
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 12-16-12

Hello! This is my first time signing the guest book, but I have watched your site for a long time. I hate to see the splash page go, but it's alright, it's not the end of the world or anything. :P

[28/12/2012 11:26:20]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It's accessible on the Mascots page where it always has been, as well as on the link that used to be on the menu - but it's just the same old splash, because as I said, there is no 4,500,000 front page hits splash.

[27/12/2012 18:19:58]


Hey, Butterfree- is the splash still accessible like the other, older ones are?

[27/12/2012 17:57:37]

Fox McCloud/Poketoa
Commenting on: 12-16-12

Wanna see the screenshot where I put it over the top :P

[27/12/2012 02:42:11]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I wouldn't exactly call less than two weeks "a while", especially for a site being run by a single person and that doesn't do "news" updates.

[26/12/2012 23:02:35]


Hey cool site! Too bad it hasn't been updated in a while though…

[26/12/2012 22:58:25]

Commenting on: 12-01-12

You did NaNo? :D Congrats! I won last year but this year was simply too chaotic for me to be able to finish. :/ Hope you won!

[26/12/2012 04:31:25]


Merry Christmas, TCoD gang! ^_^ (also happy hanaka, kwanza, and, whatever other holidays the rest of you might be celebrating ^_^) I'm listening to Pokemon Christmas Bash in the holiday spirit right now XD

[25/12/2012 04:12:29]


My younger bro is 21 now ^_^ Happy Birthday pichuoxys! *cheer's*

[24/12/2012 05:50:51]


It is defenetly a nastalgiac webpage url~

[22/12/2012 21:40:56]

Commenting on: 12-16-12

I'll still be visiting though! :D

[22/12/2012 18:36:14]


The world has not ended yet and a Very Very Un-Birthday to all of us. XD

[22/12/2012 09:15:32]


Hi there! I just thought I'd stop by and point out something as regards your website.

On the right sidebar, there is a section for the 'pre-order' of BW2, though you're no doubt aware these games have already been released! As I'm not a regular here, you might already be aware of it, but if not, I thought I'd bring it to your attention.

I will be sure to visit again; this is a fantastic site - nicely laid out, pleasing colour schemes and well-written to boot.



[22/12/2012 02:17:03]

Commenting on: 12-16-12

Haha thanks for replying Butterfree. Crud you're right about the colours. I had the autumn splash in mind when I wrote that though; maybe that's the direction to go in? 8) I guess it treads on the domain of Voice of the Forest but if we call that a spring/summer-esque skin, and articuno is winter.. :D All rambly ideas, not pushing anything, of course. (Also, looks like my attempt to write a backwards 'c:' face in the last post became a question mark instead, dang.)

[21/12/2012 12:13:08]


Wait, I read just now that CloudCat…

Might be where MewSkitty is now…T____T

[21/12/2012 07:31:25]


I'm not sure I ever met CloudCat before…o.o'

[21/12/2012 07:28:09]


Wait, CloudCat, you're alive? I am really confused here.

[20/12/2012 20:58:28]

Commenting on: 12-16-12

I'm going to miss the Splash Page. :'(

[20/12/2012 20:41:52]


Sorry, jaketiger, about the meltdown I had earlier….I think i'm avoiding tumblr forever. Or at least till I stop feeling a need to rant when i'm scared >_<;

[20/12/2012 12:51:01]

Website: ~Jirachu's Secret Pokesite~(old)

One of my best friends call's TCoD forums glitch city roflmao.


…I don't blame her at all, really…xD; *ahem*

Thus is life…

[20/12/2012 07:09:36]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC