Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Emerald Espeon
…Oh. True. *shifty eyes*
Although, I'm not sure how I can get one since I started with Bulbasaur.[09/10/2009 02:27:53]
Commenting on: 10-08-09The eighth movie is also my favorite; I am looking forward to the review. (I'm commenting too much on everything, am I not? >_<)
[09/10/2009 01:44:23]
Website: EonRidersEe: Charizard. But it depends on the game you're playing.
I've always loved the song 'This Side of Paradise' of Destiny Deoxys.[09/10/2009 01:33:36]
Emerald Espeon
This is completely random, but are there any Fire/Flying types that aren't Legendaries?
I need one for my team :P[09/10/2009 01:21:13]
Join the guestbook! The more the better!
Hi, I'm Typhloise![08/10/2009 19:12:04]
Yeah, this place is worth it. Just don't let the 2 mods surskitty and Tailsy bug you.
[08/10/2009 10:07:05]
Commenting on: 09-30-09This place worth joining?
[07/10/2009 22:41:46]
Terry. T.
I was also wondering why I got banned. Hmm…
[07/10/2009 13:56:09]
Commenting on: 09-30-09igloos and dumbells? that site doesnt even work for my computer!! it just displays a white screen with the affie buttons.
[06/10/2009 22:30:05]
Website: Igloos and Dumbbells
Commenting on: 09-30-09Uh, does anybody know why Jenviousity is down? [/completely unrelated]
[05/10/2009 03:12:58]
Commenting on: 09-30-09really?! but i guess it could still be some guy pretending to be him. but i guess im wrong about him not doing anything on his site for years.
[05/10/2009 01:30:21]
Aaaaaaaannd the download button has expired.
[03/10/2009 23:16:08]
I'm confused. I don't remember Terry T.
Butterfree: I said that earlier. He put a ROM up in the announcements section, which I am going to try to…
DOWNLOAD!!![03/10/2009 23:12:39]
Terry. T.
Website: My YOUTUBE!It is me, you could tell because I know my password~ bad excuse. Now I'm banned, I can let you experience that day. It's cool, yet sad. You don't know, and Peegeray's real sad. =( Yay, my fave grass type as NoSpam! Guess!
[03/10/2009 16:03:38]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-30-09Actually, just the other day he put up the actual "game" in the Announcements section. I don't know if it actually works and I'm not sure if I want to know.
[03/10/2009 15:48:38]
Commenting on: 09-30-09really?! :O then again, i don't think he has done anything to his site for years. it could be some bored person pretending to be him :/
[03/10/2009 15:39:47]
Terry. T.
Website: My YOUTUBE!Hi. It's me again, muhuhuhaha.
Since I got banned 6 months ago, I've been improving and all. Today, I logged in on another computer, and I assumed my account get transferred and un-banned, BAD IDEA! ^_^ Everyone misses me, and I restarted spriting, my lastest being one of my best. I also found a few of the tCoDers down on Serebii.
~Terry[03/10/2009 15:26:50]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-30-09Oh, those comments. I wouldn't call them mean; they're just really thickheaded. :/
[03/10/2009 12:53:33]
What? That was what he said.
[03/10/2009 01:43:15]
Website: Sonar's Reign:P
[02/10/2009 23:44:28]
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