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Website: EonRiders

I've always thought that the huge dust beast type thing looked distantly like Darkrai…Am I the only one whose ever thought this?

[03/09/2009 05:04:36]



[03/09/2009 02:15:32]


Bob- xD I know exactly how you feel.

[03/09/2009 01:41:42]

Commenting on: 09-02-09

Yay Jirachi! *goes to read*

[02/09/2009 23:12:05]


For some reason, whenever I leave TV Tropes, I feel like I just finished a maze. @_@

[02/09/2009 21:07:12]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

…that doesn't really make sense, considering Pikachu isn't a "game hero". o.O Well, I mean, it's in Smash Bros., and you have a Pikachu in Yellow, but Pikachu isn't the actual "hero" of any Pokémon game unless I missed something big.

[02/09/2009 20:04:14]


Oh, and Gamespot is doing an All Time Time Greatest Game Hero Contest! Pikachu is one of the 64 competitors! Vote… Vote NOW!!! It was difficult for me to decide who would go on. I had to eliminate so many wonderful competitors… *Sniff*

[02/09/2009 19:10:41]


One of my favorite parts about the games are the trainer fan clubs, which weren't brought back in D/P/P.

[02/09/2009 19:06:32]


I just turned on one of my Emerald cartridges (Long story, but I have two) and I hadn't even got Groudon yet. I mean, I've had it for a year and beaten the Elite Four and I still had to get Beldum. Plus all my Pokemon are like level 50. That's more or less what I dislike about Hoenn- there's nowhere to train. Really the best thing is cloning Rare Candies, once you get to level 80 or so.

Also I now love Rhythm Heaven. Especially Fan Club. And Built to Scale. And… you have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?

[02/09/2009 01:22:46]

Commenting on: 08-29-09

Nice review, your squeaking rant made me laugh XD

[31/08/2009 20:39:37]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-29-09

Hm, good point. I should take another look at the race scene.

Since I've always been a Pokémon game fan, I define legendaries according to the games, and since Latias and Latios are one-of-a-kind, have high stats, appear towards the end of the Pokédex and can't breed, yes, they're legendaries. I just like to ignore the anime when it puts multiple legendaries of the same species unless I can explain it away somehow, like in the fourth movie.

[31/08/2009 07:19:26]

Caldazar Atreides
Commenting on: 08-29-09

Well, I must say that I really enjoy your movie reviews. It's nice to get an opinion of a Pokemon movie that is not simply stated as "it's a Pokemon movie."

That said, there was one quibble I noticed concerning Latios' hostility toward Ash when he entered the garden. It could just be a different interpretation of events on my part, but I want you to hear what I think.

During the race, it seemed as if Latias was the only one who wanted to get involved. Latios was always following behind her, watching over her in that big brother manner. When he got involved in the race, it seemed as if he was trying to pull her away and out of a crowded area a) because he grabbed her and not the rope, and b) it was only after Latios grabbed her that they made that wrong turn. This makes Latios out as the over-protected older brother, who would naturally be more than a little unwelcome when an outsider like Ash enters their sanctuary without his knowing. He even appeared to chastize Latias when she saved Ash the first time (from crashing into the wall).

I laughed when you wondered if Ash charges head-on into solid objects in every movie, because I had never thought about that. It's just his style. It's stupid (because it never works), but that's the way he is.

Also, I'm wondering if you consider Latios and Latias as Legendaries knowing that there are more than one of each?

[31/08/2009 04:12:36]

Commenting on: 08-29-09

This movie review deal is superb, it's refreshing to have new content showing up. I've also seen things differently and smiled a lot. Great job.

[30/08/2009 19:17:12]


I was just playing my Mystery Dungeon Darkness version…ugh, that stupid Manaphy has an abyss for a stomach!!

[30/08/2009 18:42:43]


Ouch, that sucks, Typhloise.

I can never do those crosswords… v_v

[30/08/2009 18:20:12]

Commenting on: 08-29-09

Nice review.

[30/08/2009 14:51:23]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-26-09

…uh, no, it is not. It looks nothing whatsoever like Darkrai. It looks like a giant demonic floating Celebi with no feet and skeletal Charizard wings.

The crossword will be updated whenever I get around to making it.

[29/08/2009 18:12:08]


xD I love the TV Tropes-ness of the reviews.

[29/08/2009 17:23:44]

Commenting on: 08-26-09

the form celebi makes out of twigs and stuff is darkrai

[29/08/2009 17:17:19]

Website: Igloos and Dumbbells
Commenting on: 08-26-09

Uh, this is a bit unrelated, but when will the Monthly Crossword be updated?

[29/08/2009 00:54:31]

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