
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


That person bellow me is right, not everyone can be a nerd. So, wow, the APers shown some LOGIC for once…great job, for once, I lost a debate. APer, you have my every respect for everything you say being 100% true. Nerds are babyish. Their too 'lucky' that they get to be kids forever while preps and jocks can rot in level 9 of hell for the rest of their lives and NEVER be able to like Pokémon, either, unless they would like to GIVE UP on sports or Hello Kitty, or, end up in a mental hospital.

That APer is the smartest person I have ever met. Free Charizard cookies for you, my darling SMARTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD….even if you aren't a nerd, man your smart. Man.

[10/12/2009 15:40:40]

Pokemon sucks

Are there any SILVELIZED human beings on these stupid forums? Like preps and jocks? No?…soo my point it proven.

Pokemon IS for babies. Nerds are babies, because not everyone can be one without paying a MAJOR price in return. Your past can not be changed, for who you were created to be, is who you will be forever.

Great, I sound like Poodoo2….

[10/12/2009 15:36:33]

Pokemon sucks

Rot in hell you n00bs. Rot in hell for being walking, talking, gay stereo types….yeah…..

[10/12/2009 15:34:54]

You suck

Pokemon sucks as well. I'm not aloud to like it…oh wow it's a Fluttersuck. *kick's it*

[10/12/2009 15:34:07]

You Pokingman fans...SUUCK!!
Website: Do I need one to prove i'm awesome?

You SUCK!!! Pukemon is for…NEEERDS! And GEEKS! And LOSERS! And BABIES! And MENTALLY RETARDED WUSSES WHO BELONG IN THE HOSPITAL!!! Soo outgrow this stuff and prove your cool like me. NOW.

PS; Pikachu is ugly :/

[10/12/2009 15:32:59]


oh I see how it is Sangi.

[10/12/2009 06:48:29]


Hm. Reverted back to my old username… XD

[10/12/2009 05:22:29]

Pikachu Goddess

I loved all parts of that movie; my favourite, however, has to be the French parts. XD My guy friend and I quote it all the time.

"Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries!"

Aah, the black knight. XD "It's just a flesh wound!"

[10/12/2009 05:21:13]


Hello All. I return from the land of snow bearing gifts. How has everyone been? O______o I missed you all :D

[10/12/2009 04:41:34]


I just recently watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The Black Knight part was the best.

[09/12/2009 13:23:35]


Yay! Monty Python fans! *gives cookies to all*

Sentret for the spamifier

[09/12/2009 07:29:47]


Hey, Guys! whats with all the talk about error messages? anyways, BUTTERFREE, WRITE MORE FANFIC AND FINISH THAT ONE-SHOT! I NEED HUMOR IN MY LIFE!!!!


[08/12/2009 22:46:12]


This is a very useful site.

Also fun!

Thank you, person/people who made it!

[08/12/2009 22:30:25]

Commenting on: 12-06-09

I'm not sure if it's possible, but if you could make a more user-friendly page for when the website has Too Many Connections (I'm thinking something like "too much traffic, come back later") you'd probably get less error reports.

[08/12/2009 05:56:53]


Don't worry, I haven't yet, either. And my style always reverts back to Axe-Murderer, but hey, I don't have a problem with pure black. :D

And you spelt it correctly.

Mankey for the spammifier.

[08/12/2009 03:19:46]

Emerald Espeon

I normally use Articuno style, but I've been too lazy to change to it these days. (I always delete my cookies.)

It's Mismagius, Typhloise, although I may have spelt it wrong. And possible it's just "Nidoran", hm.

Chansey for the spammifier. After all this time, I have still never gotten a shiny spammifier. How sad D:

[08/12/2009 02:22:04]

Andrey (Male, not female)


you are also a good writer.

I love Morphic.

Keep up the great work!!!


[07/12/2009 06:17:40]


I was at a friends house, and decided to play Call of Duty Modern Warfare Reflux with him. In one mission, the evil leader of the terrorist group decides to get the government off of the groups heels by nuking a city.

That's like a magician making your watch disappear by punching you in the face, then running away.

As you can see, I'm really bored. I've been on crutches since mid-June, and am sick of it. I can't even go outside… (X_X)

Oh, and I always use Articuno style.

Nidoran Male for spammy.

I guess "nidoran m" isn't right. Misdreavus's evolved form… can't remember name… (-_-)

Delcatty! Yay!

[07/12/2009 01:26:28]

Mow Rotom
Commenting on: 12-06-09

I didn't even realise there was a problem.

I guess I just don't notice things. :P


[06/12/2009 22:38:37]

Luxray Village HQ

Sorry, I don't mean to be obnoxious. I did not mean to post twice.

Weepinbell for the spammifyer.

[06/12/2009 12:27:19]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC