
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yeah, I was thinking of when all your Pokémon faint so you don't even have any left on the PC, but wrote it up like the other way around. Fixed.

[16/09/2012 17:19:37]

Kratos Aurion
Website: Altered Origin
Commenting on: 09-12-12

Would "Safari Zone" include the alternatives to the Safari Zone, for example the Bug Catching Contest? Because I'd really love to see a discussion of that, if there's anything interesting to discuss. Or, if it doesn't include that sort of thing at the moment, possibly another idea to table for later?

[16/09/2012 01:05:31]


Usually only the two rules that Ruby started with (Catch only first Pokemon and If a Pokemon faints it dies) are necessary for a true Nuzlocke, according to Bulbapedia…

[15/09/2012 20:40:01]


Actually the rule 2 of your Nuzlocke rules isn't an "offical" rule. On the Nuzlocke Forums many users rebuild after wiping but it still counts as a Nuzlocke.

[15/09/2012 08:08:42]

Commenting on: 09-14-12

Thank you! I love that section, and I'm glad to see it updated! (redundancy…)

[15/09/2012 03:35:25]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I did! I'm about to rectify that.

[14/09/2012 23:02:50]


Don't mean to nag, but you forgot the challenge I told you about XD

[14/09/2012 21:42:22]

Website: Pokemon Spectrum (Currently Closed)

Yayyy! New polls. I approve, Butterfree. I approve. Also, I got a Manaphy in the spam check. Heck yeah.

[14/09/2012 19:50:51]

Website: Click here

Haven't signed this in a while, so why not? *waves*

[14/09/2012 17:10:47]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-12-12

Heh. Not really likely, but I may consider putting up the solution to the "current" one at some point, at least, until my priority list shrinks. I don't think I could honestly spend my time doing a crossword when my brain is buzzing with other things to do for the site.

[14/09/2012 03:03:21]

Commenting on: 09-12-12

Will the crossword be updated any time soon?

[14/09/2012 02:46:55]


As somebody who isn't particularly interested in game mechanics, I'd love to see some non-mechanics-but-still-game-related content. The past few months have been almost exclusively mechanics.

[13/09/2012 00:35:51]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-12-12

Oh, yeah, I knew I'd forgotten one of the things I was going to put on that poll.

…actually, screw it, I'll just add it to the poll. It hasn't been that long.

[13/09/2012 00:15:30]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 09-12-12

"Something Else": Pokémon Conquest review? I thought you mentioned somewhere that you were thinking of doing one. I guess you're not that excited about it or you would have made it an option, but if you feel so inclined, I would certainly be interested. (Moreso than for a movie review, since I don't really watch the Pokémon movies, but Conquest I might actually play.)

[13/09/2012 00:10:25]


I like that response for once. It was actually kind of amusing.

[11/09/2012 23:45:28]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

(I mean, I'm totally fine with you liking them anyway, but they're not good, and I don't want anyone to start reading the fic thinking it's going to be good or that I don't realize how not-good it is. It's my rampant perfectionism. Don't mind it.)

[11/09/2012 03:07:44]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

That's because they really, really do. Seriously. I could explain the many objective reasons this is true, but that genuinely would be tl;dr.

[11/09/2012 02:26:39]


You sure get defensive.

"Good early chapters"
Response: NO my chapters suck >:(

… 0.o

[11/09/2012 01:39:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Is there something in particular you're curious about regarding Sketch? I haven't generally been in the habit of making pages about individual moves because there isn't usually that much to say about an individual move. While Sketch is not the most straightforward move out there, it's also not very complex; at a guess I'd think describing its effects would only take a paragraph or two at most, which doesn't make for much of a section.

Pages about shiny Pokémon are everywhere; I don't particularly feel the need to reinvent the wheel by making yet another one. As far as I can tell the relevant information is already out there and commonplace, so I wouldn't be adding much with my writeup if I did one.

[09/09/2012 15:47:22]


Hey, you should write some information about the move Sketch. I find it a really interesting subject. Also, a section on shiny/shining Pokémon would be interesting, as a shiny hunter I would really enjoy that.

[09/09/2012 10:03:00]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC