Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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I duno if I ever asked this before but do you like Kirby Butterfree?
I need ta get active on the forum here again sometime lol. Maybe i'll ask some people from the hello kitty forum to help me make this place active more again too XD; Some of them really like pokemon it seems anyways :3 espesally chansey XD chansey seems popular with that group lol good ol chansey <3 my favorite in the line is probably uhh happiny or blissey though. They both theme around happiness yay ^___^ *cheers for tcod and us* <3 Chu! >w<;; *happy happy*[11/03/2013 12:25:31]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-09-13No; I say there's a 60% chance of a Dream World ability being inherited and an 80% chance of a regular ability being inherited, but that if one parent is a Ditto, neither of these effects work and it becomes a 50/50 thing.
You may have been confused by the fact it says "…the chance of each ability is 50% as in the previous games", when it should be clearer about the fact that it's a 50% chance of each normal ability if the species has two, not a 50% chance of the Dream World ability. I'll reword it.
Fixed the Kyurem thing.[10/03/2013 23:58:47]
Commenting on: 03-09-13There's a typo about the Abilities; you say first that there's a 60% chance and then that there's a 50% chance. Also, you say that Kyurem is the Black 2-exclusive dragon.
yay proofreading[10/03/2013 23:02:11]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-09-13Whoops. That was magnificently silly.
[10/03/2013 07:23:31]
Commenting on: 03-09-13Wrong link you got there. Thankfully it's still accessible by the menu, though.
[10/03/2013 06:42:34]
Yay! We de people of TCoD really DO rule the net!!! *cheer's happily*
[05/03/2013 14:07:11]
Apparently TCoD's cool enough to be a Chacha answer.
[05/03/2013 05:06:18]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's not busy for some solid long stretch of time; it just happened to be busy at the particular times you were refreshing. When it's busy for you, that's because it's running queries for somebody else who is getting on.
[27/02/2013 17:26:56]
guy standing behind you
I haven't been able to get on the forums for four days.
[27/02/2013 17:18:09]
The server has been busy for me for two days straight.
[26/02/2013 17:43:33]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's a similar effect, but not the same. Nightmare takes away 1/4 of the Pokémon's max HP; Bad Dreams takes away 1/8. And they stack with one another.
[26/02/2013 01:39:51]
I just mispelled Mohacastle as Nigacastle xD
Anyway, for the Status Ailments page, I think you forgot that Darkrai's Bad Dreams ability has the same effects as Nightmares, even though you said that no abilities are associated with it. Just pointing it out, I'm sure you have a reason.[25/02/2013 21:31:24]
The server is really, really pissing me off. I know there's nothing to do about it, but really, when I can't get on for hours at a time…
[23/02/2013 02:22:03]
Yay! Somebodee got a shiny taday ^-^
[20/02/2013 18:18:13]
guy standing behind you
I've been getting busy server messages for three days straight.
On a less angry note, my spam-check pokemon is a shiny Teddiursa![20/02/2013 02:39:09]
Commenting on: 02-09-13Thanks! That question's been bugging me for MONTHS now.
[20/02/2013 01:54:58]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-09-13Neither Sturdy nor Focus Sash can stop a Pokémon from OHKOing itself, so Selfdestruct/Explosion still knock the user out.
Appropriately enough, my spam Pokémon is Skarmory.[20/02/2013 00:13:52]
Commenting on: 02-09-13I was wondering something about the changes to the Sturdy ability. Do Explosion and Self Destruct work on Pokémon with Sturdy in 5th gen when they are at full health? I don't really have any way of testing this myself, so I was wondering if you had checked up on that.
It's been bugging me for some time, but since my team is usually faster than the rock types I face, I haven't been able to find a self-detonator at full health.[19/02/2013 14:24:31]
I hope your all having a gewd 2013 x)
[19/02/2013 01:46:31]
Hi everyone XD I might try to make the forum here more active with the help of some best friends of mine :D <3
[18/02/2013 23:51:51]
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