
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


I'm on a home computer, Hippy, and I've noticed that the forums load slower than the rest of the site for me. Might that be it?

[29/03/2013 17:04:48]


Just wondering, does anyone else have trouble going on the forums on an iPad? Multiple times today I have tried to go on, but it loads forever, so I have given up. I have logged on from an iPad before, but it always ties a super long time.

[27/03/2013 01:37:05]

Commenting on: 03-23-13

Thank you for updating the humor section, it is one of my favorite parts of the site.

[25/03/2013 01:56:20]


I hate when stories end! Then I already know what happens! Someday, we'll invent a story that goes on forever… Wait, they already have that. It's called Make Your Own Adventure. But you know what I mean.

[24/03/2013 12:29:57]


Whoops, retracted that. Looks like you added that.

[24/03/2013 02:45:19]

Commenting on: 03-23-13

N's Pokémon thing doesn't seem to be there.

[24/03/2013 02:39:30]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-18-13

All added (wow, I can't believe I forgot some of this stuff). Thanks for the pointers!

[23/03/2013 21:40:17]

Commenting on: 03-18-13

There's also the "Free Space" thing in the bag.

[23/03/2013 18:54:50]

Cow Warrior
Commenting on: 03-18-13

The Gyms were redesigned.

[22/03/2013 21:23:53]

Commenting on: 03-18-13

Oh, here's something else you missed:

You know that bookmark list (I forgot if there's a special name for it) that pops up whenever you press the Y button in game? And how if you go to the bag menu, for example, there'd be this little box at the bottom of the touch screen you could check off/register so it appears on the menu?

In Black/White, you couldn't bookmark the Pokemon menu in this way, but in Black/White 2, you could (which made it ten times more convenient for me haha). :D

Here's hoping I'm being clear enough!

[22/03/2013 01:30:50]


Kirby! <(o.o<)

[21/03/2013 21:48:37]

Commenting on: 03-18-13

And yet you still haven't mentioned about the repels.

[20/03/2013 12:36:22]


Iris is my favorite champion, even if I might never own the new games XD I just love the pink princess get up lol Its soo cute^^

[17/03/2013 04:15:43]

Commenting on: 03-09-13

You forgot to mention that Iris was the new champion, as well as the Elite Four's rooms being redesigned. And you actually get to battle the Shadow Triad.

[15/03/2013 02:47:52]


Overall he's pretty fun <3 I quite like this series heehee. I even joined Kirby Rainbow Resort forum as Miwachu!^-^ I just wish it was a bit more active atm ehh maybe someday.

[12/03/2013 10:27:11]


Kirby's cool x3 I hope you get to play him someday :3…I didn't get to play him till I was like 15. XD I like the versitilbility of all his different abilites…even if the gameplay can be kinda easy-ish. Soo many different powers!!! @.@; lol, kinda wish i grew up on these games. Oh well XD;

[12/03/2013 10:25:55]

Website: Poliwager
Commenting on: 03-09-13

You missed the White Treehollow/Black Tower in the B2W2 Changes! :O Unless that was left out on purpose, of course. ;D

[12/03/2013 01:56:11]

Commenting on: 03-09-13

Oh. Okay, I think I misinterpreted it.

[12/03/2013 00:55:26]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I've never played a Kirby game.

[11/03/2013 12:38:38]


The Hello Kitty forum i've been helping to revive with my good friend, Pikakirby, I mean :3 We're a great team when it comes to making forums active and kewl again XD yep.

[11/03/2013 12:26:36]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC