm thinking of buying an X-Box 360.
Butterfree: How long is your course? Are you going to any other courses afterwords? At today's economy and lifestyle, it would be hard to get by on a programming degree…[12/10/2009 22:27:20]
Moonlights Blood
Commenting on: 10-08-09I can't wait for the next movie review, I love reading them! :3 Your opinions and "over analyzing" seem to match my own opinions and analysis most of the time… o.0
[12/10/2009 18:50:55]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUm, because you were extremely rude to people who gave you constructive criticism (which is, you know, the point of posting your sprites on the forums), threatened to hack them and give them viruses (seriously, what the hell?) and generally acted like a prize jerk?
To be honest, I'm half and half between thinking you act like that because you're ten and that you're just a troll.[12/10/2009 17:29:07]
Terry. T.
So, answer my question. Why did I get banned?
[12/10/2009 16:50:24]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 10-08-09I always have my e-mail open, but as it happens I'm very far behind on affiliation/site rating requests and have a huge queue going, so any e-mails asking for opinions on websites are being starred for whenever I get around to them.
[12/10/2009 00:31:28]
Galactic commander neptune
Commenting on: 10-08-09Okay, thanks for clearing that up! Sorry about that, I just thought that you were insulting him! P.S. have you checked your E-mail lately? I sent you a few E-mails and you still haven't responded!
[11/10/2009 23:36:52]
Website: PoliwagerI got Poliwager back up! :D
Anyways, I haven't been here in a while, so I thought I'd drop by and say that. ;)
Flareon for the spammer.[11/10/2009 14:49:40]
Emerald Espeon
I have no one to trade with…maybe I'll replace my Primeape with a Blaziken instead.
…But I like my Primeape D:[11/10/2009 05:04:17]
Commenting on: 10-08-09In the review, you suggested that Rayquaza might hold a grudge against Deoxys for attacking it when Deoxys first came onto the Earth. I actually didn't see it like that when I first watched the movie; to me it seemed more like Rayquaza would go after anything that entered the Earth's atmosphere out of the automatic assumption that it was a threat. It seemed more like Rayquaza sensed that Deoxys was back up and wreaking havoc in LaRousse and tried to stop it because it couldn't tell that Deoxys wasn't actually a threat (after all, the Deoxys did battle it in the first scene) until the two Deoxys protected it from the Block Bots near the end of the movie. :/
[10/10/2009 22:35:11]
@FireFloatzel: But… *lip quivers* …why?…
[10/10/2009 18:07:34]
Depends on the game.
FRLG: Moltres
Platinum: Moltres
Sorry to be blunt, but, heh, you're outta luck there. Unless you count Charizard as a legend (but I personally don't).[10/10/2009 18:00:25]
Website: Fire_Floatzel's Site!I hate ash.
[10/10/2009 17:59:05]
Commenting on: 10-08-09i agree. that last comment waz weird o.0
[10/10/2009 15:47:05]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 10-08-09I… don't hate Ash. o_O Hell, I like him considerably more than most fans my age, who tend to lean more towards considering him the biggest Gary-Stu known to man.
However, I am reviewing the movies as films, and the manner in which Ash is made to save the day is frequently rather forced and contrived and hurts the movies' storytelling. It has absolutely nothing to do with Ash himself or my personal opinion of him as a character; it is an issue with the script of the particular movies where I comment on it.[10/10/2009 14:26:51]
Commenting on: 10-08-09*cracks knuckles* Ok, that is the LAST STRAW! You can hate ash if you want to, BUT DON'T AVRITIZE IT IN YOUR REVEWS! He's one of my heros, so PLEASE don't do that!
[10/10/2009 03:39:20]
Commenting on: 10-08-09i read it and i thought it was cool. i luv it when u overanalize! thats what makes it interestimg (:
[09/10/2009 20:05:41]
This is why I love my countries Prime Minister.
[09/10/2009 17:10:47]
Find someone to trade with.
This place has been pretty inactive…[09/10/2009 03:24:05]
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