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Commenting on: 10-31-09Umm… I really feel like I complain too much, but I think I got over half the answers right on the last crossword, unless I typed them in wrong.
OH AND BY THE WAY YAYAYAYAY CROSSWORD!!!!!!~~~~ :DDDD *fangirl squeal*
I wish I could've gone to London. D:[03/11/2009 03:21:23]
Happy birthday, TCoD! :D
[03/11/2009 01:45:16]
…Oh, either pretend that says "has a lot of[…]" or that there aren't any parentheses. Either one works.
[02/11/2009 22:32:55]
Daughter of Mew
Website: Cavern of Mew
Commenting on: 10-31-09I was going to go to the Expo, but I got swine flu. Quarantine fail. xD
Never really been big on the Pokémon movies, but I've been reading through these reviews. I always thought the Time Flowers were lazy, too.
Haha, I'd hate to meet my Internet friends in real life. I'm too antisocial to even go near them…
Happy seven years of the site being online. :D[02/11/2009 21:00:25]
The original official Pokemon Handbook (and the special edition) by Maria S. Barbo have a lot of entries talking about Pokemon eating each other and also about dying. Offhand, I think it says Ekans/Arbok eat eggs, and Cubone wears the skull of its dead mother.
Also, don't Latias and Lucario die in their respective movies?[02/11/2009 20:27:04]
Kyuu Fox
Commenting on: 10-31-09I would have put the Mew thing under the Good. But that's me.
[02/11/2009 17:37:10]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYes, the Pokédex frequently mentions Pokémon preying on other Pokémon in the wild. That, however, does not mean your in-game Pokémon will ever die, of course; it's a matter of gameplay and story segregation.
[02/11/2009 01:14:09]
No, I'm sure it states in the game that Pokemon die. One of the Pidgey evolution forms states in the Pokedex that it eats other Pokemon. And Magikarp states that it's hard scales prevent Pokemon from eating it. Unless they don't die after being eaten and…*
Slightly disturbing.[01/11/2009 23:48:52]
Commenting on: 10-31-09Dude, Buffy FTW.
[01/11/2009 23:09:35]
On the Site History, it said that Scyther was killed by a Fangcat. This disturbs me a little. I thought Pokemon couldn't kill each other, only die of old age. Does this mean they can die in-game?
[01/11/2009 22:34:15]
Commenting on: 10-31-09And I have been watching Gurren Lagann a ton lately. What a spooky coincidence. Anyway, I love the eighth movie, so I must go read the review. Goodbye.
[01/11/2009 21:57:50]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies…well, "nearby" to you is probably nowhere near me, so I wouldn't get my hopes up for that.
[01/11/2009 19:25:27]
It always looked to me like Pikachu's costume sort of dissolved when he first used Thunderbolt in the tournament. I suppose that many volts would destroy cloth.
[01/11/2009 19:25:12]
I've been visiting this awesome site for quite a while now, and I decided it was about time to make a comment here. So… hello everybody!
[01/11/2009 18:47:41]
Terry. T.
When there's a nearby Pokémon event, I hope Butterfree'll come as I want to meet her.
Snorlax spammy.[01/11/2009 18:39:02]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 10-31-09Yes, I met Dannichu in real life. As well as Espeon and opaltiger. It was awesome. :D
[01/11/2009 13:01:15]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesMew, you're confusing it with the R/B/Y (and FR/LG) Elite Four. G/S/C (and HG/SS) take place three years later, when some changes have been made in Kanto and the Elite Four roster has been changed to include Will, Karen and Koga (while Koga's daughter Janine has taken over the Fuchsia Gym). In HG/SS, they even have the exact same Pokémon at the exact same levels as they did back in G/S/C.
[01/11/2009 13:00:09]
[01/11/2009 08:36:09]
Commenting on: 10-31-09Yay, movie 8! That's my favorite one! I'll be sure to read that review… tomorrow. /lazy/ I even had a dream in which I met you and thought about asking you about that review… yeah. o-o
Did you see Dannichu in real life? If so, that's so cool - I wish I could meet one of my online friends in person.
Holy crap, seven years? To think I started visiting this site five years ago… wow. O_o;;; I was ten. TEN. It feels so… strange.
(offtopic: I got Gardevoir for the spammifier… and I got a Kirlia toy today and it's on my desk right now. I love coincidences. XD)[01/11/2009 04:23:58]
No, Karen and Will are new!!! and, Koga is in the elite four!
[01/11/2009 04:07:26]
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