Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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I just made an account on the forum, joined an RPG, and it was destroyed.
TT_TT Ah, well. The Rack Shackle Pack will be back soon, right… If it starts over I'll be a main part of the team! Fwee, randomness![20/06/2008 13:33:26]
S1lv3rVV1ND Dr1FTR1D3R
*takes up a loudspeaker*
Kind people of TCoD, pleasw do not panic. What all of you could do is scream and run around in circles. *Puts down loudspeaker* ITS THE END OF THE WORLD! EUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!![20/06/2008 13:26:27]
Commenting on: 06-19-08I already started my monotype team. I don't want to have to go get a new one D:
[20/06/2008 13:00:30]
Look everybody! This crazy person is back! =D See, I haven't been tragically smashed by a meteor. Can't wait until the forum is back. It's the first day of summer break, and I'm sick. Blegh…
[20/06/2008 12:43:29]
Aw right, this is my grand chance to become one of the first, greatest and most respected posters on the forums… *brick'd*
But, since I never joined any RPs or anything, I don't think I'm really missing much. Shame on the lost threads I used to post in, though. Like the Caf–
Okay, everybody, remember I used to say our religion was the codism? We believed that the apocalypse would be when the cod was caught and killed or whatever?
It has happened. The apocalypse. Armageddon. The giant cod we all lived in.
IT HAS BEEN FRIED.[20/06/2008 11:39:43]
Wow! The pages are just adding up. Same happened to me V&SL. I agree with you too, V&SL. The guestbook is the new forums.
[20/06/2008 11:33:21]
Lunar Espeon
Commenting on: 06-19-08Oh dear, now all the tournament information has gone…
Hopefully people will be willing to continue with the existing WiFi tournaments after this?[20/06/2008 11:13:57]
Victreebel & Scizor Luver
Oh…my…gook. If banned members are able to rejoin…no…not Monopoly Kirlia! THE HORROR!!!!
Methinks the guestbook has become the new forums, yes? Seeing the oddness of you people really makes me consider becoming a part of the TCOD forum.
It was so horrible for me. I checked here one day, and I couldn't get the the guestbook or TQFTL. Later, I checked back and I could view the guestbook, but I couldn't post. Then I heard of the database fry. (Pictures a computer chip being cooked with sunny-side up eggs) That just stunk. CURSES TO THE DATABASE FRY!! (Launches missiles at the pan with the eggs and computer chip)[20/06/2008 10:51:51]
Nice birthday present for me…
T_T[20/06/2008 10:47:45]
Music Dragon
Commenting on: 06-19-08Oh well. As Nick Frost would have said - it's not the end of the world.
I mean, I'm sure we can all imagine something worse than a forum wipe.
And hey. It's like being away on a long vacation and returning to find lots of new threads and the old ones buried.[20/06/2008 09:48:36]
Commenting on: 06-19-08Oh, okay. By the way:
1) Will banned members be allowed to rejoin?
2) Will all members with infractions keep them or lose them?
3) Will people banned from a certain board be re-allowed to post there? And yes, I'm banned from one of the boards.[20/06/2008 09:09:50]
Oh this is just great. now I have to get everything back in order for my profile.
Well, now I've got an action replay and so I am trying to get shiny pokemon for people, itt is rea;;y boring.[20/06/2008 07:52:56]
Arylett Dawnsborough
Commenting on: 06-19-08I suppose you could put it that way, yes. It's like when you older members moved from the really old forums, to the new vBulletin ones.
[20/06/2008 07:34:06]
Commenting on: 06-19-08So… it's as if the forums have moved?
[20/06/2008 07:20:21]
Well, I guess sometimes… S**t happens, doesn#t it? Ah well.
On another note, my new username = Saith[20/06/2008 06:56:13]
Arylett Dawnsborough
Commenting on: 06-19-08Yes rock-ground, we all have to re-register. S'all wiped clean.
[20/06/2008 05:56:04]
Commenting on: 06-19-08So… does this mean I'll have to re-register?
[20/06/2008 05:44:02]
Zora of Termina
*did not see Castform*
Yes, it probably will. Depressing. D:[20/06/2008 05:35:05]
Zora of Termina
((Aye, you're right. Later.))
Spirit: Well. This is odd.
No kissing-Imean, kidding. >>
Darkness: OOOOOOH… what did we miiiiissssss…?
Windfall: I wanna know nao :D
Spirit: *blushes* Nothiiing… >>/<<[20/06/2008 05:33:58]
Commenting on: 06-19-08Oh dear. Oh dear indeed. This is very bad… And, uh, forgive the epxpression, but Christ. All the threads have gone? Wow. I suppose the active RP threads could just be continued from where they left off, but as for the others?
Again, Christ. It's going to take a long time to get all the necessary threads up, like the rules, all the ASB and Mafia stuff, Forum Guidelines, and so on, no?[20/06/2008 05:32:37]
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