Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Terry. T.
Website: Where I do my sprite requestsOkay, I was browsing through my sprites for an SPPF thread and you should have seen what I posted! It was SO FUNNY! (Yet no replies and no infractions + Butterfree's doubts=One hilarious thread!) Uh-oh, I think she mods in this section, so does that mean trouble? I already have 2 SPPF infractions. Gee, can't people give the new guy (from the infractions) a rest?
Anyway, I'm Puplip on Shoddy Battle if anyone wants to battle, and I'm taking sprite requests. BAD CHANNEL NAME.
Cressie for spammie. In my new Uber Shoddy team.
lol.[24/10/2009 15:24:01]
Luxray Village HQ
Website: Little Luxray VillageI don't know if the link works but if you want to help me out and go there then here: CLICK ME!!! and if THAT doesn't work then copy-paste this:
Again, thank you if you go there!
Ursaring for the Spammifyer[24/10/2009 13:21:39]
OMG! I'm sorry, but the link doesn't appear to WORK! I'm rather annoyed but I will fix it soon!
OOH Deoxys for the spammifyer![24/10/2009 13:18:53]
Luxray Village HQ
Website: Little Baby Luxray VillageAlleluia, my little baby website is finally up! It's really nothing yet, and the front page hits are me testing, but I'm very happy!
Please go on my little tiny website! I know it's nothing useful but OH WELL!
And I did all that art so I'm very tired.
Porygon2 for the spammifyer.[24/10/2009 13:16:15]
To make spoilers, you should put the words within {spoiler}this.{/spoiler} Except instead of "{}", use "[]".
[24/10/2009 12:59:58]
[23/10/2009 22:40:29]
D'oh!can't get it…
[23/10/2009 22:14:34]
I think i have it now. [spoiler/]Ive never been on a forum before. XP
[img][/img][23/10/2009 22:11:40]
“Pie is good and so are tables.” -Spoken from a true
[23/10/2009 15:46:32]
[23/10/2009 13:32:42]
Cool! London is awesome, isn't it? And do you know what Doctor Who is?(I love it!) Did i do the spoiler right?
[22/10/2009 23:27:08]
Website: Sonar's ReignOOOOH!!! I'm so bored!
[21/10/2009 07:17:14]
Website: Sonar's ReignI don't think it looks bad :) I'm a big dork, and I don't judge anyhow.
[20/10/2009 23:58:59]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThe London Expo is basically an all-purpose nerd convention. In London, if that wasn't obvious.
Basically, I'm going on a little trip, using attending the Expo as an excuse to have an epic sleepover with my friend Dannichu (and hopefully Espeon too). :D[20/10/2009 23:50:43]
I read the poem "On The Run", and I felt sorry for my Houndoom. It knows Sunny Day, you see.
[20/10/2009 23:36:52]
Emerald Espeon
The picture link is broken for me. But so is the whole site, at the moment.
[20/10/2009 23:31:16]
I have been on your site for a while.So hi!Erm, what is the London Expo?
[20/10/2009 23:12:04]
Whoops! I reverted back to my old screen name without realizing it… XD
[20/10/2009 21:38:39]
Commenting on: 10-17-09OK, I'm annoyed. I'm near London at the moment. I know people going to the Expo. I want to go to the Expo. I can't go to the Expo. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!
[19/10/2009 19:24:29]
Pikachu Goddess
I see.
Yeah, for photos I always prefer three quarter profiling; I think it looks best on most people.[19/10/2009 01:50:41]
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