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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's kind of the opposite of Mewtwo^2, actually. Mewtwo^2 takes the changes from Mew to Mewtwo and goes further with them - it's even taller, even lankier, has even fewer digits, and its color is shifted even further in the blue direction. "Mewthree" takes Mewtwo and changes it back in a Mewward direction, making it cuter and more fairylike. (And I certainly didn't invent the concept of further Mew/Mewtwo clones - look at all the Mewthree rumours from before I even played my first Pokémon game.)
[12/04/2013 16:19:06]
Hold on… Mewtwo² revealed?!
And yet Butterfree still claims she isn't Satoshi Tajiri in disguise![12/04/2013 15:49:39]
Website: Click here
Commenting on: 04-02-13yep
[11/04/2013 23:58:41]
Butterfree is the master joke teller I can only dream of being myself XD *clap clap clap* 3 CHEERS FOR BUTTERFREE! ^_^ Yay for this awesome site's even awesomer owner! ^-^
[11/04/2013 07:43:32]
Commenting on: 04-02-13One of the most plausible April Fool's Day jokes I've ever seen. The nervousness modifier reminded me of a friend who thought that confused Pokemon only hurt themselves if you press "A" too much. I knew it was bogus even then (2000), but I still find myself being sparing with button presses when my Pokemon's confused.
[09/04/2013 20:33:18]
I see I missed a lot during April Fools'. I mean, a lot
[08/04/2013 08:01:22]
Commenting on: 04-02-13All right, you got me. That one was really good. Only thing that got me all day.
[05/04/2013 00:15:03]
random CoD lover. (the cave, not the game XD)
Commenting on: 04-02-13dangit, you got me. again. i was really frightened at last years joke, and now you've tricked me again. i told my parents about it BOTH TIMES too. you are freaking awsome at april fools XD
[04/04/2013 21:00:14]
Commenting on: 04-02-13Funnily enough, I had missed the April Fool's joke, and came here just to ask if you were ever going to add Safari Zone information to the catch rate pages.
[04/04/2013 20:41:41]
Commenting on: 04-02-13My mouth literally dropped open when I read the nervousness thing. Can't believe I bought it… Ugh. Well done.
[04/04/2013 02:09:42]
Commenting on: 04-02-13*embarrassment gone*
[03/04/2013 14:15:59]
Commenting on: 04-02-13Never thought this was a joke.Still had fun with it.252 rocks thrown,1 bait thrown works like a charm!
[03/04/2013 12:42:08]
Commenting on: 04-02-13Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there were mechanics that insane in the games. I mean, there's the formula-that-freezes-the-game-after-trying-to-divide-by-zero-and-going-into-an-infite-loop, which makes the idea of the nervousness modifier and the capture bypass actually seem kind of plausible :P
[03/04/2013 05:16:28]
Commenting on: 04-02-13…well played! I never even considered that that was an April Fool's joke!
And here I spent quite a large amount of the walk back to my dorm thinking about how I could now obtain rare Safari Zone Pokémon with more ease… =P[03/04/2013 02:55:46]
Website: Poliwager
Commenting on: 04-02-13Looks like you got me! Some of it seemed fishy, but some seemed like it could work. Good job!
[02/04/2013 23:05:44]
Commenting on: 03-31-13Damn it! That was brilliant, I was about to tell muy friends when I read the comments section. Bah, it sucks that it's fake, it would've been awesome :(
[02/04/2013 17:23:55]
Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 03-31-13I totes thought it was legit at first and emailed an old friend being like "DJSFDJKSFD BUTTON PRESSES WORK IN THE SAFARI ZONE MY LIFE IS A LIE" and then I thought about it some
that was an excellent joke though holy wow[02/04/2013 13:07:59]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-13Yes, it was a joke. Hope it amused you. :) (The real Safari Zone mechanics page will be coming soon, though.)
The update was posted after midnight my time, but I basically always date updates according to the date it was when I got up in the morning, since for one thing most of my visitors are Americans, for whom it would generally still be that date even if it's past midnight over here, and for another thing I tend to be at my most productive in the evening/middle of the night, so most of my updates happen after midnight even if they're specifically intended to go with a particular date, like the site's birthday. Of course, this is also very handy for April Fools' jokes, because it means I can consistently make them in updates dated March 31st. :P[02/04/2013 11:29:44]
Well, okay, apperently, according to the time zone this guest book runs on, April Fools Day is offishally OVER now. xD; Good ridden, I say. All that joking around was getting pretty tiresome…@_@; srsly
[02/04/2013 03:21:21]
One last joke before April Fools day ends: This is NOT Jirachu impostering me. :P
Happy April Fools till next year folks! (I am Jirachu, BY DA WAY)(XD sorry XD)[02/04/2013 03:19:37]
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