
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Emerald Espeon

*giggles* Me and my friends discovered the Ekans and Arbok thing when we were playing a game where we had to spell Pokémons' names backwards and the rest of us had to figure out which Pokémon it was :P

Lol Typhloise it took me a while to figure out your name :P

[18/09/2009 01:32:49]


That was painfully obvious.

[18/09/2009 00:07:47]


That I know.

[17/09/2009 22:22:20]

Mow Rotom

Speaking of Rotom being motor backwards, Ekans is snake backwards, and Arbok is a misspelt cobra backwards.

Azelf spammy :o

[17/09/2009 20:59:19]

Emerald Espeon

Well we've sure been talking a lot lately haven't we? :P

[17/09/2009 19:59:50]


Never noticed either.

[16/09/2009 19:36:44]


I've noticed the Girafarig palindrome when I was about seven. XD

[16/09/2009 02:00:37]


I'd noticed the Girafarig thing, but not Rotom….

[15/09/2009 13:28:18]

Emerald Espeon

I noticed the motor thing a while ago, but never the Girafarig thing.

[15/09/2009 02:19:39]


Huh. I just noticed that, too. That's sad.

[15/09/2009 02:16:13]


bob's right. D: it took me however long Rotom was released, until 2.65 minutes ago to find out that Rotom is Motor backwards,~Mehw

[15/09/2009 00:54:23]

Bob, it looks like game-Misty..0__________o


haha wrong boxes :P

[15/09/2009 00:52:18]



Bored. Oh, but my new neighbor has Halo! And they speak French! It'll kinda be awkward playing Halo in French, but on some websites I switch the language from English to French if possible, so it won't be so bad.

[15/09/2009 00:32:44]


It took me a year to realize Rotom was "Motor" spelled backwards.

[14/09/2009 23:38:39]

Shining Suicune

Omigod, Gym leader rematches in SS/HG. :O And the Celebi event looks like major win. I seriously need the ROMs. Man, I seriously need a Zapdos in the spammifier.

[14/09/2009 22:21:32]

Emerald Espeon

I haven't gotten used to the names, I still hate them and if I decide not to buy one of them that would be a big factor xD

And I know, about Misty's outfit! O_o

I just realized Girafarig is a palindrome. Yes, random…I had it for the spammifier :P

[14/09/2009 21:02:37]


That's an impostor Bob!

And still, it took me a while to even figure out what it was…

[14/09/2009 19:25:47]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-11-09

Um, that's pretty old news. o_O And everybody has gotten used to it already. Just like with every other initially silly-sounding name. (People complained abut "Diamond and Pearl" and "Platinum", too).

[14/09/2009 17:00:20]

Commenting on: 09-11-09

What terrible names, they could've come up with something better then HeartGold and SoulSilver for crying out loud

[14/09/2009 16:43:32]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Neither did Misty in the original G/S/C. Neither does Red actually look like Ash. All the anime characters have modified appearances.

[14/09/2009 07:10:13]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC