
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Alrighty, good. I wasn't aware of the whole infraction system, and I'm stupid so I assumed one part of the site's rules were universal. Anyway, regarding the site, my site, I personally think the site is ready. Raven is never online though, so I'm not sure what he thinks. However, although we have put out there that we're making a PokeDex, I'm reconsidering because we're using wix as a host while I try to learn HTML from your guide. And Wix isn't exactly friendly with these kinds of things. So I might rennovate it into a Pokestadium style, make your own Pokemon kinda thing. So yeah. Just in case you needed it, though, the link to the site is on my Signature. So thank you for not giving me the boot.

[21/08/2012 19:01:41]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The forums are not the guestbook. Off-topic discussion is allowed in the guestbook, but that has nothing to do with the forums, which are the thing that has a warning system and its own rules which explicitly disallow comments that don't contribute anything of substance to the thread.

Also, you are getting another chance. You need fifty infraction points to get banned, and what you got wasn't even any infraction points, because it was just a warning.

Well, if you get your content back up on your site, tell me and I'll respond to your affiliation request.

[21/08/2012 01:26:03]

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Well, I gave Raven the password to the site and said, "Here, make your intro page," which apparently translated to, "Here Raven, please edit my website to your own liking, not paying attention to the warning that I told you, specifying not to do exactly that." I know you're on all the time, I just like to read the updates you write. They're funny. I guess I should just read your Tweets more often. So yeah. BTW, what's with Espeon giving me a spam warning for being random? Last time I checked, there was nothing against that. I mean, right under the rules up there it says, "Off-topic discussion is allowed " Apparently not. So can I have another chance please? Thanks a bunch.

[20/08/2012 21:03:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I'm not sure what you're suggesting. Do you actually want a game about knowing the name of the Pokémon, or do you not want Pokémon names used for spam verification?

[19/08/2012 12:23:58]


make that spam verification a game please, its really fun and i find it harder to remember the names of pokemon i haven't seen it would help

[18/08/2012 03:58:42]


Hey for all those who remember me it's my birthday today now lol XD

I should check out Butterfree's fanfiction again sometime.

Hi Butterfree :3

[16/08/2012 16:34:11]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

That's because I didn't make Bachuru style; it was made independently by Kratos. Heck, it was put on the forums completely without my knowledge or consent. I like it, but I had nothing to do with it, and plagiarizing it for my site isn't really something I'm comfortable with.

[16/08/2012 10:58:20]

Website: Goat City

Hey in the Forums, someone brought up the fact that Bachuru style doesn't have a counterpart on the Main Site. I suggest that this be remedied.

[16/08/2012 02:39:34]

This really needs an edit button

Oh, hey I'm no longer IP banned from the forums! I'm not crazy enough to make another account, but at least I can read stuff now ^-^

[14/08/2012 20:46:33]


Once you've read everything and played all the games, there's nothing to do. Sad because I really love this site.

[14/08/2012 20:30:39]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I'm on all the time, I updated a week ago, and I've been working pretty relentlessly on the new battle mechanics page. I update when I've finished what I'm doing.

Your friend deleted stuff off your site? o_O Why did he do that?

[11/08/2012 22:40:28]

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Haha, did desolater66 just call you a lad? Lol, wow. Doesn't he get around this site at all?

By the way, this is a cool feature to your site. Feel like giving code?! ;p

[11/08/2012 22:15:03]

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Greetings. Butterfree has probably denied my affiliation request after Raven destroyed my site, but I'm fixing it, so don't kill me. I love this site, but you're never on anymore! Come one, Butterfree! WE NEED MORE UPDATES! That is all.

[11/08/2012 22:10:24]

Sascha, das Supergenie
Website: Sascha, das Supergenie

Nice website. Keep up the great work!

[09/08/2012 21:07:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-04-12


[07/08/2012 17:07:49]

Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 08-04-12

"The moves Acid SpraySeed Flare (40%)[…]"

I don't think that's intentional…

[07/08/2012 03:16:36]


sorry only meant for 1 post

[06/08/2012 22:03:07]



just kidding. love the website

[06/08/2012 22:02:19]


skyironsword is thinking; Awesome! An argument that doesn't involve me!


[01/08/2012 00:57:35]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Shiva and Furret haven't been mods for years. Seriously, you really lose credibility when you seem so oblivious to the outdatedness of your information.

If people are really being unfairly demeaning, then for the love of God actually point it out, instead of vaguely throwing around assertions that it totally happens all the time. I don't want my mods to go around demeaning people, and if they are I will do something about it. If it's as common as you keep claiming, it should be very easy for you to find some actual examples.

(And by actual examples, I mean actually being demeaning, not just asking you to please type in a way that makes yourself understandable. It is not oppressive to expect you to make an effort to make your posts readable.)

[31/07/2012 21:42:34]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC