
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Okay, I laughed at that more than I think I should have. xD

[22/08/2013 01:18:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I'm not that stupid.

[21/08/2013 19:39:13]

Secuity check

<script> alert('Please check your website Security') <script>

[21/08/2013 05:45:44]


It's back. Our patience paid off

[21/08/2013 01:35:48]


Still server busy. This is insane.

[20/08/2013 23:06:48]


It's a kind of vicious cycle, when you think about it.

[20/08/2013 21:06:02]


@Phantom: If you go back to the last page, you'll see that everyone there is talking about the forums dying. Eventually, a RP starts and one person says something along the lines of "This is the new forum".

[20/08/2013 20:42:24]


I was just checking the forums again… And still "Server is busy".
Thanks Butterfree for whatever you're doing to get it up and running.

[20/08/2013 06:34:34]


This is getting pretty frustrating.

[20/08/2013 05:02:29]


Well, at least it's better than a "temporarily unavailable" message.

I check the forums on practically an hourly basis, so my email shouldn't be an issue

[19/08/2013 23:41:47]


AHA! THE FORUMS ARE BACK UP aww server busy message

[19/08/2013 23:16:18]


I don't want the RP to die either, so you have my interest. (and my email). Hopefully when everything is said and done and the forums are back up it'll be back to normal.

[19/08/2013 23:12:33]


Okay, I put my email in this one since I don't know how often I can check this, so you have that just in case you ever need it.

Also anyone who wants to can email me on it, just tell me who you are first, please >w>

[19/08/2013 19:23:01]

Black Yoshi

Well, even if this little mishap did manage to destroy Black Moon (which I don't expect it will), I have MOST of the CFs saved to a word document. I never got the last two or three (Maybe four…?) I think, but most are still there, so we could pretty much pick up when we left off.

And I actually do not have your email, Silver, so it's nice to see you are in fact alive.

[19/08/2013 16:03:01]


Ahh, Exo and Phantom, I am alive. Hopefully you guys will see this, but like, I don't know if Black Yoshi has my email so maybe he'll see this too. But I don't plan on letting my characters die and all that.

So, uh, yes I'm alive.

[19/08/2013 12:59:41]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yes, everybody has been talking about it for the past page or two.

The host changed the IP address of the forums; because the domain isn't hosted with Dreamhost it didn't automatically reconfigure to point to the new IP; my dad owns the domain registrar account so I e-mailed him to change it but he hasn't done it yet, probably because he's on a fishing trip. It's out of my hands.

[19/08/2013 12:51:54]


Is anyone else having a problem where they can't access the forums? I'm getting an error:

Site Temporarily Unavailable

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact the webmaster/ tech support immediately to have them rectify this.
error id: "bad_httpd_conf"

which I've been getting for three days.

[19/08/2013 12:40:45]


I know, I know, I feel so dumb when I have to keep hitting the "don't know it" button! ;-;

[19/08/2013 12:22:56]


Wait, hasn't the guestbook always been around?

Or was I imagining it?

Also, using the guestbook has taught me how little I know of pokémon now… I barely know any of the names it feels like.

[19/08/2013 08:17:42]


Is this going to be like when the Guestbook first came into being?

[19/08/2013 07:26:38]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC