
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Why do you never put any polls up anymore?

[29/08/2012 19:50:09]


Okay, okay, I get the point. Just pretend I never said that line about veekun.

[25/08/2012 22:07:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

veekun has not "not had anything new for years"; the Pokédex is continuously evolving and Eevee is consistently one of the first people to rip info from new games when they come out. It was probably the first place to have movesets, etc. from Black and White 2.

[25/08/2012 20:12:42]


Pokemon Spectrum has nothing on it. There were some links to other sites, like Bulbapedia and tCoD itself. I followed one to Veekun which hasn't had anything new for years.

Although the little nebula video at the beginning is quite cool.

[25/08/2012 18:41:02]


I'm using Spectrum style for tCoD. :P

I'm bored. Off to this funky Pokemon Spectrum site it is!

[25/08/2012 00:53:20]

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Aha! I got Coballion as my spam thingy guy. Anyway, just wanted to thank you for harshly critisizing my website. It needed it. I'll most likely beg for affiliation in the future, when it actually deserves it. Thanks again.

[24/08/2012 23:42:09]

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Aha. Well, I like character deaths, too, although I don't usually do it to my main characters. And although I don't put it on Spectrum, if any of you go there (which I doubt), I do write a lot. Just not as many fanfics.

Aha, I just realized that Butterfree has just not replied to my post because she thinks it's retarded, I legit thought she had been gone for a while. And yes, I will be the second to admit that I am terrible at Pokemon Hangman. It's hard with six-hundred forty nine freaking possibilities! Anyway, have you finished nitpicking? I'm sure it's an incredibly long proccess, but my site is a baby, and it doesn't have that much to nitpick. So yeah. That's all I have to say.

[24/08/2012 21:44:20]


@Butterfree I just don't like death in general.

I hope you understand.

[24/08/2012 12:39:36]


Pokemon Hangman is hard D:

[24/08/2012 11:52:33]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I don't understand people who are horribly put off when fictional characters are killed. I get liking Mia and wanting to see more of her (although there are extras for that, because I also like Mia and want to write more of her), but I love character death unless it's just poorly executed. My favorite scenes in many works of fiction involve my favorite characters dying horribly.

Not saying you have to like it too, obviously, but please be aware that I do kill characters, take great joy in it, and have absolutely no plans of stopping. Don't read my work if that upsets you.

As for how I can make a sequel, I'll do it using the other 3/4 of the characters, obviously. Lucy and Jean are going to be the main morphs. But I may be tempted to put in flashbacks or something with Mia in them because Mia. (Otherwise I'll stick with extras.)

Finally, please don't post unmarked spoilers like what characters die in a work of fiction in the guestbook. You clearly know how to use the spoiler BBCodes, since you used one to hide some asterisks in your post; hiding discussion of spoilery material is what they're for. I'll let this stand because Morphic is fairly old by now and this will eventually be pushed off the page, but yeah, try not to do that in the future.

[24/08/2012 11:11:46]

Once again... guestbook needs edit button

I don't much like books with sad endings. Sorry. I can tolerate someone unimportant getting killed (Brian) but I basically had to force myself to read chapter 14.

How are you going to make a sequel if 1/4 of the characters are dead and half are injured?

[24/08/2012 01:44:23]

Scyther (Whee! Scythes!)

I just read Morphic. Are you ****ing kidding me, Mia's dead? Nooo! :(

She was my favorite character…

Oh well. But the Quest For The Legends better have a happy ending.

[24/08/2012 01:40:56]

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Scyther, Scyther, Scyther. Y U NO LEAVE TCoD ALONE! Aha, just kidding. I've heard about infamity all over the site, and I applaud you for actually having a solid reputation, whether it's good or not, although Butterfree will kill me for applauding you.

Anyway, I think that unless you got booted from one massive flame, that you should have learned your lesson about flaming, yet you still did it. So it's a good thing that you're gone, no offense.

Anyway, I don't even know what Maffia is. I know ten million people are gonna chew me out for that, but I don't care either way.

So yeah. This post was kinda pointless. But hey, I'm bored, and Spectrum isn't exactly getting a lot of attention. So hopefully posting a lot on here will boost the traffic a little. So completely disregard everything I just said because I only wrote it due to boredom.

[23/08/2012 21:08:35]


@Mohacastle No, my account Skyironsword (who annoyingly switches names on the guestbook, but no worries I'll stay with scyther this time) can't play mafia. I was banned from the forums forever. What do people have against mass chaos and flaming?

[23/08/2012 20:15:13]

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Meganium or however you spell it: There's a maffia link on the forums. And also, since I'm too lazy to make a website myself although I can, use Wix or Weebly. HTML is hard to do as good as Butterfree does it.

[23/08/2012 18:40:04]


If I could figure out how to make a site I would. But for now I'll be content with staring at the forums and wishing I could play Mafia. :P

[23/08/2012 02:40:29]

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Alrighty, good. I wasn't aware of the whole infraction system, and I'm stupid so I assumed one part of the site's rules were universal. Anyway, regarding the site, my site, I personally think the site is ready. Raven is never online though, so I'm not sure what he thinks. However, although we have put out there that we're making a PokeDex, I'm reconsidering because we're using wix as a host while I try to learn HTML from your guide. And Wix isn't exactly friendly with these kinds of things. So I might rennovate it into a Pokestadium style, make your own Pokemon kinda thing. So yeah. Just in case you needed it, though, the link to the site is on my Signature. So thank you for not giving me the boot.

[21/08/2012 19:01:41]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The forums are not the guestbook. Off-topic discussion is allowed in the guestbook, but that has nothing to do with the forums, which are the thing that has a warning system and its own rules which explicitly disallow comments that don't contribute anything of substance to the thread.

Also, you are getting another chance. You need fifty infraction points to get banned, and what you got wasn't even any infraction points, because it was just a warning.

Well, if you get your content back up on your site, tell me and I'll respond to your affiliation request.

[21/08/2012 01:26:03]

Website: Pokemon Spectrum

Well, I gave Raven the password to the site and said, "Here, make your intro page," which apparently translated to, "Here Raven, please edit my website to your own liking, not paying attention to the warning that I told you, specifying not to do exactly that." I know you're on all the time, I just like to read the updates you write. They're funny. I guess I should just read your Tweets more often. So yeah. BTW, what's with Espeon giving me a spam warning for being random? Last time I checked, there was nothing against that. I mean, right under the rules up there it says, "Off-topic discussion is allowed " Apparently not. So can I have another chance please? Thanks a bunch.

[20/08/2012 21:03:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I'm not sure what you're suggesting. Do you actually want a game about knowing the name of the Pokémon, or do you not want Pokémon names used for spam verification?

[19/08/2012 12:23:58]

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