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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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@Raichie Belle: 'Cause I want to, and I have absolutely nothing better to do.
TYPHLOSION SPAMMY! epicnesss![12/06/2012 06:52:13]
If I understand what you mean, then yes. Just in case, though, I'll give an example.
Right now, the only stone we have that acts on any kind of check is the Dawn Stone - it is gender based. So, in that "style", it is Stone / Gender, because it has to be a certain gender, or the stone won't work.
You use the stone, but it only works if it means the other criteria.[12/06/2012 04:04:10]
By "stone / whatever", I take it you mean you use the stone when the Pokemon meets the requirement of "whatever"?
[12/06/2012 03:24:40]
It's been a while since I posted here, but I do think that this is the perfect way for me to explain what I need.
So, I'm working on hacking FR's evolution routines, in order to develop new evolution methods. Specifically, I'm working with the Stone evolutions, though I do plan to work on the Levelup ones as well eventually. What I want are suggestions.
For example, the one I'm doing right now, and I've almost got it working, is Stone / Held Item.
Things I'm doing next are Stone / Gender (a la Dawn Stone), and Stone / Personality Value (so Wurmple can evolve into the other form).
Other ideas I've tossed around are Stone / Time, Stone / Move, and Stone / Happiness.
Does anyone have any other ideas for possible stone evolutions? Though, please, don't suggest something like "stone / held item / move / time / happiness", because that's just a bit ridiculous.[10/06/2012 03:56:29]
Commenting on: 06-05-12I love math! Actually, doing simple calculations about my Pokemon is what started me on math :)
[08/06/2012 22:42:53]
Commenting on: 06-05-12"…and it makes me so sad when people don't find this as awesome as I do."
No worries there; mathematics absolutely does not register in my brain, but I still find things like this really interesting :D[08/06/2012 01:32:28]
Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 06-05-12I was inspired to draw this by that post.
[07/06/2012 17:16:18]
Commenting on: 05-20-12Oh, that explains why the Quick Ball almost never failed in BW XD
[27/05/2012 04:25:36]
Commenting on: 05-20-12Huh, that addition to Sleep and Quick balls totally explains why the roaming legendaries were so easily to catch. It almost has a 1/4 chance with a Quick Ball while asleep and False Swiped.
[23/05/2012 03:23:26]
Commenting on: 05-16-12…it explodes the world, of course.
[17/05/2012 09:44:25]
Shadow Techie
Is it really spamming if no-one feels annoyed? Hmm…..
Suicune Spammy!
The sprites look awesome. wish i'd gotten a shiny spammy of suicune though.[14/05/2012 17:07:36]
Haha, sounds good. A nice, fair set of rules will ensure a good site!
And also, good idea with the shiny spam verification. I now feel tempted to post lots of comments to see if I can get a shiny! :D[13/05/2012 01:08:45]
Raichie Belle
Mew, why you spam?[11/05/2012 19:10:22]
I FINALLY got round to finishing that marquee of doom, a feat that I actually managed to do about 2 years ago, but got so excited about that I forgot to actually click the date modified…. Also, thanks for replying to my earlier post Butterfree :)
[02/05/2012 16:23:34]
ZOMG!! that shinx I caught just got two critical hits in a row in its first battle!
[29/04/2012 15:21:45]
so yesterday I tried to go through platinum with a ground-themed team. I learned how bad ground-types are outside of competitive battling. Then I restarted the game and started out with my first team ever: a shinx and a chimchar. I had to search for a half hour to get a shinx with intimidate.
[29/04/2012 15:18:31]
Oh, but then Wide Guard does have a use: if you have a pokemon use it, and the other two pokemon use earthquake, then only the opposing side will get hit.
[29/04/2012 15:07:11]
Website: The Frozen LabyrinthOkay, I see now
[28/04/2012 15:53:50]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI grew to like it because my many Butterfree over the years have used it to great effect, but I don't think it's correct to say it's my favorite because Butterfree can use it; there are other moves Butterfree can use that aren't my favorites, and technically Butterfree isn't even my favorite Pokémon so by that logic my favorite move should be something Charizard or Scyther learns.
[27/04/2012 18:35:23]
Website: The Frozen LabyrinthIs sleep powder your favorite because butterfree can use it or is it for another reason?
[27/04/2012 14:33:45]
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