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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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The world has not ended yet and a Very Very Un-Birthday to all of us. XD
[22/12/2012 09:15:32]
Hi there! I just thought I'd stop by and point out something as regards your website.
On the right sidebar, there is a section for the 'pre-order' of BW2, though you're no doubt aware these games have already been released! As I'm not a regular here, you might already be aware of it, but if not, I thought I'd bring it to your attention.
I will be sure to visit again; this is a fantastic site - nicely laid out, pleasing colour schemes and well-written to boot.
Jack[22/12/2012 02:17:03]
Commenting on: 12-16-12Haha thanks for replying Butterfree. Crud you're right about the colours. I had the autumn splash in mind when I wrote that though; maybe that's the direction to go in? 8) I guess it treads on the domain of Voice of the Forest but if we call that a spring/summer-esque skin, and articuno is winter.. :D All rambly ideas, not pushing anything, of course. (Also, looks like my attempt to write a backwards 'c:' face in the last post became a question mark instead, dang.)
[21/12/2012 12:13:08]
Wait, I read just now that CloudCat…
Might be where MewSkitty is now…T____T[21/12/2012 07:31:25]
I'm not sure I ever met CloudCat before…o.o'
[21/12/2012 07:28:09]
Wait, CloudCat, you're alive? I am really confused here.
[20/12/2012 20:58:28]
Commenting on: 12-16-12I'm going to miss the Splash Page. :'(
[20/12/2012 20:41:52]
Sorry, jaketiger, about the meltdown I had earlier….I think i'm avoiding tumblr forever. Or at least till I stop feeling a need to rant when i'm scared >_<;
[20/12/2012 12:51:01]
Website: ~Jirachu's Secret Pokesite~(old)One of my best friends call's TCoD forums glitch city roflmao.
…I don't blame her at all, really…xD; *ahem*
Thus is life…[20/12/2012 07:09:36]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-16-12What do you mean? Yes, the front page still mentions the splash, when talking about how there wasn't a new one and then about how it's being removed, but those mentions are obviously supposed to be there.
[19/12/2012 17:09:01]
Commenting on: 12-16-12You need to update your Front Page because it still mentions the splash.
[19/12/2012 14:58:22]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-16-12I'm not moving it there, but next time I get around to editing server configuration stuff, I'll make pokesite.aspx the default page for the domain, so that just typing in will fetch pokesite.aspx instead of index.aspx. Wouldn't make any difference whatsoever except saving the browser the trouble of making an extra request, though, since currently index.aspx just redirects everyone (unless the redirect=no parameter is passed) - you'd still get the front page if you continued to type pokesite.aspx every time.
I generally don't think Butterfree or Charizard's colors are the best suited for a website skin, least of all together, but maybe, I suppose. The mascots aren't entirely gone, though, since they star in Magikarp: the Gathering, and I still plan to make another game along the same lines that would also feature the mascots (this time including Quentin the Dialga plushie and time travel shenanigans). It's just in a very rough draft stage.[19/12/2012 02:22:11]
Commenting on: 12-16-12Alas, poor splash! We knew it, Dragonfree; a page of infinite enjoyment, of most excellent in-jokes; it hath borne us on your server four million hits; and now, how abhorred by the internet its kin are!
I can't be bothered doing the rest but there you go. :D
Out of curiosity do you plan on moving the main page/newest updates to the index page - or just leaving it as a redirect? I memorised typing in pokesite.aspx for years before learning you made it redirect past the splash page anyway, haha. Perhaps one of your future projects should be a butterfree/charizard site skin, so the mascots can have a stronger presence once again. :?[19/12/2012 02:11:27]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-16-12Given I just explained splashes are a bad idea and the only reason it was still around at all was sentiment, the answer is bound to be no.
[18/12/2012 22:46:52]
Apperently, the forums work's better now that I changed my Missingno. avatar…..very, very weird. o-o; Yep.
[18/12/2012 03:52:30]
Ultimate test…:3 Pai yai XD Brings me back to the ashier days…XD lol Ash.
[17/12/2012 23:11:15]
LOL I loved that "Tea" and "CoD" joke…XDDDD Tea CoD.
Yeah I hope that the forum works again soon I just joined it *nod nod..*[17/12/2012 23:10:29]
Let's all drink Tea and eat CoD while we wait for the forums to return from oblibion
[17/12/2012 21:47:49]
Commenting on: 12-16-12Hey, what if I make a splash for you? IT WOULD BE THE ULTIMATE TEST
Hah. No, but really. If I can make a good one, will you use it (with tweaks, obviously)?[17/12/2012 21:19:34]
Commenting on: 12-16-12…and now to get past the forums' error issues ^_^; Just to put in my 2 cents on this ^_^;
[17/12/2012 20:11:48]
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