
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Haha, did desolater66 just call you a lad? Lol, wow. Doesn't he get around this site at all?

By the way, this is a cool feature to your site. Feel like giving code?! ;p

[11/08/2012 22:15:03]

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Greetings. Butterfree has probably denied my affiliation request after Raven destroyed my site, but I'm fixing it, so don't kill me. I love this site, but you're never on anymore! Come one, Butterfree! WE NEED MORE UPDATES! That is all.

[11/08/2012 22:10:24]

Sascha, das Supergenie
Website: Sascha, das Supergenie

Nice website. Keep up the great work!

[09/08/2012 21:07:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-04-12


[07/08/2012 17:07:49]

Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 08-04-12

"The moves Acid SpraySeed Flare (40%)[…]"

I don't think that's intentional…

[07/08/2012 03:16:36]


sorry only meant for 1 post

[06/08/2012 22:03:07]



just kidding. love the website

[06/08/2012 22:02:19]


skyironsword is thinking; Awesome! An argument that doesn't involve me!


[01/08/2012 00:57:35]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Shiva and Furret haven't been mods for years. Seriously, you really lose credibility when you seem so oblivious to the outdatedness of your information.

If people are really being unfairly demeaning, then for the love of God actually point it out, instead of vaguely throwing around assertions that it totally happens all the time. I don't want my mods to go around demeaning people, and if they are I will do something about it. If it's as common as you keep claiming, it should be very easy for you to find some actual examples.

(And by actual examples, I mean actually being demeaning, not just asking you to please type in a way that makes yourself understandable. It is not oppressive to expect you to make an effort to make your posts readable.)

[31/07/2012 21:42:34]


butterfree im sure ur an intelligent lad if i may say but you may have been blind as many have. look through ur forums you will see mods being rude and demeaning those who make meaningless grammar errors. shiva optigator furret surskitty were a few i remember who did that

[31/07/2012 17:42:36]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Magikarp: the Gathering turns into a text adventure-ish thing halfway through. It's weird like that.

If it's the one I'm thinking of, clue six refers to something on the site.

[31/07/2012 02:22:40]


Add a text adventure. I might be able to actually do that seeing as I fail other games. What's clue 6 on the Clue Game? o.O

[30/07/2012 21:57:11]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Discipline/Judgment/whoever, just let go. You keep coming in here ranting about being in touch with real life and yet you're the one who can't seem to let go of some bizarre grudge you have against a Pokémon forum you went to years ago.

I've tried to engage with you on a human basis, but I'm tired of it; from now on I'm just deleting your posts. Go away and move on with your life.

[27/07/2012 01:38:29]


this is so depressing. people, stop sobbing about getting banned. walls of bitchy text are probably part of the reason you got banned anyways. And Discipline, just go back to 4chan. I'm serious, just go.

[26/07/2012 22:11:24]


I found your site and I love it, and have showed it to my pokemon master friend and he approves as well.

[26/07/2012 00:36:18]

Shiny Victini

Um. I guess I won't be gone for a week after all. I was there for a day before the kicked me out of the place and banned me from coming back. Geez, all I did was insult everybody… (Stupid temper. I always seem to get banned from everything.)

And as to why my name is Shiny Victini right now… The spam checker shows a Shiny Victini, OMG.

[23/07/2012 22:44:54]


Regarding your in-game humor section: I think the Battle Frontier phrases use the Easy Chat System to save space (They are stored as numbers which point to the words, you see). And maybe you should add some more like "I SWALLOW SLUDGE TO TRANSFORM MYSELF"? UPC has a great list.

(P.S: That spam-checker is damn addictive because I keep trying to get a Pokémon I like >.>)

[22/07/2012 15:11:39]


I wonder if Quentin really does have Dialga powers. I hope so, because then it might go something like this: (Using usernames as names.)

"Sorry sis. I'm still banned." noted sky.

"Still?? You'd think they'd unban you after three years." replied rock angrily.

"You know my temper." Sky sighed. "It always flares up at the worst moments."

"I could tell, from the fact that we got IP BANNED. That's probably a permaban until we're old and wrinkled. Maybe I should switch with you. I don't have a temper."

"Seeing as you're yelling at me right now?" sky said angrily.

"If you're so mature, why don't YOU log on?"

"Fine. I will." Pushing past sky, she grabbed the mouse and began typing. She logged on successfully.

"Didn't we have an IP ban?" asked Sky, confused.

"They figured out you were the troll and I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." she responded.

"I didn't troll! I just got mad!"

"Tell the to the permaban."

Sky slammed the study door behind her.


[22/07/2012 13:03:03]

Magikarp wants Edit button!

Edit: It works now (obviously since the post got through)

I had just made an epic area too. With a few people already trying it. I guess they'll be wondering what happened. I never had time to say anything to them before I got banned.

Oh well. This is one of those things where it seems to make perfect sense at the time, then you go WTF did I do that for? Dangit!

[22/07/2012 02:24:09]


I think the guestbook is down

[22/07/2012 02:23:06]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC