
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


This new type chart looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.

[23/06/2013 01:52:13]

Commenting on: 06-20-13

Flying/Flying isn't given as a type combo for gen 4, even though Sky Plate Arceus can be pure Flying. (Also, Color Change Kecleon, but that's sketchy.)

[22/06/2013 04:57:24]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-20-13

The chart is made to be easy to add to. In fact, Fairy is already in the behind-the-scenes data - I just won't make the sixth-generation base chart selectable until all of its relations are fully confirmed.

[22/06/2013 01:12:15]

Commenting on: 06-20-13

chibi, i had that exact same problem the first time I looked at the chart :p

[21/06/2013 20:39:26]

Commenting on: 06-20-13

Hopefully the Fairy type won't be too difficult to add to the chart. :b

[21/06/2013 19:46:13]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-20-13

Haha, I know the feeling. Of all type combinations, those are the hardest to remember.

…This actually reminds me that I'm pretty sure I hastily put those down as having happened in the fourth generation last night when I was adding the "existing in generation X" feature. Whoops. Will have to fix when I get home.

[21/06/2013 17:25:53]

Commenting on: 06-20-13

I spent like ten minutes hopelessly confused trying to figure out in what universe was there an Electric/Fire type before finally caving in and going over every electric type in Bulbapedia only to remember those freaking Rotom forms got new types in Gen 5. I'ma go crawl under the rock of shame now.

(Btw nice type chart.)

[21/06/2013 17:00:23]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The forums are on a different server than the actual site; they won't be affected (although I am definitely considering moving them experimentally to the new server when the site is up and seeing if that helps).

[21/06/2013 11:16:35]


OMG peeps check out's LATEST TYPO!!!

"This promotion follows on from the last 11months of special legendary dolls and this time provides dolls of the legendary Pokémon Jirachu."
They said.


omfg. xD

I hope the forums works better on the new server too :3 I'm looking forward to that^^


TYPOES ROCK!!! *splee*

[21/06/2013 09:09:38]

Commenting on: 06-20-13

no mention of my help with beta testing? :p *shot*

[21/06/2013 05:55:30]


It's been a while since I've been on this site, but I'm still excited for the next chapter of TQFTL.

Also, I'd been looking around for detailed lists of Gen IV and Gen V changes (I'm attempting to port as much stuff back to FR as possible), when I remembered that this had it! Thanks, Butterfree.

[17/06/2013 03:32:51]


Your website is awesome. I like it a lot. It has so much information and cool fun things. Keep up the awesome work and I will visit often. :)

[10/06/2013 21:47:48]


I'm reading Homestuck right now, but I've basically given up on ever being able to keep track of/make sense of the plot. U:

[05/06/2013 00:15:23]


Homestuck is actually quite popular on the forums.

[03/06/2013 15:02:13]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I've started reading it at one point, but then I got to a page that plays Flash with sound and stopped because I couldn't play sound without disrupting other people at the time. As it happens that's the case more often than not and when it isn't I tend to forget about it, so that page is still sitting in one of my tabs somewhere.

It comes highly recommended by people whose opinion I respect and I would like to continue at some point, though.

From what I read, it is the weirdest thing in the entire universe after One Piece.

[27/05/2013 14:14:18]


Butterfree (or anyone else for that matter), have you ever tried reading Homestuck? It's an amazing webcomic with the most convoluted plot I've ever seen and parodies video game logic, which is about as well as I can describe it without spoiling it. I've been lurking following tCoD for a while and it just seems like something that you would enjoy! uwu

[26/05/2013 06:45:42]

Website: Randomspoutsofawesome.tumblr

Um.. Heyo. I just wanted to say that I like this site it was fun looking around. <33

[26/05/2013 04:27:58]


It was down a while ago, but the alt was working as far as I know. If it's ever down with a fatal error like that, fifty fifty chance the alt is working. Never hurts to try.

And oh, Terry, your departure wasn't THAT bad.

Server errors have been keeping me off for days, so if anyone wonders why I haven't done mafia stuff, that's why.

[25/05/2013 03:12:36]

Leo Wilmoth

Your spriting guide really helped me become a better pixel artist. Thanks!

[24/05/2013 23:08:30]


Hi everyone XD I hope your doing well^^

[24/05/2013 12:20:12]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC