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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-12-12

Oh, yeah, I knew I'd forgotten one of the things I was going to put on that poll.

…actually, screw it, I'll just add it to the poll. It hasn't been that long.

[13/09/2012 00:15:30]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 09-12-12

"Something Else": Pokémon Conquest review? I thought you mentioned somewhere that you were thinking of doing one. I guess you're not that excited about it or you would have made it an option, but if you feel so inclined, I would certainly be interested. (Moreso than for a movie review, since I don't really watch the Pokémon movies, but Conquest I might actually play.)

[13/09/2012 00:10:25]


I like that response for once. It was actually kind of amusing.

[11/09/2012 23:45:28]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

(I mean, I'm totally fine with you liking them anyway, but they're not good, and I don't want anyone to start reading the fic thinking it's going to be good or that I don't realize how not-good it is. It's my rampant perfectionism. Don't mind it.)

[11/09/2012 03:07:44]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

That's because they really, really do. Seriously. I could explain the many objective reasons this is true, but that genuinely would be tl;dr.

[11/09/2012 02:26:39]


You sure get defensive.

"Good early chapters"
Response: NO my chapters suck >:(

… 0.o

[11/09/2012 01:39:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Is there something in particular you're curious about regarding Sketch? I haven't generally been in the habit of making pages about individual moves because there isn't usually that much to say about an individual move. While Sketch is not the most straightforward move out there, it's also not very complex; at a guess I'd think describing its effects would only take a paragraph or two at most, which doesn't make for much of a section.

Pages about shiny Pokémon are everywhere; I don't particularly feel the need to reinvent the wheel by making yet another one. As far as I can tell the relevant information is already out there and commonplace, so I wouldn't be adding much with my writeup if I did one.

[09/09/2012 15:47:22]


Hey, you should write some information about the move Sketch. I find it a really interesting subject. Also, a section on shiny/shining Pokémon would be interesting, as a shiny hunter I would really enjoy that.

[09/09/2012 10:03:00]


Molzapart? I thought it was Zapmolcuno. :P

[08/09/2012 18:35:59]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

That's four sentences, and it's shorter than your own "rant". How on earth do you ever manage to have a conversation if that's your standard for tl;dr?

Also, if you'd bothered to read those four sentences (heck, even if you'd only read three of them), you'd know I was agreeing with you, not disagreeing.

[07/09/2012 10:12:15]


aw… you went all long ranty style anyway.

Ah well. Whatever you say. (AKA tl;dr)

[07/09/2012 01:28:25]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Eh, the fact TQftL has a save-the-world plot isn't exactly a secret anyway.

It is also not a secret that that the premise is all kinds of stupid and clichéd, because I came up with it when I was twelve and thought Molzapart and Rainteicune were the coolest things ever. You seem to be under the impression that I'm writing a save-the-world plot because I think save-the-world plots are perfectly awesome, instead of because that's what I'm stuck with because it is the plot. You're preaching to the choir.

And yes, the early chapters really are that bad.

<span class="spoiler">Testing to see if my attempt to fix multiline spoilers worked.
Blah blah blah.</span>

[06/09/2012 03:56:54]


Also I thought this thing was censored. :( Sorry once more. Can you edit it and fix my post? No? :( Sorry.

[06/09/2012 00:46:57]


FUUUU I did the spoiler wrong. Sorry :(

Also please don't reply with a long speech about how you did so and so because bla bla bla and therefore my argument of rant rant rant doesn't work.

No offense, but I usually go TL;DR and go do something else.

[06/09/2012 00:46:10]


I've already said everything I wanted to say. Not sure if this should be in a spoiler or not, but

TBH I don't like how tQftL now has the added "save the world" plot. I'm not going to change your mind, I know that much, so I'm just going to say that I don't like it much.

Save the world plots are really overused. I like how you did the chapter telling about the "war of legends" and stuff, and I'm wondering who the fuck the Destroyer is. (I am probably going to facepalm SO hard when I found out who it is. "oh duh I should've known that")

Nice fic. TBH the first few chapters, even on the ILCOE, aren't too bad.

[06/09/2012 00:44:26]


Wow. Been a while since I posted here. =P

Anyways, I'd like to agree with what Furret said, say "Hi" to ya'll and go back to whatever I was doing.

[05/09/2012 16:01:03]


This is a really great site. There's so much good information, and the grammar is flawless. Keep up the good work.

[02/09/2012 10:47:23]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Because I never technically affiliated with We All Live in a Pokémon World. There was no affiliation request and I did not go over the site scrutinizing it with the same standards I go through other affiliation requests. In particular, I doubt it would actually pass the requirement of being updated at least once every three months. At the time I believe We All Live in a Pokémon World did not list the sites it had done link exchanges with as "affiliates", either, though later it was restructured to do so; they were just links.

Technically she shouldn't be calling me an affiliate, but I don't really care because a mutual link exchange did take place and it would be kind of silly to demand she make a special category just for me.

[31/08/2012 13:25:47]


Hmm, I was browsing around the About Me page and it seems that your Twitter link is broken. Also, may I ask why the "We all live in a Pokémon World" site is listed as a recommended site here, but lists TCoD as an affiliate there?

[31/08/2012 13:14:07]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Mostly because when I have the time and ability to work on the site, I'd usually rather work on some actual content than the silly poll. I should probably get to changing it soon, though; it's been the same for quite a while now.

[29/08/2012 20:34:24]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC