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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesDid you make your birthday publically visible? I believe there's an option for that too.
[06/04/2012 04:37:13]
Oh, well, I went to the calander and Oct. 20th is empty. maybe when it comes around, it will be up there.
[05/04/2012 18:39:53]
Website: http://www.dragonflycave.comeu quero saber como o mew fica com o Zekrom
[05/04/2012 16:46:28]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIf you mean the calendar on the forums, you don't need to put it there; it will automatically be there if you set your birthdate in your profile.
[04/04/2012 21:01:02]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhat do you mean, "put it on the calendar"? o.o
[04/04/2012 20:59:43]
Umm, quick question, who do I go to to put my birthday on the calander? My birthday is October 20th, 1994.
[04/04/2012 13:15:01]
Atem's Girlfriend
Bwahahahahaha! Thank you ever so much for giving me a way to translate my zodiac into Icelandic. I'm going to put it in my forum signature when the server isn't busy.
[04/04/2012 03:08:16]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-01-12Kind of. It was really just the first thing I thought of while still looking at his name. :P
[03/04/2012 14:05:33]
Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 03-31-12Can't do anything about the connotations being different, then. xp
[03/04/2012 11:08:48]
Commenting on: 04-01-12I noticed that the joke that involved "DRAG on Flyc ave." had your father as one of the "satisfied customers". And is "William Doors" a reference to his name?
[03/04/2012 11:04:14]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-01-12No. You're thinking of my dad's website, which has always been at, and was therefore sometimes stumbled upon by my visitors when the site's main URL was
[03/04/2012 10:59:19]
Mouse Tourmaline
Commenting on: 04-01-12Wasn't there once a year when you redirected the site address into something beginning with V, and it was a (n Icelandic?) tribute to some bloke? Or am I dreaming this?
[03/04/2012 10:36:53]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-12(Though the too-archaic point still stands and gives it different connotations than "Þér eruð fífl." "Ye" sounds mostly old, while "þér" is mostly way ultra-formal and secondarily old.)
[03/04/2012 04:59:24]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-12Polymetric: Huh, you're right. My mistake. Should have thought to fact-check that, but for some reason I was really sure you and ye were the other way around (misguided by the vowels' parallel to thou/thee, I guess).
[03/04/2012 04:49:04]
Commenting on: 04-01-12Lol, I thought it was hilarious that some people actually believed it. I'd sooner believe Ash dumped Pikachu XD
[03/04/2012 02:10:28]
Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 03-31-12Actually, on second thought - are you sure you're correct about "ye suck" being grammatically equivalent to "me suck"? For all I know, I could be wrong - I haven't exactly studied the usage of "ye" and other such English pronouns that have fallen out of use - but I went to look up the pronouns and, unless I'm misreading that chart, ye seems to fall in line with "I" in terms of usage. Like if you were to say "I present to thee…" it's roughly equivalent to "I/[you] present to me…" (except with a different pronoun) as opposed to "I/[you] present to I…". And you might say "Thou are correct" about something which, when using a first-person pronoun, becomes "I am correct" rather than "Me am/are correct". If that's the case I would think that ye would follow the same usage as I/thou since the table has it in the same column (honestly I don't know what nominative/oblique actually mean, so) - so if that's the case wouldn't "I suck", "Thou suck" and "Ye suck" all be grammatically equivalent? Like I said I could be entirely wrong but… idk, something about you saying that "ye suck" was grammatically equivalent to "me suck" just struck me in an odd way.
[03/04/2012 00:02:12]
Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 03-31-12Okay, that's fair. Man, if that doesn't work I wish there was some way to translate the idea into English :/
[02/04/2012 23:38:54]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-12Polymetric: It's not the same. "Þér eruð fífl" is the grammatically correct way to use the respectful "you" in that sentence, as opposed to "ye suck" which is grammatically equivalent to "me suck" - the nonsense grammar takes away from the ultra-serious air the stuffy word usage is supposed to give it. Plus, it's not quite that archaic; there are people alive today who grew up addressing (for instance) teachers that way.
[02/04/2012 23:23:32]
Looking at the Google Translate results, I think an Engrish easter egg would be fun.
[02/04/2012 21:39:40]
Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 03-31-12Could always start using "Ye suck"/"Ye are an idiot" for the poll options. :p
[02/04/2012 18:02:00]
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