
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


LOL I loved that "Tea" and "CoD" joke…XDDDD Tea CoD.

Yeah I hope that the forum works again soon I just joined it *nod nod..*

[17/12/2012 23:10:29]


Let's all drink Tea and eat CoD while we wait for the forums to return from oblibion

[17/12/2012 21:47:49]

Commenting on: 12-16-12

Hey, what if I make a splash for you? IT WOULD BE THE ULTIMATE TEST

Hah. No, but really. If I can make a good one, will you use it (with tweaks, obviously)?

[17/12/2012 21:19:34]

Commenting on: 12-16-12

…and now to get past the forums' error issues ^_^; Just to put in my 2 cents on this ^_^;

[17/12/2012 20:11:48]


….Dang those server errors are annoyin'. :/

[17/12/2012 20:06:50]


Weeee I joined teh new forum *bounces like a freak*

[17/12/2012 20:01:49]


I guess I never really….noticed. XD; All these years I mostly used the Mew styal lol.

But ya know. :3 This styal could very well be my new favorite XD The colors are just beautiful~<3

That Mew styal still is cute and dare I say a bit nastalgiac, though XD I used to really like Mew a lot anyways. Mew's cool :3 (and, yep…..i'm a total sucker for the color pink~<3)

[17/12/2012 04:50:28]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Articuno style has been around for several years; I just made it the default if you don't have a style set.

[17/12/2012 03:06:49]


One last thing: Lovin' the new Articuno styal, Butterfree. :) It's absolutely divine~Wonderful job! *clap's for you~<3*
^-^ <3

The snowflakes are so cute too <3 And the light blues…Ahh~I can't get enouth of how pretty looking this is. x3; Once again: Bravo dear bravo^-^

*curtsy's in delight~*

(and, to this very writing: still no new 'guestbook shinies' XD; yeah, I have no life…)

[17/12/2012 02:58:16]


I'm probably one of few people that'll miss the TCoD Splash page….I'm weird like that. xD; I guess it's nastalgiac for me but I can live without it. It WAS rather annoying to get through, time by time, I guess, anyways~

[17/12/2012 02:54:29]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-12-12

Oh, I find them annoying too. It's a silly tradition established when I was twelve or thirteen and everybody was doing it, and I've since made an effort to make it unobtrusive by making it just redirect to the front page if you have a style cookie - I never even see it unless I specifically click it on the menu.

What with how by now I no longer have easy access to a scanner and only have a piece-of-junk tiny laptop mouse to use with my daily-use computer, though, it's become harder to even keep the tradition up properly, so at this point I really might as well put it away. Maybe I can later resurrect the tradition in some form that doesn't involve forcing people to go through hoops before entering the site for the first time.

[16/12/2012 14:08:09]

Commenting on: 12-12-12

> Oh, and suddenly 4,500,000 front page hits! Thanks for that. Now excuse me while I panic about how I should have had a new splash ready by this point.

Might i humbly suggest that you retire the splash page? Personally i find splash pages in general to be annoying, and i'm sorry to say that TCoD's is no exception. They're also bad for usability, if you believe people like Jakob Nielsen.

[16/12/2012 08:28:15]


Yeah, Bayleafqween, I think it's been an issue for most everyone. The past two days haven't been as bad as the few before it, however.

[16/12/2012 06:26:34]


Has anyone else have difficulty getting on the forums? I've been getting the "Too busy!" message thing every time I get on.

[16/12/2012 02:06:50]


Whoo! Forums back up. I think.

[15/12/2012 03:31:14]

Jirachu (

Red… Skunktank….Can. Not. Un. See.

I'm pretty sure that was a shiny Pokemon~Yep :P

[14/12/2012 06:02:43]


One word about the newest update:…wow.

And, yet, it, somehow….doesn't suprise me too much. o.o' As, ya know. Yellow is based off the anime and all…still was an epic discovery, regardless!^-^

Now, before this post gets in, i'm gonna try to 'random the vertification pokemon for shinies'….hmn~

Umn….I need a mouse clicking break @_@;

[14/12/2012 05:46:27]


Having the same problem here. Haven't been able to access the forums for a few days now.

[13/12/2012 20:45:40]


So there's nothing you can really do then?

[13/12/2012 17:08:31]


I've been getting the busy thing as well. =/

[13/12/2012 15:46:12]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC