
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Hey, Butterfree, I found a new, really cheesy thing for your humor section. there's a PI on route 214 that rhymes. after being defeated, the PI says: 'I flipped a coin when I was ten. I decided to live in sinnoh then.'

… Clearly, GameFreak is trying to highlight the fact that it has a target audience.

[06/11/2009 23:19:40]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

No, I'm 19, actually. But on the site's last birthday, I had already been 18 for eight and a half months, so I hadn't owned it for quite a third of my life. While that point came along reasonably soon after that, if I suddenly updated to say "Today I have owned this site for a third of my life!" it would sound like I have waaay too much free time. So I just permitted myself to say "more than" a third of my life now. :P

[06/11/2009 13:31:18]


Nya! 21, I think you are!

[06/11/2009 04:30:06]


900 000 for me.

[06/11/2009 02:31:40]


Happy birthday! Yay! Have some fried Kangaskan!

I remember when I first came to TCoD, it had less than 1 000 000 hits. It must have been about 2 1/2 years ago, give and take a few months?

[05/11/2009 22:12:33]


hi and Happy B-day TCOD!

[05/11/2009 02:15:37]

Website: Poliwager

Happy Birthday TCoD! :D

[04/11/2009 23:29:13]

Commenting on: 11-02-09

Omg happy birhtday ButterFree! Or, your site that is. (:

[04/11/2009 23:25:19]


No in-game Pokemon or character will ever die in your games. The only reason they even mention predation is because even little kids will realize that them not eating is laughable. And vegetarianism is still predation, at least in a world with Grass Pokemon.

[04/11/2009 12:43:19]

Dr Frank

Happy Birthday TCoD!

[04/11/2009 10:08:28]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Again, no character - human, Pokémon or otherwise - can die in any Pokémon game, because it's a game and it would kind of suck if a Pokémon you've spent ages breeding, training and EV training could just die. And no, your character can not get stabbed, either. You can't talk to "the old guy" in the Old Chateau; there is an old man there in the evening, but he is a ghost, and it is impossible to interact with him in any way whatsoever. Same with the little girl.

[04/11/2009 00:41:15]

Commenting on: 11-02-09

Late, but happy birthday TCoD. X3

First signature in the guestbook for me. XD

[03/11/2009 23:50:35]


Right, I know Pokemon in the wild get eaten, but can YOUR Pokemon be killed by another Pokemon? Also, someone informed me that, in D/P, if you go into the Old Chateau between 8 and 10 AM and talk to the old guy, he will chase you and stab you with a knife and you will recieve a message proclaiming (Your Name was killed.

(I find this utterly ridiculous. I wonder why he even bothered to make it up. O.O)

[03/11/2009 23:42:07]

Commenting on: 11-02-09

aqualta is so happy. I should know. He has been talking about the crossword for aaaaaages! Anyway, I'm goingto try it too. TQFTL rocks Dragonfree!

[03/11/2009 20:57:46]

Commenting on: 11-02-09

Happy birthday TCoD! Well done for being by far and away the most interesting Pokémon site out there.

Although…you've got to be kidding me on my crossword result. Over a year for the results then I come fourth? So a bit faster would have got me an award? *facepalm*

Oh well, it's nice to see all those names below me. =] Thanks very much for the new crossword, Butterfree! My next couple of evenings are now fully booked!

[03/11/2009 20:37:52]

Emerald Espeon

Happy birthday TCod! Woo, new crossword! And I got more than half of the last one correct :D

[03/11/2009 18:24:54]

Shadow Files
Website: Desert Shadow
Commenting on: 11-02-09

Happy birthday to TCoD! ^_^ Seven years is a long time!

[03/11/2009 16:12:48]

Terry. T.

Well, I saw a tCoD glitch today. If I tell you, I'm dead, so go figure.

Mamoswine spammy.

[03/11/2009 12:46:06]

Commenting on: 11-02-09


Happy birthday TCoD~!

[03/11/2009 11:36:24]

Commenting on: 10-31-09

Whoops, my mistake, I entered under WindClan with my friend Russetclaw. Silly me. :P

[03/11/2009 03:22:41]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC