
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Just took the Pokémon Fan Test. Why doesn't it have a manga section? For some people, that's a really important part of being a 'Pokémon Fan'.

[10/07/2012 14:39:05]


I loved you animal crulety bit :) it was a education read :) and the pokemon benifiting from a human isnt something I had thought of before. thank you :)

[09/07/2012 21:43:00]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 07-01-12

I've grown out of finding it cool to be annoyed with everything since I wrote the original FAQ. There's nothing wrong with rants, but there is when innocent readers who are actually doing the right thing by looking up their query in the FAQ are subjected to them in response to innocuous questions.

I don't want to sound like I mean business. I want to sound like a human being who doesn't delight in lecturing kids on how wrong they are about everything.

[09/07/2012 10:39:39]


I have to say, I liked the old FAQ better, because it sounded like you meant BUSINESS.

[09/07/2012 00:53:52]

Website: Loffy's deviantART account
Commenting on: 07-01-12

Hm… Not gonna lie, I actually remember thinking that the old FAQ page seemed pretty harsh; I could see it scaring off some newer or younger readers. The tone of the new page is much calmer; it's nice that you went and revamped it c:

[08/07/2012 18:48:44]


No. As I think I may have mentioned (probably in the "Ruler of the Universe thing") I have the worst laptop in THE DARN UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!! I can't even paste stuff into my address bar, which sucks. Anyway, sorry about the long response time, I can't access my email =P

[08/07/2012 16:36:19]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

That is your clue. Do you know how to view the source code of a page in your browser?

For most of the game you aren't going to really know what you're looking for, to be honest, so you shouldn't be expecting that.

[07/07/2012 21:04:05]


Help! I'm playing Magikarp: The Gathering and I don't know what I'm looking for. I tried going back to the Magikarp: tG page and all it gave me was Hmm. You might want to look closer at this.

[07/07/2012 15:42:37]

Commenting on: 07-01-12

Hahaha holy snap, I didn't even realise (with an S!) how harsh the old faq was until now. It was awesome though. I mostly just love reading rants, as eeveefan mentions. But this faq probably serves its purpose much, much better, and won't scare off the poor noobs ('noobs' being a friendly moniker, that is). :3

My only regret is that future readers will never know the wonder of the two who irreverently suggested a sonic section \o/

[07/07/2012 02:29:20]

Website: Imaginario Disfraz
Commenting on: 07-01-12

It's nice that you revamped your FAQ. I was reading it about a week before the revamp, and a lot of the tone of the answers seemed very angry, such as the one where you talk about having sheep facts on a scarf. O,o;

The answers to your questions no longer look like chapters to a novel. xD I haven't read them yet, but I will soon. I always love reading FAQs.

[04/07/2012 23:56:01]

Commenting on: 07-01-12

Well, it does seem a lot less ranty, but I liked your ranty answer to the type triangle better XD

And completely off-topic, but I can't help but be amazed at people who guess your crossword clues. I feel like a bad Pokémon fan XD

[03/07/2012 00:13:11]

Commenting on: 07-01-12

Can you still have a page for the old FAQ and Contact Me? I liked them better.

[02/07/2012 15:13:32]

Terry. T.

Oh, and I see I'm still banned. Some things never change I guess, ah well I could be in worse situations. Hopefully one day I might get unbanned, or it could stay this way. Only Butterfree can tell[/psychic]

[01/07/2012 20:35:38]

Terry. T.

Hey all, just wanted to drop by and say…well…hi I guess. I've uploaded a new spriting video which I'm hoping you'll like (or in most cases, wonder why I've returned due to my inability to sprite well) and I wanted to know how the place is going.


[01/07/2012 20:17:00]

Commenting on: 06-05-12

Oh wow I never knew there was a bug like this in gen 2.

[29/06/2012 19:40:50]

Website: Pokefarm user page
Commenting on: 06-05-12

As a computer science graduate, I admire your fiddling, and fiddling with a buggy program is a lot more fun than with one that's hard to break open.

[25/06/2012 08:57:50]


@Raichie Belle: 'Cause I want to, and I have absolutely nothing better to do.


[12/06/2012 06:52:13]


If I understand what you mean, then yes. Just in case, though, I'll give an example.

Right now, the only stone we have that acts on any kind of check is the Dawn Stone - it is gender based. So, in that "style", it is Stone / Gender, because it has to be a certain gender, or the stone won't work.

You use the stone, but it only works if it means the other criteria.

[12/06/2012 04:04:10]


By "stone / whatever", I take it you mean you use the stone when the Pokemon meets the requirement of "whatever"?

[12/06/2012 03:24:40]


It's been a while since I posted here, but I do think that this is the perfect way for me to explain what I need.

So, I'm working on hacking FR's evolution routines, in order to develop new evolution methods. Specifically, I'm working with the Stone evolutions, though I do plan to work on the Levelup ones as well eventually. What I want are suggestions.

For example, the one I'm doing right now, and I've almost got it working, is Stone / Held Item.

Things I'm doing next are Stone / Gender (a la Dawn Stone), and Stone / Personality Value (so Wurmple can evolve into the other form).

Other ideas I've tossed around are Stone / Time, Stone / Move, and Stone / Happiness.

Does anyone have any other ideas for possible stone evolutions? Though, please, don't suggest something like "stone / held item / move / time / happiness", because that's just a bit ridiculous.

[10/06/2012 03:56:29]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC