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((Holy crap, it's 1:30 in the morning! I should go to sleep after this..))
Link: *groans and walked farther away, bandaging his leg.*
Zelda: This is just weird…
*transforms back into Sheik*[20/06/2008 05:30:40]
Zora of Termina
Spirit: Alright, alright, I give. Why should Light Spirits and Seventh Sages be fighting anyway?
Frigo: *blinks and walks away*
Right then. Are we co-oh no. Here they come. *trampled by two girls, one with white hair and one in a trenchcoat with black hair*
Darkness: Did we miss it? Did we miss it?
Windfall: Was there a fight?![20/06/2008 05:26:17]
Zelda: *sigh* but you're still creeping both of us out.
Link: Backs away very very slowly…
Hey, Link! You're leg is still bleeding a lot! Do you have, like, a fairy in a bottle or something? That might help![20/06/2008 05:20:26]
Zora of Termina
Don't hate the playa. But still. You should see the other Zora. She went and she kissed her half-dead boyfriend when he was drooling blood. Of course, he got healed afterward because he was extremely close to dying, but still.
Spirit: Confirming that. I was there, and it was NASTY.
Frigo: Thirded.[20/06/2008 05:17:38]
"You're still sick, lady. That's messed up. And that's coming from a person who disguises herself as a male Sheikah."
Link: *Wants to fight somebody or run away*
Zelda: *Grabs Link's arm*
"That's right, you would kiss her, right? After all, we are-"
Hey, what about Midna!
"Shut up, Eevee."[20/06/2008 05:13:18]
Zora of Termina
Spirit: It's not every day you get a chance to kiss someone like that, so I took the chance. But I already have a man.
You mean Frigo?
Spirit: Yup. FRIGOOOO~!
Frigo: *runs in* Yes dear?[20/06/2008 05:05:41]
"Shut up! I haven't exactly gotten much time to practice anything! Now, If I were really a Sheikah, then you'd be dead."
*Link is cowering slightly away from Sheik, still grossed out from the kiss.*
"Okay, okay, sorry about that. SO, what exactly is going on?"
*transforms into Zelda again*
Hey, Link, I think you have a shuriken embedded in your leg!
*Pulls it out*
Jeez, that's gross! You're gonna bleed to death or something!
Zelda:"You're just jealous because he's with me!"[20/06/2008 05:01:16]
Flora and Ashes
It is.
Karin: Wow.
Kazune: Indeed.
Karin: Kaaaazune!!! <3 *tackleglomps*
Ash: Joy, more love.
Sora: I'm bored.
That was random.
Ash: Yeah?
Did I ever tell you that for some reason, my new favvyrite song, 1000 Words, randomly reminds me of Post-Apocalypse?
Ash: No. For one thing, you didn't write it yet. For another thing, THERE IS NO ROMANCE IN THAT FIC SERIES!
For one thing, I have it mapped out in my head. For another thing, you're having delusins of grandeur.
Ash: …You're listening to Defying Gravity again?
Yes.[20/06/2008 04:58:16]
Zora of Termina
Other way around, Sheik. She kissed him.
Spirit: *breaks kiss and dodges shuriken* Does the word "jounin" mean anything to you? That attack is nothing![20/06/2008 04:53:43]
Link: *chomps down on her finger, gagging slightly*
Hey, who's that?
"Hey, LINK! Did you just kiss her?! What do you think you're doing?! "
*flings shuriken at Spirit and Link.* Link holds up shield, terrified.
More popcorn, anyone? This is way better than tv![20/06/2008 04:51:23]
Flora and Ashes
Zelda: He is in our world. in the Pokemon World…he can be pretty hyperactive…it's rather frightening.
I can't wait till Sunday! I'll learn that No One Mourns the Wicked, wonder What Is This Feeling, find out how to go Dancing Through Life, as well as why it's important to be Popular, find out that I'm Not That Girl, and best of all, watch Elphaba Defying Gravity in Wicked! YAY!
Ash: Wow, that sentence was long.
Who cares?
…I just realized i was gonna put Freedom up soon! DARN!
Ash: Hallelujah.
Sora: Ash, what is so bad about that fanfic?
Ash: Crossover plot?
Sora: GOOD LORD! *hides*
O_O Out of Character much, Sora?
Sora: Yes. *happy-dances randomly*
Okay, now he's back to normal.[20/06/2008 04:48:02]
Zora of Termina
Haha, he looks scared. Bit odd. :/
Spirit: *swirls over to Link's side* What's wrong? You look nervous… *smiles, then tips his chin up and kisses him*
O_O She didn't.[20/06/2008 04:44:38]
Hey, Link! I thought you were mute! DONK!
Hey, was that a rupee? Ow, it's pointy!
Link: O_O ……. (Oh ****)
*Holds up sword and shield very nervously*
Hey, c'mon! You've got the TRIFORCE OF COURAGE! Don't be so wimpy!
*Look of death*
I didn't mean that![20/06/2008 04:41:22]
Flora and Ashes
*happy cheerup-time* Boku wa Kuma!
Ash: …Rachel, you're not a bear.
Neither is Utada Hikaru.
Ash: Good point.
Yeah, I got an iPod to amuse myself. It's not a substitute for the forums, but…
SE, do ya think we can do CPR on Teh Caverns to pass the time?
Ash: Good luck with that.
Shut it.
Link: I will. I'm older than you.
Do you want me to give Ash the sword again*?
Link: NO!
Ash: Hey, I liked the sword.
I was in 3rd grade. I didn't realize Ash+swords=chaos.
*reference to Apocalypse, back when it was an insane crossover with no plot.
Ash: Then you discovered the biggest secret of the Battle Pyramid. [size=1]And made me into a KH character…[/size][20/06/2008 04:32:25]
Zora of Termina
Yes, yes it will… (For reference, the sword Spirit has looks like this one she's holding here. Just so he knows what he's up against))
Spirit: Bring it honey. *smirks*[20/06/2008 04:31:33]
Commenting on: 06-19-08That's what Google has already indexed. You can use Google's cache to locate a few relatively up-to-date pages. Nothing too recent, though.
[20/06/2008 04:24:24]
*snarfing down on popcorn*
Want some, Zora? Er, Link, you might not want to… OKOK whatever you're the hero of time after all.
*Link nods and pulls out Master Sword*
This'll be good… =D[20/06/2008 04:22:49]
Zora of Termina
*watches Spirit walk back in*
Spirit: O RLY? *summons a gigantic golden sword* Wanna take this outside?
…What did we start?[20/06/2008 04:19:07]
Fwee! I seem to get hurt a lot. Like, we were doing a Wheelbarrow Race today at school and my arms got really tired near the end so my best friend dragged me by the feet. We won. XD
Yay! Happy ocarina time!
*Plays Zelda's Lullaby*
So pretty.. uh, er, hey Link? What are you doing? I didn't steal your ocarina! It's a replica! I swear.
*Bonked on head with shield*
High quality Hylian shields… feeling woozy…[20/06/2008 04:16:23]
Zora of Termina
nuuu eevee don't die you're my only entertainment tonight DDD:
Spirit: *walks in, heals, sighs and glances at me and walks out*
Oooookaaaay then…[20/06/2008 04:10:11]
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