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Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Has anyone else have difficulty getting on the forums? I've been getting the "Too busy!" message thing every time I get on.
[16/12/2012 02:06:50]
Whoo! Forums back up. I think.
[15/12/2012 03:31:14]
Jirachu (
Red… Skunktank….Can. Not. Un. See.
I'm pretty sure that was a shiny Pokemon~Yep :P[14/12/2012 06:02:43]
One word about the newest update:…wow.
And, yet, it, somehow….doesn't suprise me too much. o.o' As, ya know. Yellow is based off the anime and all…still was an epic discovery, regardless!^-^
Now, before this post gets in, i'm gonna try to 'random the vertification pokemon for shinies'….hmn~
Umn….I need a mouse clicking break @_@;[14/12/2012 05:46:27]
Having the same problem here. Haven't been able to access the forums for a few days now.
[13/12/2012 20:45:40]
So there's nothing you can really do then?
[13/12/2012 17:08:31]
I've been getting the busy thing as well. =/
[13/12/2012 15:46:12]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesHuh. I don't actually see the busy-time, because the forum software gives administrator accounts priority. To my knowledge nothing has changed, but then again this whole server being busy thing has never made any sense to begin with.
[13/12/2012 09:10:42]
Same, Spoon and …! I actually haven't been able to post since the 9th.
[13/12/2012 04:19:07]
…, same here. I've checked it fairly regularly and have only had one moment to actually post. Going by the archives and that single moment that the forum was non-busy, it seems that the server being busy has gotten to fairly ridiculous levels.
[13/12/2012 04:00:07]
I don't know if it's just me, but the forums appear to have been busy for the past few days. There hasn't been a single non-busy moment for me.
[13/12/2012 03:55:32]
Great writing, Butterfree. Must everything be so sad though? Letaligon left, Lapras gone, Tyranitar disappeared… I thought Scyther was gone too, but nah. :)
when I finished all current chapters, I checked out the spin-offs. Scyther's Story was good, so was Spirit, and I have yet to read Nightmare.
The Fall Of A Leader… well, geez. What is with you, and characters dying? I liked Pearl and, kinda sorta, Shadowdart. I mean sure, great emotional impact, but not the kind I was looking for. Still, good writing.[11/12/2012 02:36:34]
Love the sprites. And the Rainbow Umbreon just made me grin.
And you have so many interesting things that made my glad that I looked around your site.
I'll be coming back every chance I get now to see what's new.[10/12/2012 11:14:42]
Thank you x3; I wanna try reading it again sometime. I'm just still kind of confused by some of the 'dark' language choices and stuff, though (being an aspie can be difficult, ya know..).
I wonder what chapter it is at now though. :)
I need to try writing my own fanfiction again someday too. Maybe Pokemon or Kingdom Hearts related. They were never really serious, fanficts I writen, though….so i'm not *sure* if I can write non 'InSaNe' stuff or not. .-.; But I guess it could be worth a shot. Butterfree can be very inspirational. :3[08/12/2012 19:42:56]
Quest For The Legends, my friend. I read all the current chapters in both versions. Butterfree needs to write faster :(
So, will Letaligon ever be back? … no? D*:[08/12/2012 15:30:08]
Is Scyther talking about a fanfict on this website? o.o'
[07/12/2012 00:16:16]
So far, Lapras is gone and Letaligon is half crazy… this is gonna be interesting ^-^
[06/12/2012 21:18:38]
~Shadow of 2004~
It's finally over…the nightmare is finally over.
I deleted the secret Pikachu hangout. All remaining copies of it…off the web….
I don't care anymore….who get's upset……I no longer want to be the 'proud owner' of 'The secret Pikachu hangout!!!!'.
Dear TSPHl Goodbye forever…[03/12/2012 15:42:47]
And umn (a double post for the sake of nastalgia…lol…);
Happy Holidays to all XD;[03/12/2012 08:43:37]
Hi Butterfree XD (and, umn, everyone else…XD Merry Christmas ^_^)
I had a dream a few nights ago lol. That I felt you should hear about….you mensioned my old pokemon webite on one of your 'monthly poll' things, you know, on the main page?
It was hallerious XD I loved that dream, and, I so had ta share it x3; Take care now TCoD gang~
~Jchu~^_^[03/12/2012 08:41:56]
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