Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Yes, the hit counter and the splash were acting funny, thankfully this seems to have been resolved.
Dusknoir for the spammifyer.
I noticed that nobody does this anymore; I personally do not care.[06/12/2009 12:26:22]
Yes, the hit counter and the splash were acting funny, thankfully this seems to have been resolved.
Dusknoir for the spammifyer.
I noticed that nobody does this anymore; I personally do not care.[06/12/2009 12:26:22]
Emerald Espeon
I don't see anything different about the front page hits…maybe I'm just dumb :P
[06/12/2009 03:35:50]
Yes! YamiiDenryuu's correct! *gives cookie* I love that movie… :D
[05/12/2009 22:45:25]
Yeah, I noticed that the pageviews had gone down to 600.
Actually, I was going to comment on that.[05/12/2009 17:39:10]
Chatot Lightnin'
Has anyone else noticed the Front Page Hits, at least for me, has reverted to being only in the 500s? (At least at the time of typing this)
[05/12/2009 17:29:39]
Beast of Aaaaaagh…. that's be Monty Python?
[05/12/2009 15:43:03]
Well, Sangheili, I don't.
Forgive my ignorance.
Sounds like something the Wackos dreamt up, but that's rather impossible as I am almost 100% certain you do not know the Wackos. Or at least the Wackos I know.
This was pointless and rather random. I just finished reading my fourth book in two days, so I'm not all the way there upstairs, if you catch my meaning.
Dewgong for the spammifyer.[05/12/2009 13:45:02]
Wow, I didn't even notice the site was down. Guess that's what happens when you're gone for weeks on end.
[05/12/2009 01:37:51]
That's because I'm not here! XD
No, not really.
Lucario, did you happen to encounter the Legendary Black Beast of Aaaaaaagh on your travels? :D (I just hope some one understands this.)[05/12/2009 01:26:22]
Yes, Emerald Espeon, I quite agree.
On both of your points.
Stantler for the spammifyer.[05/12/2009 00:54:59]
Emerald Espeon
I'm glad the default style has changed, I got sick of my style reverting to Houndoom everytime I went on the guestbook :P
The guestbook has been kind of dead lately.[03/12/2009 22:30:44]
Hey! I'm back! ^^ For all of you who don't know or remember me, I used to sign here on a regular basis for a while. Then I took a quest through the mountains and found the Holy Grail! (Okay, that was random) Basically, I'm just popping in, saying hi, and chilling.
[02/12/2009 07:56:18]
*changes style to Articuno*
[01/12/2009 21:39:59]
I got Pikachu!
posting moar test results later[29/11/2009 17:16:56]
I just read the Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew review. Yay, it's my favorite movie too!
Note that Pikachu's costume does not just dissapear into a plot hole, you can faintly see Pikachu shocking it off with it's first Thunderbolt.
Kecleon spammy.[29/11/2009 14:00:23]
Alleluia, that horrid science project is OVER! I personally think that high-school level projects should be permanently banned from seventh-grade classes! But I think that your explanation section will be very interesting to those who are into that sort of thing (duh, but oh well) as it was scintillating (learned that word from a video game a while ago so it's a very special word) to me (who has no interest in that sort of thing whatsoever).
Lots of parentheses.
Cradily for the spammifyer.[29/11/2009 12:20:06]
Commenting on: 11-17-09About your rewriting the fakemon guide, i was gonna vote in the poll, but I don't see what i want. It's true I'm one of those annoying people that didn't want you o get rid of it xD, but I also see your webmasterly points and understand why you want to write a new one. So, can you write a new one, but leave a link on that page to the old one?
[29/11/2009 01:35:26]
Commenting on: 11-26-09I wouldn't call it rambling at all. This was a very well-thought-out explanation of some needed and excellent reviews, which are actually my favorite part of this website at the moment. Cheers!
Back in 2007 when an ad mistakenly stated that The Rise of Darkrai was coming to theaters and then disproved, provided a link to Ebert's review of the first movie as a way of showing how DVD-only releases are, in some ways, a good thing. It was a ridiculous piece of work and committed 110% of the sins you mentioned in this piece. He spent half of the time pretending not to know the plural of "Pokemon" and purposely getting it wrong.
Thanks again for this, and awaiting the Manaphy review!
Maecenas out.[27/11/2009 15:59:11]
Mentioning this in-game humor here mainly so i wont forget about it. In Ranger 2, during the part of the game where the character goes back to the Ranger School, one of the questions the character gets asked (by a male student, mind) is "Do you wear pajamas at night?"; which the teacher immediately interrupts. I didn't notice it on my first playthrough because i was playing as the male character, but i played as the female this time and lol'd for days
[27/11/2009 15:29:11]
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