Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Well, now that I can finally get on (was traveling to my current location of Tallahassee, and the site was DOWN before that) I have to say, I watched the new Pokémon movie, Arceus and the Jewel of Life, when it premiered on Cartoon Network. It's an interesting plot but Ash plays too big of a role for my liking. Anyways, I have to work on my science assignment…
Kadabra for the spammifyer.[26/11/2009 15:52:57]
The two weeks I'm away and that's when stuff gets updated. I should leave more often.
Mew: Serebii? They have Rumble passwords, I think.
Last week I went through another surgery on my knee. Smaller one though, and just around the tissue, not on the bone. So I ended up taking no pain killers what so ever. I was forced to fast until 4:00 PM that day, and eat lightly for 24 hours after the surgery. The anesthesia makes you nauseous, which was no fun, and hte main reason I didn't take pain killers. I would rather go through tolerable pain than persistent feelings of vomiting.
And that's my week. Anyone else? No? Fine then.
I remember I did the Marquee of Doom once. But when I clicked on hte link, it wouldn't work, and it passed before I could click it. (;_;)[26/11/2009 02:04:23]
[26/11/2009 00:17:57]
Hello people! ^_^ i got pokemon rumble for the wii a few days ago, and it is awsome! :) i have lately been trying to figure out passwords on the game, and i have gotten nowhere. anybody have an idea?
[25/11/2009 19:30:20]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-17-09Not "starring" at; just "starring". It would be severely unnatural if I had spent months just staring at the error reports. I use Gmail, which allows you to mark e-mails with a star for future reference, which is what I do with affiliation requests I've yet to respond to and error reports and content submissions I get when I don't have access to my files. Hence "the error reports I've been starring".
[25/11/2009 08:19:46]
Commenting on: 11-17-09The error reports you've been "starring" at? :)
[25/11/2009 07:49:11]
I didn't even notice the site was down. O.o
I just read the In-Game Humor again. Still cracking up from it.
Anyway, welcome back.[24/11/2009 23:48:21]
Emerald Espeon
Woo, it's back! :D
[24/11/2009 02:34:36]
FWAHAHAHA!!!!! the site is finally back! after going to the url about ten times and giving up, i tried to go to theTQftL minipage, and then everything started becoming less depressing from there.
P.S. LET US REJOICE!!!!! ^_^
P.P.S. What happened anyways, butterfree???[23/11/2009 14:28:27]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThe New Rulers list was started after I pretty much rewrote the whole marquee to be considerably longer, if I remember correctly. It didn't seem fair for those who endured a much longer marquee to be forced to be way down the list below people who only went through a shorter one.
[23/11/2009 13:26:14]
In the Rulers of the Universe, what separates the New Rulers from the New Rulers? If it's literally the first winners, why'd you choose 143 as the cutoff point?
[23/11/2009 12:40:36]
It's back!
The site was down for a few days and now it's back!
I can't explain how happy I am. :D[23/11/2009 05:34:45]
Actually, when I went to church the other day (which has been the first time since, like, Christmas), we were supposed to bow instead of making the sign of peace. I thought it was hilarious. XD
[15/11/2009 20:35:06]
Oogh. I am sick, not with the flu but just a cold. Not like I'm intensely worried about the Swinub Flu, just a little different so people freak out. It's what would be happening if we didn't have vaccines for the normal flu. And anyways, I had it, it's not that bad.
It's kinda funny though. At my church we are now not supposed to hold hands, according to the National Department of Health (or something), so we link elbows.
Yesterday I woke up at 4:30 AM to work on some school stuff and then met with some friends, drew them some medieval Piplup (whom they are obsessed with), and got really excited about the new Warriors series.
Does anyone else feel elated about the new series?
For that matter, does anyone feel insane about the Lightning Theif movie coming out on President's Day, February 2010? I read that book as soon as it came out and have followed the series ever since, so it's kinda special to me.
This is the ending of my surely extremely long post. I have a timeline to make! (and breakfast to eat…)
Mightyena for the spammy.[14/11/2009 14:44:04]
Hey guys!! what's with the long posts?? well, on the topic, I would say that the review is good, but why are you guys interpreting mew and the tree as one being? I read an awsome book called 'The Alchemyst: the secrets of the immortal Nicholas Flamel' and in it, one of the beings of the species called the Elder Race (the goddess Hekate, whom i think is from norse mythology, to be exact) uses their own life force to fuel a gigantic tree called the Yggdrasil's growth, and it could be the same with mew and the tree of beginning! also, an evil guy freezes the Yggdrasil and Hekate gets frozen, too, and the same happened with mew and the tree of beginning when the tree got sick… it's uncanny how sometimes nintendo makes plots that reflect myths so vividly sometimes.
p.s. I highly recomend the book I mentioned to anyone who's interested, and the book is part of an unfinished six-novel series.[14/11/2009 04:22:50]
Shining Suicune
I never saw how Mew and the Tree were one being, much less how the tree was sick. Mew barely is seen in the first part of the movie! But, anywho, what, when, where, and why, I do see what you mean. In the supposed "afterlife", if there is one, then we would have an unbearable burden on our hands! It'd probably feel lie you died twice, or something along those lines. But I do see what you mean; Mew is a total jerk. But, seriously, there's a life lesson in Pokemon, kids. :D
[14/11/2009 03:35:36]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 10-31-09I do like the interpretation that Mew genuinely does not understand concepts like love and friendship, as far as the story of the movie is concerned; it mostly just personally bugs me on an emotional level because Mew is just too cute to be incapable of love. In other words, just me being silly.
And yes, Mew did it for the Tree, but there is no real difference, since Mew and the Tree are essentially one being; Mew being concerned about the Tree is more or less the same thing as Mew being concerned about itself. To heal itself, Mew has to heal the tree, because it is the tree's sickness that is making Mew sick. Primarily, my point here is that my sense of morality says that if I'm sick and another person could lay down their life to save me, I would never actually ask and positively expect them to make that sacrifice for my sake. The fact Mew did just that strikes me as very deeply morally wrong, even if that is what is needed to save all the Pokémon in the tree. It would strike me as less so if Mew were an indifferent party, but since Mew has a very heavy stake in whether Lucario heals the Tree or not, it cannot try to make that call for Lucario without coming off as disturbingly selfish.[14/11/2009 02:55:47]
Caldazar Atreides
Commenting on: 10-31-09Nice to know that there are some fans out there who believe that not all relationships have to end with physical intimacy. It’s ridiculous how widespread this belief is.
My only real disagreement is on your view of Mew. There is much fan debate about whether it is the same Mew from The First Movie. Personally I think that Mew would have recognized Ash if that were the case. But for now let us assume that this Mew is not the same as the Mew who fought Mewtwo.
First, does Mew even understand the concept of friendship? As far as we know he’s only taken toys to his hiding pot, not people or Pokémon. Without that, could he really understand Pikachu’s loss?
Second, I was under the impression that Mew was doing this in order to help the Tree and all the Pokémon who live within it (yes, we all know that Lucario healed Mew for those reasons, but hear me out). Then, the first thing Mew did after he was healed was to heal the Tree. At least, that’s what it looked like from here. It depends on how far you take Mew’s connection to the Tree and why he needed to go to its center in order to heal it. Also, if Mew just wanted to be healed, Ash and Lucario could have done it right when Mew became sick rather than lead then on a merry run throughout the Tree.
Going along with the friendship theme of the movie, it wouldn’t be so farfetched to see Mew as a foil, his ignorance of friendship played against Ash, Lucario, and (especially) Pikachu’s own relationships. If so it was pretty underplayed.
All in all a good review. I agree with you on all the positives. The review oozed with unfettered glee, but that just made it more enjoyable. If I wanted to see it another way I wouldn’t have read your review. The time flowers as plot devices may be convenient, but at least they work.
(P.S. I really like the link to[14/11/2009 02:09:06]
Nya! Friday the 13th, a lucky day it accualy is! Got to the last battle in M&L3, I did today!
[14/11/2009 00:55:02]
My lucky day, actually. :D It actually was a pretty good day today, too.
I haven't played a Pokémon game in a long time…
I wonder that, too, Greenumbron… has anyone noticed I don't post all that often anymore? Just asking.[14/11/2009 00:33:04]
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