
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Oh Blarstony! The forum seems totally down now peeps D: I haven't been able to connect for…well….DAYS. o-o; Anyone else having this issue, as well? xD;

[14/05/2013 14:39:08]

Terry. T.

Let me guess, mother's day is tomorrow. If so I am buggered aha!
It's summer where I am, I think. I'll need to check that.
It's good to be taking here again and reviving this place after a, like, 2 year absence. Not much has changed which is brilliant, well done to Butterfree for that.
Also thought Quagsire was called Quagmire. Too much family guy.

[11/05/2013 18:48:47]


And, I hope your having a good spring and we can be great friends and stuff!^^ Also mother's day is coming soon people yeeeeaaaaah B) I love my mom, she's so sweet heehee x) *hugs her^^*

[11/05/2013 05:38:09]


Yo Terry T. i'm willing to revive this place and Iactually managed to talk my friend into posting with me yesterday :) PS; Do you like Kingdom Hearts, Square Enix, or, Sonic The Hedgehog games? X3; *curious curious*

[11/05/2013 05:36:47]

Terry. T.

Oh well if this place can't be revived, there's always other sites that I visit (except the forum ;-))
btw this site looks amazing on mobile if you own a decent one

[11/05/2013 00:14:33]


Riku also walks "The Path of Dawn", anyways. So neutral, which is also in between being 'light' and 'dark', would actually suit him P= Though outside that I dunno if i'll bother working on it being a particular type (run, swim, fly, power, or, normal). Its kinda fun to have a bit of a suprise with that aspect of chao raising =3 well thats all for now XD maybe i inspired some other people here into some chao gardening themselves too lol its always my plesure, dears~*curtsy's adorably~*

[10/05/2013 21:07:46]


Oh and! I hope your all having a nice 2013 :) And enjoying yourselves and stuffz. I've been playing sonic adventure 2 battle again lately lol. Collecting rings for the chao garden is….amusing. I even named a chao after riku from kingdom hearts now!! its pink and white. I want it to be a neutral chao XD yeah

[10/05/2013 21:04:16]


It'll be hard for me to revive this place, espesally. My friend Pikakirby like refuses to post here lol. Oh and people if your kingdom hearts fanatics like I myself am be sure to message me about it on the forum i'm Jirachu there just like in the super cool tcod guestbook k thnx 8) I espesally seem to take interest in riku and the xehanort elements lol. really interesting series….i like the fans on kh13 forum too :3

[10/05/2013 21:02:22]

Terry. T.

Is this place dead or is it dead? I don't actually know, is this place as active as it used to be? Hmm.
Might do a bit of spriting actually. I've not done it in a while and I did alright last time I tried it. Thoughts?

[10/05/2013 18:36:45]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 05-01-13

Happy to see the real version of this up. Even happier that my childhood analysis, "screw rocks and bait, just chuck balls at everything" turned out to be correct.

Also, effing tauros. Screw infinite master balls, my favorite feature of the Missingno. trick was always that it allowed you to battle Safari Zone pokes in a sane manner. Screw going through ~133 battles for *one* pokémon…

[04/05/2013 01:38:53]


New update people check it out B)

[02/05/2013 20:26:34]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-02-13

Hm, I guess I might as well. It's not nearly as necessary now that it's being released worldwide at the same time, though.

[01/05/2013 20:10:51]

Commenting on: 04-02-13

Unrelated, but are you planning on doing a Play-Asia referral thingy for Pokemon X and Y?

[01/05/2013 19:52:27]


I wish someone was online to post on the forum with me tonight xD; Oh well…*is not all that tired P=*

And yeah the new Mewtwo forme is pretty epicz P=

[22/04/2013 08:04:29]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I can manually reset your password through the admin CP. E-mail me what you'd like me to change it to, and then when you've logged in you can change it again.

[14/04/2013 19:10:17]

LuckyLapras (again)

*sets up alternate e-mail account for internet use*
*finds out that I can't use that to retrieve password*

[14/04/2013 17:15:53]


Oh, Hotmail. Why do you choose now to not recieve e-mails from here? Why? ;~;

[14/04/2013 17:02:17]


I'll have to be honest, this time. I've been testing the patience of this woman. Butterfree, for a while. Maybe once every 3 months for good days sake. Whenever I'm out of work-out reps, assignments, or when I'm taking a break from work; She's an inspirational woman, and possibly one of the most intelligent people I come across. I remember how hard she worked back in the day, today she's a web designer, a writer, an artist, and a math enthusiast. I can't imagine what she will be in upcoming years but I appreciate that the beauty of humanity can be expressed in one person - Whoever says that's impossible is wrong. Butterfree, the hard working 13 year I remember and the woman she is today, proves that they are wrong.

She left a lot of influence on me that I can't help but appreciate, maybe this is what brings me back to this one website. Thanks to her, I learned a lot about hard-work, I learned what free thought really means, I improved in many other ways because of her influence.

Do the things you like, shine and stay beautiful

[14/04/2013 00:05:10]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It's kind of the opposite of Mewtwo^2, actually. Mewtwo^2 takes the changes from Mew to Mewtwo and goes further with them - it's even taller, even lankier, has even fewer digits, and its color is shifted even further in the blue direction. "Mewthree" takes Mewtwo and changes it back in a Mewward direction, making it cuter and more fairylike. (And I certainly didn't invent the concept of further Mew/Mewtwo clones - look at all the Mewthree rumours from before I even played my first Pokémon game.)

[12/04/2013 16:19:06]


Hold on… Mewtwo² revealed?!

And yet Butterfree still claims she isn't Satoshi Tajiri in disguise!

[12/04/2013 15:49:39]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC