
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Butterfree, the forums just went down. it said, "internal server error."

[19/07/2012 15:21:59]

Mew: now called ElectricTogetic!

Wow… the Guestbook has kind of died since I came here and made my first post in 2010. I guess everyone moved to the forums? I saw Frostagin on there.

[18/07/2012 04:55:01]


Been a while since I last came on here…I wonder what stuff this site has now?

[17/07/2012 13:41:44]

Commenting on: 07-11-12

Thanks so much for fixing this~! c:

[16/07/2012 12:55:12]


Fine u win see u around n stop holding grudges been banned for like 2 years well lest my multi isn't farewell n great site still.

[15/07/2012 03:43:25]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It's a common language in chatrooms and instant messengers where quick typing helps, yes. It is not a common language on forums, or at least not on forums populated mostly by people over the age of twelve. Everybody else can take the time to spell and punctuate properly on the forums; why can't you?

[14/07/2012 23:53:46]


most of you tcod forum mods r still uptight about grammar. Shakes my head you all do chat speak its a comman language by now get over yourselfs.

[14/07/2012 20:38:43]


I feel like I should have something more substantial to say, but I don't. I feel like I've been to this site years ago, but I don't think I have. Everything here feels nostalgic, I think it's in the retro-design.

Anyways, I have a hard time resisting things like this, somehow I think that it's important that I should leave some tiny mark even if it will quickly be forgotten or erased. Even if this gets deleted, that's OK. What's important is that I left it, even if it wasn't deleted how many people will see this? It will quickly be forgotten as another pointless comment upon thousands. It's like shouting out on the edge of a canyon or leaving a comment in a dead forum. The important part is doing it now, for yourself. Does that make any sense?

[13/07/2012 21:36:30]


I love it if you make more styles, like one with arcanine in it

[13/07/2012 20:33:01]


The gen 1(and maybe all gens) capture mechanics page says you can capture a Pokèmon at 0 hp! Maybe you should add something to check the hp and if at 0, alert the user s(he) can't capture a Pokèmon that has 0 hp.

[13/07/2012 20:13:50]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Presumably you mean TQftL?

I don't mind if you make a hack, so long as it's made clear wherever it may be posted that it's based on the fic. I'd prefer to be kept in the loop, though, and consulted for things like storyline streamlining, etc.

[12/07/2012 05:12:55]


hello butterfree, i have been getting into rom hacking quite a bit, and once i have enough experience and your story is further along, i wanted to know if i could turn your story into a hack. of course id need permission to use your sprites, and to take from the story, so thats what i am asking here. please get bak to me on this.

thank you,


[11/07/2012 17:18:12]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I've always been kind of iffy on including the manga in general Pokémon things because, put simply, talking about 'the' manga at all is misleading; there are a myriad different mangas, none of them really any more official than any of the others, most of which have never even been officially translated into English. It's kind of a similar principle to why the Games section ignores spin-off games in all its specific questions. There could be a section about Pokémon manga in general, I suppose, but it would be kind of hard to squeeze twenty questions out of it without going into specifics and thus arbitrarily favoring one manga over another.

Although the Pokémon Fan Test is generally old and silly and I should take it down or at least revamp it somehow anyway.

[10/07/2012 16:43:26]


Just took the Pokémon Fan Test. Why doesn't it have a manga section? For some people, that's a really important part of being a 'Pokémon Fan'.

[10/07/2012 14:39:05]


I loved you animal crulety bit :) it was a education read :) and the pokemon benifiting from a human isnt something I had thought of before. thank you :)

[09/07/2012 21:43:00]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 07-01-12

I've grown out of finding it cool to be annoyed with everything since I wrote the original FAQ. There's nothing wrong with rants, but there is when innocent readers who are actually doing the right thing by looking up their query in the FAQ are subjected to them in response to innocuous questions.

I don't want to sound like I mean business. I want to sound like a human being who doesn't delight in lecturing kids on how wrong they are about everything.

[09/07/2012 10:39:39]


I have to say, I liked the old FAQ better, because it sounded like you meant BUSINESS.

[09/07/2012 00:53:52]

Website: Loffy's deviantART account
Commenting on: 07-01-12

Hm… Not gonna lie, I actually remember thinking that the old FAQ page seemed pretty harsh; I could see it scaring off some newer or younger readers. The tone of the new page is much calmer; it's nice that you went and revamped it c:

[08/07/2012 18:48:44]


No. As I think I may have mentioned (probably in the "Ruler of the Universe thing") I have the worst laptop in THE DARN UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!! I can't even paste stuff into my address bar, which sucks. Anyway, sorry about the long response time, I can't access my email =P

[08/07/2012 16:36:19]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

That is your clue. Do you know how to view the source code of a page in your browser?

For most of the game you aren't going to really know what you're looking for, to be honest, so you shouldn't be expecting that.

[07/07/2012 21:04:05]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC