
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Great writing, Butterfree. Must everything be so sad though? Letaligon left, Lapras gone, Tyranitar disappeared… I thought Scyther was gone too, but nah. :)

when I finished all current chapters, I checked out the spin-offs. Scyther's Story was good, so was Spirit, and I have yet to read Nightmare.

The Fall Of A Leader… well, geez. What is with you, and characters dying? I liked Pearl and, kinda sorta, Shadowdart. I mean sure, great emotional impact, but not the kind I was looking for. Still, good writing.

[11/12/2012 02:36:34]


Love the sprites. And the Rainbow Umbreon just made me grin.
And you have so many interesting things that made my glad that I looked around your site.
I'll be coming back every chance I get now to see what's new.

[10/12/2012 11:14:42]


Thank you x3; I wanna try reading it again sometime. I'm just still kind of confused by some of the 'dark' language choices and stuff, though (being an aspie can be difficult, ya know..).

I wonder what chapter it is at now though. :)

I need to try writing my own fanfiction again someday too. Maybe Pokemon or Kingdom Hearts related. They were never really serious, fanficts I writen, though….so i'm not *sure* if I can write non 'InSaNe' stuff or not. .-.; But I guess it could be worth a shot. Butterfree can be very inspirational. :3

[08/12/2012 19:42:56]


Quest For The Legends, my friend. I read all the current chapters in both versions. Butterfree needs to write faster :(

So, will Letaligon ever be back? … no? D*:

[08/12/2012 15:30:08]


Is Scyther talking about a fanfict on this website? o.o'

[07/12/2012 00:16:16]


So far, Lapras is gone and Letaligon is half crazy… this is gonna be interesting ^-^

[06/12/2012 21:18:38]

~Shadow of 2004~

It's finally over…the nightmare is finally over.

I deleted the secret Pikachu hangout. All remaining copies of it…off the web….

I don't care anymore….who get's upset……I no longer want to be the 'proud owner' of 'The secret Pikachu hangout!!!!'.

Dear TSPHl Goodbye forever…

[03/12/2012 15:42:47]


And umn (a double post for the sake of nastalgia…lol…);

Happy Holidays to all XD;

[03/12/2012 08:43:37]


Hi Butterfree XD (and, umn, everyone else…XD Merry Christmas ^_^)

I had a dream a few nights ago lol. That I felt you should hear about….you mensioned my old pokemon webite on one of your 'monthly poll' things, you know, on the main page?

It was hallerious XD I loved that dream, and, I so had ta share it x3; Take care now TCoD gang~


[03/12/2012 08:41:56]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Hm. Is your monitor brightness set way up or something? My Firefox by default has a pretty visible gray border around input fields.

I can explicitly make the border darker, I guess, but making the input fields non-white goes against all my general aesthetic sense of user interface design; form fields are almost always lighter than the background around them or white on a white background. Deviating from that makes it less obvious that they're form fields, not more. (So would changing the border, in browsers where that's not what input fields normally look like, but.)

[27/11/2012 01:48:16]

Website: My Fur Affinity

I'm using Firefox, and I haven't done any serious format tinkering that I know of.

I can see it clearly now, but its still a white textbox against a white background. Yes, it has a faint blue border when you roll your mouse over it but…

[27/11/2012 01:27:28]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Aaron: Huh? I'm not doing anything with the background color of the page or the form fields on the sprite generator; it's just using the default styles in your browser, and every sensible browser should by default have a border on the input fields; if it didn't, all input fields on any web page that doesn't explicitly override it would be invisible. What browser are you using and have you messed with its default stylesheet in some funny way?

Mohacastle: It's not almost identical, actually - it's way darker - but the reason they're described as "colored in some custom colors completely unlike their own" in the gallery is to contrast them to the "Light/Dark" category, where the color change is only lightening/darkening their actual colors. To make the black Rayquaza, I took a normal Rayquaza and colored it black because I was asked to make a black Rayquaza; the fact shiny Rayquaza are also black is entirely coincidental and irrelevant.

SilverLatios47: That picture isn't really good enough to be put anywhere in an 'official' capacity; it's drawn on square paper, part of her hand is obscured by the hole in the the paper, and it was given a five-minute hatchet Photoshop coloring job with no shading that only barely keeps within the lines. I'm okay showing it to people who just happen to ask me what Mia looks like (here it is), but I'd have to make something considerably more refined before I'd put it in the Morphic section as character art.

[24/11/2012 21:38:08]

Website: My FA Account

You've got a white textbox against a white background in your random Pokemon Sprite Generator.

Its really bad aesthetics IMO, and its pretty difficult to see until you highlight it. I think you should change the BG color to red, for convenience, or something like that.

Not hatin', just a suggestion.

[24/11/2012 20:50:10]


On your sprites, you said you colored them all unlike their actual colors. Yet your Black Rayquaza is almost identical to Shiny Rayquaza.


[24/11/2012 19:59:49]

Website: Fluttershy and Shaymin's Garden Forums

I might not be doing something soo….acceptable for a guest book but I invite you all to my friend Pikakirby's forum and I figured a guestbook could be a good way to get new members. ^_^

Also I should check out some of the pages on this site for new updates sometime.

Oh and Butterfree it'd be cool if you made a UNOVA Pokemon quiz sometime. ^_^ Just sayin'. You dun have ta, though. But it could be a fun test choice. :) ^_^

That is all ^_^ Take care everybody ^_^

xD; <3

[18/11/2012 19:50:59]

Commenting on: 11-02-12

Yay…Happy B-Day CODF^^

[18/11/2012 13:38:56]

Website: Click here
Commenting on: 11-02-12

CONGRATULATIONS, Dragonfree!!! You are truly one of the very very few and rare people that have stuck with this all these years and haven't given up, lost interest, or become inactive. I hope you'll have many more anniversaries in the future, too!!

[14/11/2012 05:53:46]


Happy Birthday TCoD! (late, I know)

[13/11/2012 07:12:25]


I remember you posting a link to an image you'd drawn of Mia here in the Guestbook, but I can't find it to save my life because of how long ago that was. Would you ever put that link somewhere permanent(somewhere near the Morphic section, or something?) and not hiding somewhere in all the guestbook posts?

[12/11/2012 01:08:15]

Kratos Aurion
Website: Altered Origin
Commenting on: 11-02-12

Happy (belated sshhh) birthday, TCoD. :) The dedication and time you've put into this website is impressive, Butterfree, and I've no doubt you'll keep it up for many years to come.

And seconding the idea that it would be cool to post the last chapter of TQftL on its birthday next year, though I can certainly understand the potential for impatience!

[07/11/2012 07:08:15]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC