
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-01-13

We don't know for sure that X/Y will have no sprites of any kind yet, but even if they don't, all that means is I'd put some other artwork on the Zodiac images, like Sugimori or Dream World art.

[11/01/2013 16:29:38]

random CoD lover. (the cave)
Commenting on: 01-01-13

i dont know lol, its just that i love the zodiac, but it might be a little harder to update now that there is no sprites to use lol. and unfortunately, im not one of the dunsparce lovers, but im on dunsparce day XD.

[11/01/2013 12:59:19]


I hope I get a cuter sign pokemon when the new pokemon are out ^_^ I remember I got one that wasn't that cute in my opinion or something….

[10/01/2013 16:39:39]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-01-13

Of course the Zodiac will be updated. It was updated for the past two generations; why would I stop now?

[10/01/2013 00:56:42]

random CoD lover. (the cave)
Commenting on: 01-01-13

i know its way too early, but for an update sometime this year, there is a new gen coming. once all the pokemon are revealed, i would really like it if you updated the zodiac. that would be awesome.

[10/01/2013 00:05:01]


really i get no thanks well excuse me for being out of ur inner circle lol. congrats on finishing the story anyhow

[08/01/2013 17:55:04]

Commenting on: 01-01-13

I am more than a little amused that I ended up there for a five-minute sketch where my handwriting is pretty much unreadable anyway

[05/01/2013 03:18:14]


Hey Butterfree, why so morbid? Your stories make people die on the inside ._.

[05/01/2013 01:15:30]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-16-12

The Mascots page archives all the old splashes and retells that story.

[04/01/2013 23:32:30]

Commenting on: 12-16-12

I'm surprised you kept the splash page for as long as you did. Remember when it used to have a ridiculously long gif of Butterfee and Charizard sprites telling a story?

[04/01/2013 18:39:21]

hi jump kick

I like shorts! They're extremely comfy and easy to wear!

[03/01/2013 15:53:41]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 01-01-13

"This is boring, I'm going to drop it and go off and write something way more crazy?" I suppose it is a pretty fitting end to the tale. :P

I hope opaltiger is planning to share the photographic that is definitely going to exist of those pom-poms with more than just you; I hope he understands how much the internet needs that picture.

[03/01/2013 08:51:03]

Commenting on: 01-01-13

Next year I hope to be on this list for having driven you to finish the editing of the damn thing…

[02/01/2013 09:54:47]


I hear ya, derpington…I heaar ya xD;

Happy 2013 every1 ^_^

[02/01/2013 09:30:12]


Welcome 2013!I wonder how all those people who thought the world would end feel right now…

[02/01/2013 06:57:05]


What's so bad about splashes? Yes, they make people visit an extra page, but can't you just put a link so that you only end up there if you want to?

Ok, I guess that defeats the point, but still…

[01/01/2013 23:35:49]


Yes. We made it into the unknown worlds of 2013 alive!

[01/01/2013 11:46:20]


The new year is starting really soon now ^_^ Happy New Years everyone, espesally to those who it's started for already ^_^

[01/01/2013 03:52:04]


Ugh. I can't get on the forums. Sure, I can log in and stuff, but it always gives me the "server is busy, please try again later" message.

[31/12/2012 22:05:12]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

What top page?

The splash checked for the presence of a style cookie and if there was one present, redirected to the front page. The exact code wouldn't be very helpful unless you happened to be using exactly the same programming language.

[31/12/2012 21:54:53]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC