
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Shiny Victini

Um. I guess I won't be gone for a week after all. I was there for a day before the kicked me out of the place and banned me from coming back. Geez, all I did was insult everybody… (Stupid temper. I always seem to get banned from everything.)

And as to why my name is Shiny Victini right now… The spam checker shows a Shiny Victini, OMG.

[23/07/2012 22:44:54]


Regarding your in-game humor section: I think the Battle Frontier phrases use the Easy Chat System to save space (They are stored as numbers which point to the words, you see). And maybe you should add some more like "I SWALLOW SLUDGE TO TRANSFORM MYSELF"? UPC has a great list.

(P.S: That spam-checker is damn addictive because I keep trying to get a Pokémon I like >.>)

[22/07/2012 15:11:39]


I wonder if Quentin really does have Dialga powers. I hope so, because then it might go something like this: (Using usernames as names.)

"Sorry sis. I'm still banned." noted sky.

"Still?? You'd think they'd unban you after three years." replied rock angrily.

"You know my temper." Sky sighed. "It always flares up at the worst moments."

"I could tell, from the fact that we got IP BANNED. That's probably a permaban until we're old and wrinkled. Maybe I should switch with you. I don't have a temper."

"Seeing as you're yelling at me right now?" sky said angrily.

"If you're so mature, why don't YOU log on?"

"Fine. I will." Pushing past sky, she grabbed the mouse and began typing. She logged on successfully.

"Didn't we have an IP ban?" asked Sky, confused.

"They figured out you were the troll and I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." she responded.

"I didn't troll! I just got mad!"

"Tell the to the permaban."

Sky slammed the study door behind her.


[22/07/2012 13:03:03]

Magikarp wants Edit button!

Edit: It works now (obviously since the post got through)

I had just made an epic area too. With a few people already trying it. I guess they'll be wondering what happened. I never had time to say anything to them before I got banned.

Oh well. This is one of those things where it seems to make perfect sense at the time, then you go WTF did I do that for? Dangit!

[22/07/2012 02:24:09]


I think the guestbook is down

[22/07/2012 02:23:06]

Magikarp [is leaving, sorry]

I'm leaving for a while. just like you said. Won't even be on the guestbook for a week.

Then I'll be back to wish that the Guestbook had a Coughing Cupboard thread.

Then a few more millenia and I might get unbanned.

[22/07/2012 02:03:41]


Yeah, I know, I know. I knew it all along. I'm a mankey, okay? You look at me and I madly attack you… And you can't stop me unless you have a Pokeball. Or an IP ban.

[22/07/2012 02:01:03]

Still Magikarp

And might want to change the "never" to "3 months" because that REALLY worried me, prompting me to spam accounts and rage… again, sorry. (um, just a question… you don't dock money for reviving old guestbooks, do you? XD)

[22/07/2012 01:59:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It doesn't prove your sister is fake, but someone who has already lied to try to have an infraction reversed is not really someone whose word you'd take at face value when they claim the account created from their IP just after they were banned is their sister.

Like I said, the first step towards possibly being let back in is realizing and accepting why we banned you and why it was reasonable for us to do so. Going "But I'm sorry and I won't do it again!" does not help your case at this point.

[22/07/2012 01:58:39]

Magikarp (not cool enough for scyther *cries*)

Of course I'll stay on the guest book. It's the closest thing, and I have to prove myself somewhere right?

Just pretend I'm Ash. Remember that one episode with AJ?

Imagine me as ash, giong "One… more… chance…"

while AJ says "come back when you've grown up" and Misty and Brock stare at Ash saying "he doesn't know when to quit, does he?" Yeah, unfortunately I'm Ash. without the Pikachu ;(

[22/07/2012 01:56:28]


Freeze. Wait so how does it prove my sis is fake after I immaturely edited my statement?

Second… I didn't make the accounts to spam, I made them to say sorry. Ahem, sorry about that too >_> Yeah. You can't stop Uproar, due to the fact that it will not end until the 2-5 turns are up. Dang it! Too bad you can't switch out in real life, huh?

I really am sorry, I was being honest when I said that if I got so much as a warning I would pretty much leave and come back three weeks later. Not literally three weeks, but you know what I mean.

[22/07/2012 01:52:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The site and forums are two different entities. I have mods on my forums; they have nothing whatsoever to do with the site, and there will never be staff that will have anything to do with the site.

I tried to e-mail this to you in response to your complaining messages sent through the contact form, but apparently you didn't give a real e-mail address even on your original account, so I'll put it here where you'll see it:

We're all for second chances. That's why it takes a few infractions to get banned, and even if you do get banned, you can come back in three months.

You, however, abused these chances. You reacted to the first infraction you got in the most immature possible way by throwing a fit over it, spamming and flaming people, pretending you didn't do it, and knowingly breaking further rules seemingly just to annoy us about it. And when this got you banned, you didn't sit back and think about how you could change your behaviour: you made more accounts to spam and complain more. You clearly have no real will to follow the forum rules and be a civil member, and that's what results in permanent bans. And because you kept making more accounts to complain while even actively threatening that you would never stop, you were IP banned.

You have given us no reason to trust you when you now claim that you're sorry and won't do it again. You've shown that you don't stop to think about consequences before you do things and that if you're reprimanded you will simply get angry and resist harder, not think about what you're doing and change your behaviour. You've given every indication that you would get into trouble again if we let you back in now.

I don't care if you come back at some point and have by then become a better, wiser person who never breaks any rules. But rushing to register five more accounts the moment you've been banned is not a sign you're a better, wiser person. Nor is thinking you can make everything better by registering yet another account to make a long tearful message about how much you want to be unbanned. It's a sign you don't understand at all how forums are run and have a long, long way to go before that point.

And I don't believe that second account was really your sister. I'm sorry if it actually is, but trolls and troublemakers come back pretending to be their siblings all the time. Telling your sibling to register at a forum where you just got banned is a terrible idea because the administration will be forced to assume it's actually you. The hypothesis you're lying about the sister is further supported by the fact that you had already responded to being reprimanded by lying, namely by editing the offending statement out of your post and claiming it wasn't there. Any reasonable person would conclude at this point that it's actually you, and it's a further reason not to trust you because you're trying to trick your way back instead of acknowledging that you screwed up in a truly monumental fashion.

You can be in the guestbook if you want, provided you don't make trouble here, but stop trying to get back onto the forums. Being so insistent on being let back in is extremely counterproductive to the goal of looking like you've properly realized why your behaviour was unacceptable and your ban was justified, which is the first step to seeming like you could become a rule-abiding member.

[22/07/2012 01:04:11]

Scyther (I like this name better.)

I scrolled down and read the post i made about "not being a troublemaker". ;( Well at least I tried not to be one.

[21/07/2012 23:33:35]


I had to make multiple accounts (Sorry butterfree! I know thats bad) to post gushy messages to the mod. He ignored we and banned all of them. If you want to see them, go to The Safari Game and select the Bank v2.0 forum. Check page 9. Basically, I poured my heart out in saying that I loved this website, the forum, and I would do ANYTHING to get unbanned. Very likely it simply made it less likely to unban me, Maybe you should change that Never option for banning to 6 months or something and save the Never option for REAL trolls, spammers, etc. Please, I'm sorry, can I have another chance? I know it was a stupid thing to do.

[21/07/2012 23:31:54]


They just banned my sister. She ran upstairs crying… I guess they thought it was still me. I did use the family computer all day. >.<

[21/07/2012 22:38:12]

skyironsword, Not Scyther ;(

I just got banned from the forums… forever. I can't believe it. I hope they let my sister take my place. Wait, no staff allowed (says your FAQ), but there are mods? You really are crazy :P

Do you think you'll reconsider? When I use rage, for some reason it has recoil damage. Do you have any Max Revives?

I"m sorry… Think I can have my forum account back? I miss the forums already.

[21/07/2012 22:35:37]

Scyther (I'm Shiny! *sparkle*)

don't worry, no troublemaking. And um… What does clue #6 mean?

[21/07/2012 21:04:02]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Also, if you want more to do, play the games more until you don't fail. :P

[21/07/2012 17:26:27]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Your DS still has an IP. Variable IPs in general can be a nuisance, but no repeated troublemaker has actually bypassed a ban yet. For that matter, there have been about four repeated troublemakers ever.

[21/07/2012 17:25:50]

Scyther (Whee! Scythes!)

My favorite pokemon used to be Meganium. Oddly enough, after visiting your site, Scyther is now my favorite pokemon.

[21/07/2012 17:01:56]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC