Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Not like it matters much, but it IS working, but I get nothing but a server busy message.
The address' are AND[16/08/2013 23:39:49]
Ah. Well, if that doesn't work either, I suppose asking for it isn't necessary.
[16/08/2013 23:29:33]
There are two url's to the site, the one that most people use (I think it's the main one linked on the actual site) and a secondary one.
[16/08/2013 23:23:11]
Alt? What do you mean by alt?
[16/08/2013 23:20:52]
Well, since the forums are down (sadly), if anyone wants to talk to me I'm on IRC or I filled out the email field, so click my name!
[16/08/2013 22:39:34]
The alt is technically working. But all I get from it is a server busy message.
Right when the RP was picking up![16/08/2013 21:10:28]
I wonder why the forums aren't working? I was hoping to get on again today and play a forum game or such. I probably should not continue playing the impossible game.
[16/08/2013 20:59:26]
I've been told the forums are temporarily unavaliable.
;~; And I needed to go back through my VM conversation with Alligates, too.[16/08/2013 09:04:42]
For all the times I've visited this place, I only rarely remember that there's a guestbook. Still, this is the first time the forums have had a "site temporarily unavailable" message since my return from hiatus, so it felt fitting to me.
[16/08/2013 05:26:45]
Website: Poliwager AdoptablesName explains itself. I'm a
Ninetales, and I love chocolate.[15/08/2013 22:57:59]
Website: magic the gathering sleevesI love the pokemon captcha so much.
[14/08/2013 05:07:10]
I don't have a DA so I can't comment there, but those gijinkas are amazing, Happy. :O
[08/08/2013 01:27:04]
Commenting on: 07-09-13Aww, so that's why the report error thing isn't working :( I just got the Marquee of Doom prize and it didn't work :c
(BTW I can't believe I got a Leafeon as the spam thing xD)[26/07/2013 05:55:40]
Website: Pichu's NookBEST SITE EVER
[25/07/2013 12:01:19]
Website: 8)'Allo Butterfree! No clue when you'll be back from your honeymoon (congratulations, by the way; and evidently I have no clue how long these things are meant to be) but when you return I figure you'll be interested in this fanart I did, of sorts. :) It's gijinkas of a bunch of websites, including TCoD! So when I say 'fanart' I mean of the site. ;D Linky is in the website field for you people.
Hopefully you get a lil' kick out of it! (Before anyone starts wondering: no, I'm not taking this seriously. :b) And hope you're enjoying yourself now without any server shenanigans to deal with![17/07/2013 13:53:55]
Butterfree, too lazy to appear as an admin
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesTesting the new server.
[10/07/2013 05:22:40]
Well, the wedding happens tomorrow, then. It's also the Birthday of someone I know. I gotta go to Google Translate.
[02/07/2013 20:25:09]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI've already watched Doctor Who (well, all of the new series, that is). And yes, I do like it. Although I preferred Ten over Eleven.
[02/07/2013 00:07:28]
Congrats on your wedding. I was wondering if you'd ever considered watching Doctor Who. I feel like you'd like it…
[01/07/2013 20:26:05]
I just stumbled across the Secret Page of Neverending Glory by complete accident. I hadn't found any of the clues, either.[30/06/2013 16:30:40]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC