
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


That's neat…

I really need to start reading the articles…

Plus I found Butterfree's photo awhile ago on the internet. When she was going to the 2008 International Math Olypiad in Spain, I checked out the site out of interest. I clicked on the participants icon, checked out Canada, China, then Iceland, and found this photo.

[18/10/2009 23:33:19]


That's neat…

I really need to start reading the articles…

Plus I found Butterfree's photo awhile ago on the internet. When she was going to the 2008 International Math Olypiad in Spain, I checked out the site out of interest. I clicked on the participants icon, checked out Canada, China, then Iceland, and found this photo.

[18/10/2009 23:33:08]

Commenting on: 10-17-09

Ah, okay. I am quite glad it's there, however. It's a nice site.

[18/10/2009 23:12:26]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 10-17-09

Yes, there is a new affiliate. I don't update about new affiliates.

[18/10/2009 21:57:53]

Commenting on: 10-17-09

I see a new affliate on the list. Either it's a really new affliate or I'm really unobservant. Or both.

[18/10/2009 21:56:46]

Fox McCloud
Commenting on: 10-17-09

Cool theory bro.


[18/10/2009 07:35:12]

Emerald Espeon

Oh, so that's how often the default style changes! I've been wondering :P Because I always delete my cookies when I close Firefox, and everytime I go to the guestbook it reverts to the default style. Although I don't mind the Ninetales style, so I'm good for a while :D

[18/10/2009 02:42:39]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Your cookie probably expired or was deleted somehow, and then it started using the default style, which automatically changes every three Reigns of the Pokémon Zodiac.

[18/10/2009 02:12:54]


Oh, and Butterfree, my styles keep changing routinely. I had it set on Hellfire, then it changed to Shiny Ninetales, then to Axe Murderer. Any particular reason why you think this is happening?

[18/10/2009 01:03:17]


… And it turns out that I'm getting ODST for only fifty bucks. :3 Stellar.

I really enjoy the Morphic series; it's very unique.

[17/10/2009 03:16:10]


Ugh… I've been at the hospital for FOUR DAYS. The staff was nice, and I used the hospital laptop, but TCoD was blocked. For what reason, I'm not sure.

I really need to read the movie reviews 3-8…

[17/10/2009 00:56:02]


This is the best thing ever. Also this.

No, I have not just been looking up music all this time. I've been, uh, busy. Yes, busy.

[16/10/2009 22:58:16]


Y'know, I didn't jerk up, and maybe I need a little evidence.

New name rules~ And no, I deny the young-guy bit. STOP ASKING.

[16/10/2009 19:59:42]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Voice of Who Knows: I've head plenty about them, but never actually played them.

ChibiBee: Whenever I've written them. I write extremely irregularly, so I really cannot make any predictions. It will probably be somewhat of a while until chapter 51 of The Quest for the Legends, though, since chapter 50 was put up just a few days ago. If you want to keep up with the progress of that fic, I recommend you follow the Quest Blog, where I ramble on about my progress from time to time.

As for Morphic, that's pretty much once in a blue moon, though my friend who fangirls it is guilting me into wanting to finish chapter 12 soon. :P

[14/10/2009 11:00:35]


Hello! Lovely site. When will there be a new Morphic or Quest for The Legends chapter? :)

They're very good.

[14/10/2009 07:05:56]

Voice of Who Knows

Neat site! Say, uhh, Butterfree…are you firmillier with the 'Mother' games? Just curius thats all

[14/10/2009 06:28:23]

Website: Unicardon-a place for places

maybe this Terry T. person is both?

[14/10/2009 02:56:32]

Website: Unicardon- a place for places

Odst is amazing ^_^ , Hi everyone i'm back :/ Wii makes me sad so i haven't visited for awhile.

[14/10/2009 02:54:36]


I'd rather spend my money on Halo 3 ODST… I already possess two Mystery Dungeons, and I haven't touched them in months, so it seems to be the obvious choice. Plus, this one guy in my History class has always been telling me how good of a game it is. And it looks good, too. :3

[14/10/2009 02:49:28]

Commenting on: 10-08-09

dang, that is kinda what i thought to, good thinking! dragonfree will probably like this! (:

[12/10/2009 23:21:14]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC